National Geographic Presents :
Drugs Inc 2010

In the highly anticipated 4-part series, National Geographic gives a comprehensive view of the $300 billion dollar global illicit drug industry from multiple perspectives; producers, traffickers, dealers, users, doctors, and law enforcement officials. The first two episodes focus on cocaine and methamphetamine. Heroin and marijuana are the focus in parts three and four.
Part 1:
Drugs, Inc.: Cocaine. The supply chain of cocaine is international, and produces fast wealth for a very few, and delivering misery to millions. This episode will follow its trail from the perspective of the peasant farmers who grow cocaine, a trafficker tied to Mexican cartels and a 28-year-old crack dealer in Miami’s poorest neighborhood. Additionally the devastation of cocaine addiction will be revealed via revolutionary brain photography in a leading laboratory in Brookhaven, New York.
Part 2:
Drugs, Inc.: Meth. Methamphetamine is a powerful stimulant that can be made in less than an hour from a common cold remedy. Presently its production and use is sweeping across the U.S. and Asia. This episode will reveal a raid on a suspected meth lab, a stake-out in a neighborhood pharmacy where addicts attempt to accumulate cold and flu pills. A neuroscientist who is urgently searching for a cure for addiction is interviewed.

Part 3:
Drugs, Inc.: Heroin. Heroin is a deadly opium derivative causing addition and often death. This episode will take viewers to a remote Afghan heroin lab that processes the raw materials and then on to Chicago, where a dealer demonstrates its final preparation for street sale and later to and witness a police raid on a heroin distribution network in New Jersey. The insidiousness of addition is revealed through interviews with users who illuminate the paths to addiction.
Part 4:
Drugs, Inc: Marijuana. Cannabis, commonly known as marijuana, is the most widely used illicit drug in the world. For many decades the global supply was controlled by the criminal underworld, but now a quasi-legal industry worth billions of dollars is booming. The program takes viewers on a visit to growers in Holland and Jamaica who are leading a horticultural revolution in high-grade cannabis. Users consuming for medicinal purposes are profiled and the so-called “Green Rush” of medical marijuana in cities across the U.S. is examined. In contrast, viewers will witness how violent cartels in Mexico continue to use marijuana to finance criminal enterprises.
Screen Shots :

Source..............: hdtv
Runtime.............: 45 mins each
File Size...........: 1.40 gb
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