The most powerful tool to selectively control color and light in your photographs.
Viveza 2 brings a whole new time-saving dimension to your image editing. No complicated selections or layer masks to wear you down. Point, click, slide and voilá - your image looks great. Now featuring global adjustments, fine-detail structure control, and shadow recovery. Viveza 2 will forever change the way you edit images. For Adobe® Photoshop®, Adobe Photoshop Lightroom®, and Apple® Aperture®

About Viveza 2
The most powerful tool to selectively control color and light in your photographs.
Creating great photography involves mastery of color and light. Powered by Nik Software’s patented U Point® technology, new Viveza 2 allows photographers of any skill level to quickly enhance their images using innovative tools designed for speed and efficiency.
From precise selective enhancements using U Point powered control points to adjustments that enhance the entire image, Viveza 2 helps you spend more time shooting photographs and will forever change the way you edit photos.
Installation Instructions
Run Viveza2-pal-ver2.004all.dmg
To Mount & Install Nik Software - Viveza 2 v2.004 Mac Os X
follow The Onscreen Instructions By The Installer
When Finish Installing,Click Close, To Complete The Setup
Now Start Your Compatible Photo Editing Soft, Ex.Photoshop,
Now Open Any Photo In Your Photo Editing Soft, Ex.Photoshop,
In Photoshop Go To Filters-> Nik Software-> Viveza 2,
Wait A Sec, Now The Program Starts, You Will Be Ask To Provide
A User Name And [ Product Key ]. Select [ Activate By Phone ]
Now Go To The Folder [ C.R. Patch ] Extract And Start The Keygen,
Now From The Program, Type The [ Installation ID ] On The Keygen
Where Stated, Once That Is Done, On The Keygen Select [ Generate ]
And Copy & Paste The [ Serial/Product Key ] & [ Activation Code ]
On The Program Where Stated, And Click [ Activate ] To Register The Program,
Done Enjoy !!! .
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