I grandi film in HD di Mandragola (Stabler)

Notorious B.I.G.


Scheda film - Data File
Titolo originale - Original title: Notorious B.I.G.
Nazionalità - Country: USA
Anno - Year: 2009
Genere - Gender: Biography - Drama - Music
Regia - Director: George Tillman Jr.
Soggetto - Subjects: Reggie Rock Bythewood, Cheo Hodari Coker
Produzione - Production: Wayne Barrow, Edward Bates, Trish Hofmann, Mark Pitts, Robert Teitel, Voletta Wallace, George Paaswell
Produttore esecutivo - Executive pruducer: Sean 'P. Diddy' Combs
Musiche - Music: Danny Elfman
Data di uscita - Release date: 17/07/2009 Italy
Lingua originale - Lenguage: English
Fotografia - Photography: Michael Grady
Montaggio - Mounting: Dirk Westervelt
Scenografia - Scenography: Jane Musky, Alexandra Mazur
Casting: Twinkie Byrd, Pamela Frazier, Chris Gray
Art director: Laura Ballinger
Durata - During: 122 min
Cast: Jamal Woolard - The Notorious B.I.G., Angela Bassett - Voletta Wallace, Derek Luke - Sean Combs, Anthony Mackie - Tupac Shakur, Antonique Smith - Faith Evans, Naturi Naughton - Lil Kim, Marc John Jefferies - Lil Cease, Mohamed Dione - Il manager della casa di produzione al party, Dennis L.A. White - Damion 'D-Roc' Butler, Menyone DeVeaux - Hot Girl, Christopher Jordan Wallace - Biggie, tra 8 e 13 anni, Ricky Smith - Wally, Amanda Christopher - Keisha, Jasper Briggs - Damion, tra 8 e 13 anni, Cyrus Farmer - Selwyn, David Costabile - Mr. Webber, Julia Pace Mitchell - Jan, Jermaine Denny - Primo, Sean Ringgold - Suge Knight, Charles Malik Whitfield - Wayne Barrow

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJ2vtBOB25A English
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9sVEUdhEZo Italiano
l 9 marzo 1997 Christopher George Latore Wallace, meglio conosciuto come The Notorious B.I.G., sta rientrando in macchina al suo hotel dopo essere stato al Soul Train Award di Los Angeles quando un uomo a bordo di un’auto apre il fuoco uccidendolo all’istante. Il secondo album del celebre rapper della East Coast, “Life After Death”, esce quindici giorni più tardi e debutta al primo posto delle classifiche. Notorious è la cronaca (romanzata) della vita di Wallace. Partendo dalla notte dell’omicidio, il regista George Tillman, Jr. ne ripercorre in maniera cronologica tutte le tappe, da quando ragazzino veniva deriso dai compagni di scuola per la sua stazza e perché scriveva rime, al primo contratto discografico con la Bad Boy Records di Sean “Puffy” Combs, dagli anni in cui, giovanissimo, si guadagnava da vivere spacciando droga per le strade di Brooklyn alle tormentate storie d’amore con baby mama Jan, Kimberly “Lil’ Kim” Jones e Faith Evans.
A scandire l’ascesa dell’icona del rap sono i brani (editi) dello stesso Notorious B.I.G. che raccontano la sua storia e allo stesso tempo offrono la colonna sonora ideale per mettere in luce il contesto in cui nascevano i suoi testi taglienti, violenti e autobiografici. All’epoca l’hip-hop si divideva principalmente in due fazioni; da una parte risuonava la West Coast con Snoop Doggy Dogg, Dr. Dre, Tupac Shakur e la Death Row Records e dall’altra ribatteva la East Coast con la Bad Boy Records di Sean “Puffy” Combs e Craig Mack, The Notorious B.I.G. e i suoi “protetti”, i Junior M.A.F.I.A.. La battaglia a colpi di rime (e di armi da fuoco) diviene del biopic punto focale nel momento in cui i rapporti tra Biggie Smalls (altro moniker del massiccio Mc) e 2Pac si irrigidiscono culminando con minacce e spari, ma la cronaca dei fatti manca di obiettività e presenta qualche lacuna. Laddove il film addita i media come principali responsabili del crescente astio tra le due fazioni rivali, la storia perde parte della sua credibilità e cede al buonismo liberando gli esponenti della East Coast dalle accuse e tramutando persino Puff Daddy in una sorta di paladino della giustizia.
Se è vero che da un’opera, per quanto biografica, prodotta da amici e parenti non ci si può aspettare assoluta franchezza e veridicità, Notorious (prodotta dalla signora Voletta Wallace, da Sean Combs e soci, e interpretata dal figlio del rapper, CJ, nel ruolo di Chris bambino) può essere considerata più un omaggio a un grande artista che non un puro biopic. Tuttavia la bravura degli attori – l’esordiente Jamal Woolard offre corpo e movenze a Biggie Smalls in una prova eccellente, Angela Bassett si confronta magistralmente col ruolo della madre e Derek Luke si dimostra più che capace a vestire gli eleganti abiti di Combs – fa del film di George Tillman, Jr. un buon prodotto d’intrattenimento per i seguaci della scena hip-hop e per quanti non conoscessero l’uomo che iniziò la scalata al successo sentendosi pronto a morire e la terminò a soli ventiquattro anni quando si era finalmente detto pronto a vivere.
The film opens at a party in Los Angeles in March 1997. Christopher Wallace / Biggie Smalls / The Notorious B.I.G. (Jamal Woolard) is seen sitting at his chair smoking. People, including Faith Evans (Antonique Smith) and Sean "Puffy" Combs (Derek Luke), move to the music on the dance floor. Moments later, Biggie, Combs, and friends are driving away from the party. They stop at a red light, while Lil' Cease, (Marc John Jefferies) is flirting with women outside. A black Chevrolet Impala pulls up and someone inside fires a single shot at Biggie.
The film then flashes back to Biggie's childhood in the early 1980s, recounting his tough upbringing in Brooklyn. Biggie (Christopher "CJ" Wallace, Jr.) writes several rap songs, enduring the ridicule of some classmates. Biggie then starts selling drugs at the height of the crack epidemic. In 1990, after winning an important rap battle, he meets Kim Jones (Naturi Naughton) for the first time. Kim is attracted to Biggie instantly and they later have sex in her apartment. However, Kim is afraid to start a new relationship because of a past relationship when she was abused. Biggie assures her that he won't break her heart and they begin dating (even though he is dating Jan also). Prior to this, Biggie's mother, Voletta (Angela Bassett), throws him out of the house after discovering his involvement with drugs.
After serving time in prison, he goes to see his other girlfriend Jan (Julia Pace Mitchell), and their new daughter, T'yanna (Taylor Dior). After reconciling with his mother, he goes to find D-Roc and Lil' Cease and records a demo called "Microphone Murderer". Shortly thereafter, Biggie meets Sean Combs, an ambitious producer for Uptown Records. Combs promises Biggie that he will sign him to a record deal. Combs, however, will only accept Biggie if he gives up drug dealing. Biggie agrees and then leaves. Biggie learns that Puffy has lost his job at Uptown Records. Frustrated and upset, Biggie nearly ruins his chances, when Biggie, along with his friend, D-Roc (played by Dennis L.A. White), has a run-in with the police which results in Biggie throwing his illegal gun into the bushes. They are caught by the police after a chase. D-Roc eventually decides to "take the fall" for the both of them because he believes that Biggie can succeed as a rapper.
When Biggie and Mark Pitts, talk to Voletta about Big's rap career, Voleta talks to Biggie in private. Biggie discovers that his mother has breast cancer. Biggie becomes depressed, but soon recovers when Puffy begins his own record label, Bad Boy Records, and signs him. Biggie starts recording songs for his first album, Ready to Die, thereafter. He records his first single, "Machine Gun Funk"; Combs suggests there's another song that Biggie can record. The track is called "Juicy".
Biggie meets Faith Evans at a photo shoot. They begin a whirlwind courtship, marrying soon after. Meanwhile, Biggie continues to ignore his relationship with Jan and their child. When Faith suspects Biggie is cheating on her, she goes to confront him at his hotel room, seeing him with yet another woman. The two later reconcile despite the fact that tensions between him, Faith, Jan, and Lil' Kim, yet another of Biggie's paramours, continue to grow.
Biggie begins a friendship with rapper/actor Tupac Shakur (Anthony Mackie). Biggie celebrates his album Ready To Die with Tupac, admiring the other rapper. When Tupac is shot in Quad Studios, however, he blames Puffy, Biggie and Bad Boy Records for instigating it. At The Source Awards in 1995, Death Row Records executive, Suge Knight, makes a speech "dissing" Puffy and Bad Boy Records, claiming Death Row is the better label. Soon the disagreement escalates into the East Coast–West Coast hip hop rivalry and attacks are made on both sides. The friendship between Biggie and Tupac is ruined. At the Soul Train Award in LA in 1996, Biggie get a death threat call from black man. Biggie is frustrated about his size shoes, but mainly because of his rivarly with Tupac, his relationship with Jan, Lil'Kim, and Faith is going down the drain, and that Faith is pregnant with his child. Puffy calms Biggie down and says they have to get through this drama. At the afterparty, Tupac and Suge verbally assaults Biggie, but leaves when Biggie's security pulls out a pistol. A track called "Who Shot Ya?" is released, a song which claims to diss Tupac. Biggie and Puffy claim that "Who Shot Ya?" was recorded before Tupac was shot, but Suge and Tupac claim otherwise. Tupac comes out with "Hit 'Em Up" which disses Biggie along with talking about having sex with Faith. Then after seeing a magazine photo of Tupac and Faith hugging each other, Biggie becomes enraged. He interrupts an interview that is being conducted with Faith, running after Faith. Faith hides from Biggie and Biggie is forced to leave by one of his managers, Mark Pitts (Kevin Phillips). Later, Faith explains that she and Tupac met at the House of Blues and simply took a picture. Biggie tries to renew the relationship, but tensions continue to grow between them.
The East Coast–West Coast hip hop rivalry continues until September 1996 when Tupac is murdered in Las Vegas. Sometime afterwards, Biggie calls his mother, Voletta. Voletta states that Tupac was probably killed as a result of their quarrels. Not only is Biggie shaken by Tupac's untimely death, he continues to have relationship problems with Faith, Jan and Lil' Kim. Biggie attempts to resolve these issues by meeting with Jan and their daughter more often.
Biggie and D-Roc renew their friendship after D-Roc is released from prison. Biggie states that he's done with the rap game, a small emphasis upon the apparent change of heart that he had while in the hospital (he was injured in a car accident). Biggie decides to go to Los Angeles to promote his upcoming album Life After Death and brings D-Roc and Lil' Cease with him. The three men, along with Puffy and Faith, all travel to Los Angeles. Biggie gets several death threats. Biggie is shot and killed moments after calling Lil' Kim to apologize and to set up a meeting with her. A few days later Voletta, Puffy, Lil' Cease, D-Roc, Lil' Kim, Faith and others all grieve over the death of Biggie at the funeral. Later, Biggie's hearse is driven down the city's street while hundreds of fans are praising him outside for Biggie's legacy, which his mother takes note of and finds comfort in. Someone in the crowd turns on their radio and they play his song "Hypnotize" and the crowd begins dancing and jumping around to it.
Scheda tecnica - Data Sheet
Nome completo : I:FilmNotorious B.I.G..mkv
Formato : Matroska
Dimensione : 10,5 GiB
Durata : 1h 57min
BitRate totale : 12,7 Mbps
Data di codifica : UTC 2010-06-15 17:54:51
Creato con : mkvmerge v3.4.0 ('Rapunzel') built on May 15 2010 09:38:20
Compressore : libebml v0.8.0 + libmatroska v0.9.0
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Formato/Informazioni : Advanced Video Codec
Profilo del formato : High@L4.1
Impostazioni del formato, CABAC : Si
Impostazioni del formato, ReFram : 5 fotogrammi
Durata : 1h 57min
BitRate : 10,5 Mbps
Larghezza : 1 920 pixel
Altezza : 800 pixel
AspectRatio : 2,40:1
FrameRate : 25,000 fps
FrameRate originale : 23,976 fps
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Lingua : Tedesco
Audio #1
ID : 2
Formato : AC-3
Formato/Informazioni : Audio Coding 3
Format_Settings_ModeExtension : CM (complete main)
Codec ID : A_AC3
Durata : 1h 57min
Modalità : Costante
BitRate : 384 Kbps
Canali : 6 canali
Posizione dei canali : Front: L C R, Side: L R, LFE
SamplingRate : 48,0 KHz
BitDepth/String : 16 bits
Ritardo video : 920ms
Dimensione della traccia : 324 Mb (3%)
Titolo : Italiano
Lingua : Italiano
Audio #2
ID : 3
Formato : AC-3
Formato/Informazioni : Audio Coding 3
Format_Settings_ModeExtension : CM (complete main)
Codec ID : A_AC3
Durata : 1h 57min
Modalità : Costante
BitRate : 448 Kbps
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