How can you get the document into the format you want without having to do extensive re-typing or re-editing?
Now the answer is OmniPage Professional 18. This innovative solution lets you convert paper, PDF files and forms at lightning speed into documents you can edit on your PC or archive in a document repository. Amazing accuracy, combined with batch processing and comprehensive network features, make it the perfect choice for organizations of all kinds.

OmniPage eliminates paper and digital inefficiency by improving productivity, enhancing responsiveness and reducing storage and material costs. Organizations save significant time and money by leveraging the superior OCR and document formatting accuracy of OmniPage to instantly convert documents into the format of their choice. Retyping is eliminated, tasks are automated, information is easily accessed and productivity soars.
Installation Instructions
Extract, Browse THe Folder For " Setup-CR "
And Run Nuance OmniPage 18.exe
To Install Nuance OmniPage Professional v18.0 Multiling
follow The Onscreen Instructions By The Installer
When Ask To Enter A Serial Number Use THe One Provided
Below And Click Next, (3) Times, During Completion Of Setup,
A New Window Will Pop-Up Select [ Remind Me In 7 Days ] And
Click [ Ok ], When Finish Installing, Click Finish, To Complete
The Setup Done Enjoy !!! .
Registration Info (C.R.)
Serial: E709Z-Z67-FJ4D-2DVH-XT
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