Oddworld Abes Oddysee New N Tasty-FLT
ANSi JEDIn Their 28th Year Of Glory, FairLight Released #1083Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee New N' Tasty (c) Oddworld Inhabitants: Supplied by: FAIRLIGHT: Release Date: 25/02/2015: Cracked by: FAIRLIGHT Game Type: ArcadePackaged by: FAIRLIGHT Image Format: ISODISCS: 1 Protection:System Requirements: Nobody knows!Game information:Built from scratch from the ground up, enjoy breathtaking visualsenhanced audio and improved, deeper gameplay as New 'n' Tasty reignitesthe original Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee using the latest next-generationtechnologyOnce a happy floor waxer in Oddworld's biggest meat processing plant, Abestumbles across his boss's secret plan to turn the factory's slave laborforce into the latest in the RuptureFarms Tasty Treats line of noveltymeat snacks. Abe now has to save his own skin from the grinders, butsimply escaping the flesh farm is only the start of his Oddysee - for manydangers await Abe on his journey to discover his destinyFeatures:* A timeless classic rebuilt from the ground up for a newgeneration to enjoy* Old school controls will be familiar to purists but all newanalogue controls open up new avenues for sneaky explorationand imaginative speed-running* New areas and secrets to discover amid a stunning range oflocations from the grimy murk of RuptureFarms, through thenative habitats of Monsaic Lines and the vast temples ofScrabania and ParamoniaInstallation Information:* Burn or mount* Install* Play the gameNOTE: As usual, block the game exe in your firewall/TEAM FAiRLIGHTQUALITY, TRADITION AND PRIDE

Excellent info sharing on this huh pirates, long live the Kickass!
i5 3570K @ 4.2 GHz, GTX 670, 8GB DDR3, 120GB SSD.
Getting 100+fps on max settings with 1080p.
Note that this is the GOG version, so there is no crack or any DRM. IT is literately install and play. DLC is there too inside the ISO file.