One Missed Call[2008]H 264 DvDrip[Eng]-NikonXp

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One Missed Call[2008]H 264 DvDrip[Eng]-NikonXp (Size: 706.26 MB)
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 One Missed Call[2008]H.264 DvDrip[Eng]-NikonXp.avi704.56 MB


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> TiTLE...............[ One Missed Call

> YEAR...............[ 2008

> GENRE............[ Horror | Mystery | Thriller

> RUNTiME........[ 1:23:17

> iMDB RATE....[ 3.4/10 9,888 votes

> iMDB URL.......[ IMDB LINK

> Release Date..[ 4 April 2008 (UK)


> AUDiO...............[ mp3, 128 kb/s, Joint Stereo, CBR

> LANGUAGE.....[ English

> ViDEO...............[ H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, 25.000 fps

> Q. FRAME........[ 0.145 bits*pixel

> RESOLUTiON..[ 720 x 400

> Bit Rate.............[ 1042 Kbps

> DAR..................[ 1.800 (9:5)

> FiLES...............[ 1 x avi

> SiZE..................[ 704 MB

> SUBS........[ English (SUB/IDX)

> SOURCE.........[ DVD



> Movie Info Notes



> COUNTRY: Japan | USA | Germany


> Director: Eric Valette

> Writer: Andrew Klavan (screenplay)

> Yasushi Akimoto (novel)



> Tagline: What will it sound like when you die?


> Plot Synopsis: In this remake of the Japanese horror film "Chakushin Ari" (2003),

> several people start receiving voice-mails from their future

> selves -- messages which include the date, time, and some of the

> details of their deaths.


> ScreenShots:







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One Missed Call[2008]H 264 DvDrip[Eng]-NikonXp
