ORMUS - Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark - Laurence Gardner [FULL 480].mp4

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Added on April 20, 2014 by alexgiovanniin Movies > Documentary
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ORMUS - Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark - Laurence Gardner [FULL 480].mp4 (Size: 340.48 MB)
 ORMUS _ Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark _ Laurence Gardner [FULL 480].mp4340.48 MB


We, homo sapiens, were genetically modified by space aliens around 5000 BC. The aliens first landed where the river Euphrates finds its way into the Persian Gulf. The reason for this is that in that area a high concentration of what is called monatomic gold is found in the sea water (nowadays the highest concentration can be found at the Islands of Hawaii). The aliens were members of the Annunaki Empire and were on a quest to find this stuff which is supposed to enhance and repair all your bodily functions and stops your body from ageing. Monatomic gold is what is called a superconductive metal. Superconductivity means that if you transport for example electricity through a line made of this stuff you would not lose any energy as a result of heat dissipation. Therefore if you input 100% of energy you also output 100% of energy. Now apply this principle to your brain which is a huge electrical machine. The monatomic gold makes your neural pathways act like quantum drive superhighways. This means that all your senses receive inputs optimally and those inputs can be processed optimally and also the parts of your brain that you don’t use become much more active enhancing your memory, making you better in understanding problems, sensing evil when encountered, sensing lies, becoming telepathic and even being able to time travel in your mind (seeing the past or future).So the Annunaki, which is the name of the empire which includes races like the Saurians or as they are called the reptoids, the Agharians or Nordics because of their human looks and the Greys from Zeta Reticuli, were looking for amongst other the monatomic gold, this was an enormous effort because it had to be taken out of the seawater or by processing it in such a way that the gold, usually in pairs of 8 atoms per molecule, can be divided into loose particles. In this fashion the monatomic elements were separated from the multiatomic cousins, the same way Uranium 235 is produced.Now, some of the humans were given part of the knowledge of the Annunaki. The last known humans were the Jewish people who carried their Ark through their journey from Egypt to the Promised Land. Before them the Ark was in the lands of the Sumerians, Babylonians and Tibetans. This Ark (not the Ark of Noah) was known to have powers beyond human imagination; it could levitate and deliver the fire of stars, a dangerous firework like display of fire that occurred when the monatomic elements became unstable. To make them stable again you would have to know a few secrets and with those secrets you could preserve the Ark and thus its powers. The humans who were close to the secrets of the Ark had long and prosperous lives, the best know example was Methuselah who lived up to 950 years approx. Wherever the Ark is , the culture thrives and over the centuries it moved from Jerusalem to Rome to London and it is now supposed to be in the United States of America. The Ark always moves west and will always keep moving west. From the very beginning the people who own the Ark have never given it away and great care is given to preserve the bloodline’s purity of the holders of the Ark. A well known conspiracy theorist called David Icke studied the bloodline of George W. Bush. The bloodline carried all the way to the Sumerians, a people who lived in the southeastern part of what is now known today as Iraq, where the river Euphrates meets the Persian Gulf. These people developed there as a culture around 3000 BC a few thousand years after the aliens supposed to have landed there in search for the gold.
The secrets of the elements of the Ark (of the Covenant), scientifically known as ORMEs, Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements are nowadays very secretly hidden by secret societies (Freemasons,Illuminatis...)that have a great grasp on the society worldwide. Knowing the secrets of ORMEs gives great power to the owner of these secrets.These powers include levitation (anti-gravity), free energy, better computers (10000% better than the most state-of-the-art computers on market today), the ability to be a genius that includes telepathy,understanding each problem perfectly and able to provide solutions, ability to sense evil,instantaneous quantum transport and seeing both future and past as mentioned earlier.
The word ORME -- perhaps coincidentally, or perhaps not -- is the same as the Hebrew word which means: the “Tree of Life”.ORMEs consist of 8 metals.
These eight metals include: ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, and silver (known as the “light platinum group”), osmium, iridium, platinum, and gold (known as the “heavy platinum group”). In gestation of these metals in monatomic form should prolong life and enhance and repair bodily functions. By following what is called a wide spectrum diet you can provide your body with monatomic
superconductive elements, in other words eat a lot of grapes,carrot, all blue and dark red fruits and vegetables and also a lot of the other fruits and vegetables and fish.

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ORMUS - Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark - Laurence Gardner [FULL 480].mp4


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