Osho_Come, come, yet again come 4-what is sannyas.aviseeders: 1
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Osho_Come, come, yet again come 4-what is sannyas.avi (Size: 100.29 MB)
An old video, from 1980. 59 min
Come, come, yet again come-04, Question 2: BHAGWAN, WHAT IS SANNYAS? Moses, sannyas is a crazy way of living life. The ordinary way is very sane, mathematical, calculated, cautious. The way of sannyas is non-calculative, beyond mathematics, beyond cunningness, cleverness. It is not cautious at all; it is knowingly moving into danger. Question 3: BHAGWAN, WHAT DO I WANT? Krishna, nobody knows exactly because nobody is even aware of who he is. The question of wanting is secondary; the basic question is: Who are you? Out of that, things can be settled -- what your desires, your wants, your ambitions will be... Sharing Widget |