OshO on CHILD BIRTH- योग्य गर्भाधान। (In Hindi).mp4seeders: 20
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OshO on CHILD BIRTH- योग्य गर्भाधान। (In Hindi).mp4 (Size: 249.43 MB)
OshO on CHILD BIRTH- योग्य गर्भाधान। (In Hindi)
English Translation of audio excerpt..from Osho_The Diamond Sword,Chapter 12 Transforming sexual energy Question: If the parents meditate before the woman's pregnancy and during the pregnancy, what effect does it have on the child? Answer: Certainly the child's life does not begin after its birth. It begins at the very time of conception. It is not only the child's body that is being created in the mother's womb, it is his mind also, his heart also. If the mother is unhappy, anxious, worried, then these wounds will be left on the child as well. And these wounds will be very deep. Even with a whole life's effort the child won't be able to wash them away. If the mother is angry, is quarrelsome, makes a big thing out of every little matter, all of this is going to have an effect on the child. The father's impact on the child is very small, almost nil. It is the mother who creates ninety-nine percent of the child; hence her responsibility is more. The father is only a social institution. There was a time when there was no father as such, and again there will be a time when there will be no father. But the mother has existed in the past and the mother will also exist in future. The mother is natural, the father is social. The father is only an institution. His function is very ordinary. It can be done by an injection, and it will be done by injection in future, because it can be accomplished in a better way through injection. In one single ejaculation man releases around a hundred million sperm into the female body, out of which only one succeeds in the race to reach the mother's egg. The one that reaches first enters the egg and then the egg closes. The remaining one hundred million live sperm die within two hours. Their life span is two hours. It is a terrible race and it is a long race. In terms of size, if we accept the height of a man is six feet, then the sperms are so small in comparison that the route to reach the mother's egg becomes two miles long. The competition is terrible on this two mile route. This, I call the beginning of politics. Those who succeed in reaching are not necessarily the best. It is possible that amongst the one hundred million who were left behind there may have been an Albert Einstein, a Rabindranath Tagore, a Gautam Buddha. No one knows who was left behind, and the one who will be born is accidental- it is possible simply that he was in the front. It is possible that because he was more powerful, he reached first. But being more powerful does not make one a Rabindranath. Rabindranath himself was the thirteenth child of his parents. It is mere coincidence that Rabindranath could make it in this race. Often it is the case that people like Rabindranath Tagore, people like Gautam Buddha, people like Albert Einstein, are not very interested in running or in any competition. Perhaps we are missing out on the best potential for humanity, which could have easily been chosen. Science is going to accomplish this. If we can choose the best out of one hundred million sperm, why then give the place to even number two or number three? So the father's role is about to come to an end. But the mother's role is unavoidable from the time of conception. And this has been my whole teaching - which has been misrepresented with all kinds of distortions - that sex is the starting point of man's life, is everything of man's life. And instead of repressing sex, thought should be given in the direction of how we can make it more beautiful, more elevated; how to take it toward godliness and how to transform it. Through repression we only give birth to sick people, and meditation is the process of transforming man's sexual energy. If, in moments of sex, the man and woman are both peaceful, silent, so absorbed in each other that there is no wall between them as if, in that moment, time has stopped, as if the whole world has been forgotten; where there is neither any thought, nor any concept, but only a bliss, a light into which both have merged…. If the child is born out of such a luminous moment, then we have taught him the greatest lesson on his very first step. We have taught him how one goes from darkness to light. We have given him the first experience of meditation; how everything can be full of silence, peace and bliss. And if the mother lives through those nine months keeping the child in view - if she doesn't do anything that is against meditation and if she does everything that is conducive to meditation - then certainly in these nine months a buddha can be born. And for those nine months the child will experience love, he will experience peace, he will experience light. If in those nine months he experiences only one thing - the grandeur of his soul - then that child won't be an ordinary child when he is born. That child will be extraordinary. Then we have laid the right foundation stones for his life, and the temple that will rise up from that foundation cannot be any different from it. That is why whenever any parents come to complain to me about their children, I always tell them: "This may hurt you, but you are responsible. You must have laid a wrong foundation. If today your child is a criminal, if today your child has murdered somebody, then tell me what you were doing in those first nine months when your child was in the womb. What have you done to give him such a foundation that it would not have been possible for him to become a criminal? Perhaps you have never thought about it." Certainly meditation is useful in every experience of life. And birth is the greatest event of one's life. And in moments of love, meditation is the easiest, the simplest thing, because in moments of love thoughts cease spontaneously, and an absorption surrounds you, a silence surrounds you, a realization arises that we are not separate from existence, we are one with it. This unique understanding was born in India. If India has given the world anything that it can claim entirely as its own, it is the science of tantra. And the whole basis of the science of tantra is this one point: how to unite the energy of sex and the energy of meditation. I have been repeating this my whole life. But people are strange: having eyes they are without eyes, having ears they are without ears, and in between are the interpreters to explain it to them. Each and every statement of mine has been misinterpreted. I am present and I could have been asked, but no one is concerned with knowing the truth. The only concern people have is that no harm may come to their ideas. It doesn't matter if their ideas lead them into poverty or into crime. It doesn't matter if their ideas degrade them below the level of being human and lead them into animality. All that is okay...just no one should touch their ideas! Their ideas are so fragile that they are almost beyond cure. And the only crime of my life has been that I wanted to help people become free of every idea that in any way degrades them. This will be the most significant thing: that every couple takes a vow that until and unless they become capable of meditation, they will not give birth to any child. What is the use of giving birth to Genghis Khan and Nadir Shah and Adolf Hitler and Mussolini? If one has to give birth at all, then let it be to someone worth giving birth to: some Buddha, some Mahavira, some Nagarjuna - someone who will refine your intelligence and take you forward. But for that, first of all the parents will have to be ready. And as long as one has not matured into meditation, the person has no right to give birth to children. My own experience of having worked with thousands and thousands of people is that if the man and woman have both learnt to become orgasmic through meditation, then in the moment of intercourse, only that sperm out of one hundred million which is in tune with their meditation will reach the mother's egg. The reason is that their meditation, their combined energy, will give energy to that sperm. That energy will become its speed and it will leave all the others behind. To reproduce children without knowing meditation is a waste of life energy. Sharing WidgetScreenshots![]() |