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Osho_The Last Testament
Chapter #23, 17 January 1986 pm in Kathmandu, Nepal (PRESS INTERVIEWS) Q: BELOVED BHAGWAN, CAN A BUDDHA LIKE YOU BE IN PRISON? I AM NOT ABLE TO UNDERSTAND. .............................. Q: BELOVED BHAGWAN, WHY IS IT THAT A SANDALWOOD TREE IS ALWAYS SURROUNDED BY SNAKES? ............................... Q: BELOVED BHAGWAN, CAN LIFE BE HELPFUL IN FINDING THE WAY TO TRUTH? .......................... Q: BELOVED BHAGWAN, HOW CAN AN INTELLECTUAL UNDERSTANDING BE TRANSFORMED INTO AN EXPERIENCE OF HEART(*)? ..................................... Q: BHAGWAN, DO YOU TAKE A SPECIAL PLEASURE IN BEING MISUNDERSTOOD BY THE UNTHINKING CROWD OF JOURNALISTS, POLITICIANS, AND THE LIKE? DO YOU MIND YOU ARE THE MOST MISUNDERSTOOD PERSON IN THE HISTORY OF A SPIRITUAL REVOLUTION? FOR THE LAST FIFTEEN YEARS THAT YOU ARE AN INFINITE SOURCE OF INTELLECTUAL DEPTH. YOU HAVE BEEN USING LOGIC, TO DEMASTER LOGIC, USING INTELLECT TO GO BEYOND INTELLECT, IS NOT IT AN UNACCEPTABLE PARROT? YOUR FRIENDS ARE LESS ATTRACTED BY YOUR BOOKS THAN YOUR ENEMIES; YOUR ENEMIES OPPOSE YOU IN PUBLIC BUT THEY BECOME LEARNED PEOPLE BY STEALING YOU, AND MAKE A DECENT A BUSINESS OUT OF THEIR OUTFIT. THAT IS, THE RADIO IN NEPAL DEPENDS SIXTY PERCENTS ON YOU ON ITS RELIGIOUS PROGRAMS, AND YET THE PEOPLE DON'T HESITATE TO SAY THAT RAJNEESH IS A DANGER TO SANATHAN(*). NUMBER THREE, WHY BHAGWAN, WHY IS IT THAT PEOPLE KNOW YOU ONLY AS A SEX GURU TO THE EXCLUSION OF OTHER THINGS YOU HAVE EXPRESSED IN ABOUT FOUR HUNDRED BOOKS? read answers here: http://tinyurl.com/hcqqebb about stealing his words... "If I am saying something which is true, then your misunderstanding will be dispelled. So I am not worried about misunderstanding. Please misunderstand me as much as you can, because that is the only way that you will come to some understanding. You have also asked that there are people who go on stealing from my statements, my books. This is happening all over the world, not only in Nepal. It is happening in the films, it is happening in televisions, it is happening on radio, it is happening in newspapers, magazines, all kinds of people are trying to steal. But, I am not worried about it. Truth is truth. It need not be necessarily concerned with my name. Let them steal. They are stealing truth. Let them present it in their own name. No harm. Because I am not interested in my name; I am interested in my truth. If the truth reaches to the people, just as you said in your question that sixty percent of the radio in Nepal is stealing from my books, help them to steal hundred percent. My name is irrelevant. What is relevant is truth. And truth is nobody's property -- neither mine nor yours. So why think in terms of stealing? Perhaps they are not stealing; they are impressed but they are cowards, they cannot say my name. But still they are doing my work. So far so good. Help them. Find out more passages for them to steal. Anyway, the message has to reach to the people. In whose name it reaches is not my concern at all. Just it should reach. Truth is universal. It is not mine, it is not yours. So the question of stealing does not arise. You have also asked, that I have four hundred books in my name. Still people only read one book, which is about sex. That too they don't read the way I have written it. The name of the book will make it clear. The name of the book is "From Sex to Superconsciousness." It is a book of a scientific methodology, how you can transform your sex energy into consciousness, superconsciousness. How your sex energy can become your samadhi. But nobody talks about samadhi or superconsciousness. They think the book is about sex. The book is not about sex. The book is against sex. It is anti sex. Because it is an effort to show you the technique, how sexual energy can be purified. How it can start not going downwards, and taking you downwards, but can start moving upwards, uplifting you higher. ....................................... A: I certainly enjoy to disturb people, because there is no other way to help them.... Sharing WidgetScreenshots![]() |