Pandora First Contact - PATCH PACKET v1.2.1.zipseeders: 0
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Pandora First Contact - PATCH PACKET (Size: 44.84 MB)
Ok, first off:
THIS IS NOT A CRACK/PATCH/FIX/NODVD OR OTHER SCENER STUFF Now that that is said: THIS PACKAGE CONTAINS THE FILES DOWNLOADED BY THE V1.0.2 UPDATER FOR THE BETA VERSION 1.2.1 AND NEEDS A CRACK AND SERIAL. ( using pandora.exe from v1.1.2 returned some errors) I AM PROVIDING THESE FILES FOR THE SCENERS TO FIGURE THAT STUFF OUT. Richard Self ================================================================================ Pandora: First Contact Change Log ================================================================================ Version 1.2.1 (February 5, 2014) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Added: * Added spectator mode. Changed: * Spectators can now see the research progress of other players. Version 1.2.0 (January 31, 2014) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Saved games from previous versions are not compatible with this version. Added: * Advancements now have a production component. * AI now refits units. * Added desert vegetation. * Added operation images. * Added new territory feature images. * Added escape key to updater to skip update. * Added space, enter and numpad enter keys to updater to download update. * Added ability to queue any uncovered technology for research. * Added ability to modify players slots in the game lobby after loading a game. * Added ability to start a game without any other players. * Morale from difficulty can now be set in the WorldParameters.xml. * Added healthDamage attribute to promoteUnits to allow modding Field Training damage. Changed: * AI factions and aliens now destroy improvements and roads again. * Building improvements and cities, as well as removing forests, fungus and hives now increases alien aggression (alienAggressionOnAdd, alienAggressionOnRemove in feature xmls). * Colonization Fervor now spawns where it is produced, consumes a colonist and also provides a colonial trooper. * Formers no longer suffer damage from fungus after completing the fungus cultivation advancement. * Moved Xenology from the second subtier to the first. * City tax rates are now capped at 100%. * New texture for cluster explosions. * Diplomacy panel now displays score of other factions as text and relative to the player. * Improved AI for troop allocations. * Improved multiplayer loading. * Dialogue panel in multiplayer no longer automatically closes. * Moved chat to the top to avoid being over the battle panel. * Spacebar no longer closes the dialogue panel. * Credits, food, minerals, production and research buildings now give a constant bonus of +2 instead of +2/+4/+8. * Field Training now increases the rank only up to 5. * Increased Field Training from 10% health damage to 40%. * Field Training no longer affects units below the damage amount. * Doubled Field Training cost from 16 to 32. * Improved promotion agent to properly take into account damage and the rank cap. * Improved cloning center agent. * Reduced amount of ruins. * Doubled growth produceable gain. * Improved high-dpi support. Fixed: * Fixed game pace not having an effect on alien aggression against AI factions. * Fixed that diplomacy options could be chosen repeatedly under certain circumstances. * Fixed declare war not canceling open borders. * Fixed improve ecoregion icon. * Fixed occasional crash when improving ecoregion. * Fixed being able to exploit the Plantary Market to gain infinite money. * Fixed Wealth giving 3 credits per production instead of 2. * Fixed water units in a city not being displaced after the city disappears. * Fixed Golden Age effects not being seen the first turn. * Fixed Golden Age being produceable more than once. * Fixed language issues. * Fixed aliens sometimes not moving. * Fixed crash when changing display modes in the game lobby panel. * Fixed welcome report being displayed multiple times in multiplayer games. * Fixed chat input getting unfocused at certain events. * Fixed unit being deselected when selecting a dialogue option that closes the dialogue panel. * Fixed incorrect change log being displayed when going from release to beta with the German written language. * Fixed English change log not being displayed when written language is neither English nor German. * Fixed being able to research a technology without meeting its requirements. * Fixed changing resolutions sometimes not working. * Fixed game pace not being taken into account for former work duration. * Fixed crash when clicking on an eliminated contact in the diplomacy panel. * Fixed text pasting adding a character at the end. * Fixed diplomacy being disabled after victory. * Fixed not being able to unqueue technologies. * Fixed being able to unselect queued technologies that are required for other queued technologies. * Fixed faction eliminated event triggering before all units are killed. * Fixed menu screen not always playing menu music. * Fixed intro cinematic playing when loading turn 1 from inside a game. * Fixed some German translation inconsistencies. * Minor fixes. Version 1.1.2 (December 5, 2013) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Saved games from previous versions are not compatible with this version. This update adds a new planetary market advancement towards the end of the colonization era which unlocks the ability to trade resources. Once unlocked, food and minerals may be bought and sold through the economy panel, providing new strategies on the way to economic superiority. Prices fluctuate with time and are affected by ongoing market trading so you'll have to time your purchases well to get the most out of it. It also adds city-specific tax rates to allow more control over growth migration, new music, and several fixes, balance changes and usability improvements. Added: * Added market (resource trading) system accessible through the economy panel. * Added city tax rate. * Added growth produceable. * Added 8 new music tracks. * Added ability to reorder the production queue by holding the left mouse button and dragging the production item up or down, or using the mouse wheel to scroll up or down. * Added ability to shift-queue technologies to research. * Added several new feature images. * Added high-dpi support, fixing retina display issues. * Added RefreshRate config setting. * Added FocusedTickrateLimit, UnfocusedTickrateLimit and MinimizedTickrateLimit config settings. * VerticalSynchronization config setting can now be -1 for adaptive vsync (newer graphics cards only). Changed: * Wealth now produces 2 credits per production instead of 4. * Reduced Golden Age to +8 morale for 12 turns from +16 morale for 10 turns. * Reduced buyout and sell modifiers from 25% to 12.5%, refitting is unaffected. * Field Training now deals 10% health damage to units ranked up. * AI now utilizes Field Training. * AI now deploys Cloning Centers. * Increased former work duration from 3 to 4 turns. * Reduced Great Planetary Survey from -33% to -25% former work duration. * Changed Terra Salvum modifier from +2 habitat to +25% habitat. * Changed Noxium Corporation modifier from -2 habitat to -25% habitat. * Changed Noxium Corporation -25% purchase cost to 25% better prices to include both buying and selling. * Changed world sizes from 24x24, 32x32, 40x40, 48x48, 56x56 to 24x24, 32x32, 44x44, 60x60, 80x80. * City names are now limited to 64 characters. * Clarified global growth tip. * Minor territory hint tweaks. * Minimizing now mutes music, ambient and cinematic audio. * Increased network timeout from 20 seconds to 60 seconds. * Improved audio playback when under stress. * Improved error messages. * Updated some Windows backend libraries. * Tweaked language. Fixed: * Fixed crash when creating gigantic worlds due to running out of city names. * Fixed potential crash. * Fixed fullscreen refresh rate defaulting to the highest available refresh rate instead of the desktop refresh rate. * Fixed turning vertical synchronization on not working before game restart. * Fixed non-enemies being able to capture cities. * Fixed being able to drop units in other players' cities by just having open borders. * Fixed event hint displaying incorrect damage suffered when a unit is killed. * Fixed build fort order incorrect hint. * Fixed incorrect show additional orders hint. * Fixed colony pods not deploying when loading from auto save in the first turn. * Fixed occasionally incorrect specular color on rocks. * Fixed praised event player order. * Fixed credits from morale not showing in the top bar credits hint. * Fixed credits from production not showing in the top bar credits hint. * Fixed Mac OS X application icon not showing. * Do not allow '' for unit and city names. * Minor process control fix. Version 1.0.2 (November 16, 2013) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed: * Fixed crash when the global pollution becomes too high. Version 1.0.1 (November 14, 2013) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Added: * Starter units are now dropped by a pod. * Added German manual. Changed: * Pace setting now affects growth rate and alien aggression. * Minimap is now centered on a player's starting position. * Voice audio is now streamed to reduce startup times. * Tweaked ruin placement. * Tweaked language. * Minor GUI tweaks. Fixed: * Fixed kill rewards displaying before the battle has ended. * Fixed unit not being able to move into tile revealed by a newly found city. * Fixed armors, weapons and devices not showing power and production costs. * Fixed city being placeable inside another player's borders under certain circumstances. * Fixed some issues with unicode text rendering. * Fixed WMD's not being deployable into own territories. * Fixed non-aggression pact not showing expiration time. * Fixed issues with the selected research technology being deselected when not playing in English. * Fixed research tree being different for the same game with different languages. * Fixed changing written language affecting the spoken language. * Minor localization fix. Version 1.0.0 (November 14, 2013) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Initial release. Sharing WidgetTrailer |
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