PCPGWARE PCBoost 4 8 20 2012 Portable [Rar - Eng] Overclockingseeders: 0
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PCPGWARE PCBoost 4 8 20 2012 Portable [Rar - Eng] Overclocking (Size: 6.2 MB)
Description![]() PGWARE PCBoost Portable ![]() Introduction PGWARE PCBoost Portable | 14,0 MB PCBoost allows you to run programs such as games, video production, photo editing software and any software that requires excessive processing power to run much faster than the software was originally designed for. With little to no effort you can instantly force programs & games to run faster on your computer without having to purchase new hardware. Most programs are designed to use a minimal amount of CPU (processor) power which often leads to the CPU being idle and not used to its fullest potential, with PCBoost your computer is able to take advantage of this by allocating more CPU power to the currently active application. PCBoost constantly monitors which application is running as the foreground and active program; it then tells the CPU to give this application priority over all other applications. This direct instruction to the CPU forces the application to get more attention and quickly finish any tasks that are required as soon as possible. If you switch to another program or game PCBoost instantly notices this change and instructs the CPU to set the old application to a normal priority and the newly active and foreground application to a higher priority. This approach allows the current and active program to always use the most CPU power as possible. ![]() ![]() Instantly makes the foreground application run faster by instructing the computer processor to give the application a higher priority than all other applications running in the background. ![]() Constantly switches the foreground application to use the least used processor core on multi-core computers; ensuring applications always have the most CPU power available to them. ![]() Unlock the power of your computer hardware, no longer do you have idle processor power being wasted when you need time critical applications to finish as soon as possible. ![]() Don't wait for programs that take forever to complete, applications now run much faster and tasks complete quicker when you take control of the CPU with PCBoost installed. PCBoost also takes advantage of multi-core processors found in most computers today. Generally the more CPU cores you have the faster your computer will operate, however most applications are not written to take advantage of multi-core processors. When a multi-core processor is detected PCBoost instantly instructs the foreground application to run on a CPU core that is being used the least. For instance if your computer has two CPU cores and core one is at 75% and core two is at 25%, then PCBoost will make sure the application will run on core two. This feature allows applications to always have the most processing power available and instantly makes your computer run faster. Any application that requires excessive processing power can instantly become faster when PCBoost is installed. It's as easy as downloading the current version of our software, clicking the install button and letting everything work on its own. PCBoost's simple to use interface allows you to set it and forget it, and let PCBoost automatically make your applications work faster. For the power computer users we do offer many settings, such as how fast applications should be accelerated, which applications should be blocked from being accelerated, if PCBoost should start up with Windows and many numerous other settings that are available for you to control. You can decide if you want to fine tune PCBoost or let it work on its own - our software works with the novice all the way up to expert computer users. Compatible with Microsoft Windows 7, Vista, XP & Windows Server 2008, 2003. 32-BIT/64-BIT ready. Optimizes games and applications by increasing the processor priority thread of the currently active application, allowing these programs to run faster. Runs in the background, which allows the software to run quietly and accelerate applications without user interaction. New ideal processor setting automatically sets applications to use processor cores that are not being fully utilized. Processor benchmark test feature has been added in to get an estimate of how fast and stable your computer processor is. Built-in and fully editable block list of applications which are not compatible, to prevent problems with the software such as slowdowns or computer crashes. New and improved modern user interface, easy and intuitive to use and compliant with Windows user interface guidelines. Software updates can be downloaded and installed directly from inside the application without having to visit our web site. ![]() PCBoost consente di aumentare le prestazioni del PC incrementando la velocità di elaborazione di programmi come giochi, produzione video e software grafici che richiedono alte potenze di elaborazione. PCBoost è uno strumento di Soft-overclock che consente di modificare le impostazioni del computer per aumentarne la velocità di elaborazione. Si tratta di modifiche software eseguite attraverso una interfaccia semplice e immediata. PCBoost permette di eseguire tutti quei software che richiedono alte potenze di elaborazione come i videogiochi, editing video, software per l’elaborazione grafica ecc… molto più velocemente di quanto il software stesso è stato progettato in origine. PCBoost esegue un costante monitoraggio dei software in esecuzione e consente di gestire la CPU in modo che vada a privilegiare l’applicazione in esecuzione rispetto a tutte le altre non attive al momento; quando si passa da un software ad un altro, PCBoost istantaneamente avvisa di questo cambiamento e incarica la CPU di impostare la vecchia applicazione in una priorità normale e l'applicazione in primo piano in una priorità maggiore avendo sempre così una gestione della CPU ottimizzata e una migliore velocità di elaborazione. Migliora le prestazioni del tuo PC. Il rendimento di qualsiasi computer può diminuire sensibilmente sia per il numero dei processi attivi che per la forma di gestire le risorse del sistema operativo. Per ottimizzarle, è conveniente usare PCBoost. PCBoost funziona in modo molto semplice. Modifica il sistema assegnando alle applicazioni più importanti più tempo di processo. In tal modo, anche se vengono penalizzate le applicazioni in secondo piano, i programmi che stiamo utilizzando, editor video o altro, funzioneranno in modo molto più fluido. Per controllare il suo funzionamento, PCBoost mostra un grafico nall'area di notifica sui cui potremo sempre vedere il livello di ottimizzazione del programma in uso. Questo è molto interessante dato che potremo misurare il livello di miglioramento di qualsiasi computer, grazie a questo programma. Uno dei vantaggi di PCBoost è che permette di aumentare il rendimento di qualsiasi computer senza modificarne l'hardware, in modo che migliorando le prestazioni non si creino sovraccarichi della CPU, evitando i problemi connessi all'Overclocking. INSTALLATION: Unrar rar File using WinRar or similar program. Just click on PCBoost 4.exe NOTE DI INSTALLAZIONE: Estrarre il file compresso. Cliccare su PCBoost 4.exe ![]() Name: PGWARE PCBoost Portable Language: Eng Year: 2012 Version: Portable Gen: Overclocking Size: 14,0 MB O.S. Microsoft Windows 7, Vista, XP & Windows Server 2008, 2003. 32-BIT/64-BIT ready. License: Shareware Site: http://www.pgware.com/products/pcboost ![]() Virus FREE: By Kaspersky ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Sharing Widget |