
Pirates of Black Cove-SKIDROW Pirates of Black Cove (c) Paradox Interactive 02-08-2011........Release Date Protection.............Nothing RTS/RPG/Action.......Game Type Disk(s)..................1 DVD RELEASE NOTESIt's the 16th century, the golden era of pirates, and this is yourchance to become the pirate king and conquer the Caribbean. Start outas a humble pirate and earn fame and notoriety to become a recognizedpirate captain.Eventually you will be able to join infamous pirate strongholds likePort Royal, Tortuga and others. Getting promotions within the piratebrotherhood requires force, daring, guile and even deceit. But becareful because other pirates will be competing for promotions too.However, bribery, favors and outright assassinations will assure youclimb the ranks faster. As you are promoted to higher ranks, you willown, manage and develop parts of the stronghold and entice othercaptains to join your fleet. After building your fleet destroy theother two pirate strongholds to become the King of All Pirates.Combining elements from fast-paced naval action to light townmanagement, Conquest of the Caribbean is a game no pirate fan shouldmiss.Features:Roam the open World with your Pirate crew and pick up missions as yousail the seas.Notoriety and fame brings you closer to your ultimate goal: the King ofAll PiratesBattle it out with rival pirates and nations on both land and seaExperience life as a pirate through three campaigns and erasGather famous pirates to your crew, but be sure to keep them suppliedwith rum or they'll side with your rivalsSelect your character from several different Pirate Captains, each withtheir own unique skills and features! INSTALL NOTES2. Mount or burn image3. Install4. Play the game5. Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy!Note:If you have something to offer as early releases,seedboxes,links,accounts,etc please contact us on our website torentz 3xforum roSeed Stats: 20-400 GiB at aprox 10 MiB/sec/20 slots per torrentHow To Get Your Maxspeed (uTorrent)Torrent Client - Preferences - Bandwidth - Number of connections - Set aprox. 500 for each Torrent Client - Preferences - BiTorrent - Protocol Encryption - ForcedBandwidth Allocation - High (Set download/upload limit - Unlimited)Stop Other Active Torrents - Start downloading and wait for connections.Enjoy and Seed for at least 1:1 ratio. Don't forget to say thanks/leave reviews.For more info,crack only,PATCH,serial,keygen,trainers,CRACKFIX,UPDATES,system requirements,cheats,NFO,gameplay trailers,free downloads,pc iso,demos,screenshots,visit some RELEASE SITES or official web pages. Search here for any future updates/working status/etc
This game look like "Sid Meier's Pirates"