Pokemon Hacks Collectionseeders: 1
leechers: 0
Pokemon Hacks Collection (Size: 2.89 GB)
Here's my collection of Pokemon ROM hacks for GBA, sorted and named. The file names are in this format: GAME NAME (Author) (Version).gba OR GAME NAME (Author) (Version) (Non-English language if applicable).gba The "Beta" ones are incomplete betas, all at various levels of playability. Some are actually complete and playable to the end, but I won't list them as such until the hack author signs off that it is. Some of these hacks may be impossible to beat, or buggy. IF a beta number was given when I got the file, it's in the filename. "Complete" are complete hacks considered done by their hackers. "On Cart" are ones that I know exist on bootleg carts you can find floating around in places. All the hacks are tested and run in Visualboy Advance, though I've not played all to the end. I can't attest for how many are playable to completion, nor on the quality of them. Some may be above the maturitycontent level of the original Pokemon games, and so if you're intending on letting kids play these, I'd take a peek at them first. Enjoy!! COMPLETE HACKS EXIST ON CARTS BETAS Sharing WidgetTrailer |