Portal Unleashed Installer (Full Retail) Includes Commentary+Staseeders: 0
leechers: 0
Portal Unleashed Installer (Full Retail) Includes Commentary+Sta (Size: 2.28 GB)
DescriptionttGGGGGGGGii .... ;;GGGGii GGKKLLLLGGWW.. ffGG ;;LLWWLL GGLL ..##;; ..;;;; .. ..;;.. ..GGDD;;;;.. ;;;;;; GGLL GGLL ..##;; LL######GG WWjjWW####tt LL########ff ..######KK.. GGLL GGGG;;;;tt##:: ;;##ii..;;WWtt ####LL..ffKK LLGG.... ......WWii GGLL GG######WWLL iiWW EEff ##LL ::tt LLGG ttDDDDDD##tt GGLL GGLL iiWW EEff ##ii LLGG ;;##LLLLLL##tt GGLL GGLL ii##.. ..KKtt ##ii LLGG ..GG.. ttWW ;;WWtt GGLL GGLL ..EEWWEEWWKK.. ##ii ii##EEKKWW.. ,,##KKEE####jj iiEEWWWWDD,, ii;; ..ttfftt.. tt.. iiffff:: ;;ffffiiii,, ..ffffffff.. This is just an installer for Portal UNLEASHED, just use the installer.exe in the ISO or burn the ISO onto a DVD. Includes both start fixes, simple to follow instructions, and the entire game, commentary and all. Inside the ISO is a readme named index.html, this is for the DVD burn version, but works regardless, just use installer.exe where it says to install using the DVD Sharing Widget |