As I was walking down the street the other night, my bones shivering in the cold rain, what did my tired old eyes spy? Why, a glowing Urban Fae (or City Fairy for you yanks!) She was dry as bone... nearly ... cleverly hunkered under the rain-shadow of a municipal lamp-post. As the Fae Folk go, she was large, nearly half-human. A nice size, I must admit. A size a horny man can work with! My evening prospects brightened considerably. My over-coat was large and roomy ... roomy enough! By adding the promise of hot flower-petal tea and honey, the deal was struck; I had a warm magical friend for the night. What happened next ... bugger off, you perverts! :)
All of the EXE have been expanded, the compressed with 7zip. The 7Z files tend to be either runtime_ps or runtime_ds, which are the Poser or Daz Studio files respectively. Note that some of DS files are merely add-ons to the Poser files. So Poser folks can safely download just the PS files, but DS filks should download both & handle as required.
[Urban Fae - V4 A4 G4 SP4 V4-Elite]

I have always loved this outfit texture ... Urban Gothic for Urban Fae. I know the outfit has been uploaded before, but some torrents lack the unimesh my Aiko4 fae/elves require. So here is the FULL package with two textures (Alley Sprite and Urban Goth). Note that quite a few free textures also exist at ShareCG and other sites! Look around. Open your eyes. An added bonus are the three sets of wonderful footwear which fit/conform sweetly: sturdy boots, high-heels, and strapy slippers. I've found them far superior to many sets claiming to be shoes/footwear. Note that the unimesh for this outfit works a bit unexpectedly. There are second CR2 files, but only for 'scaled' figures like SP4. For my beloved Aiko4, you add/conform the std V4 CR2, then in the POSE directory you'll find the UM/Unimesh fits which add the Aiko4/Girl4/Elite morphs. If you don't expect to use SP4, you may want to just delete the unimesh CR2 files.
[Bell Arum Hair - V4 A4 V3 A3]

This is a cool hair which supports most gen-3 DAZ figures, as well as V4 and A4. It is a nice, fancy hair with accessories and finery. Lots of natural colors with partial options, but sadly no pinks, greens, or blues!
[Custom Ears - V4 A4]

I include this again; it is in one of my older torrents which is soon to be retired. 20+ ear shapes, all of which work well and handle jewelry/earrings well. (I've run across some elf-ear morphs which CONFUSE prop earrings ... these do NOT suffer such short-comings.)
[Fae Wings Deluxe - V1?]

Okay, here is a golden oldie from 2002! Daz3d Fae Wings Deluxe conceived long before my beloved Aiko4 sprang into existence. Yet, the wings (as do most wings) are props which you parent to the figure's chest, so they work as well on Victoria-1 as they do on Aiko4. This runtime include a few textures, plus a set of wing poses.
[By Lamplight Vignette Scene and V4/M4 poses]

A lonely park bench in the rain-drenched night. What more can I say? What a fine place to discover cold, eager Urban-Fae? Keep a supply of herbal teas and honey at home ... and ... hmmm!
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