POtHS - B I B L E - L I E S - Part 08 - The Real Truth - Aliens - Fallen Angels - Demons - UFOs DVDseeders: 1
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POtHS - B I B L E - L I E S - Part 08 - The Real Truth - Aliens - Fallen Angels - Demons - UFOs DVD (Size: 6.71 GB)
Description: Watchers_ Aliens_ UFOs_ Angels_ Demons_ Tom Horn on PITN (pt1) Watchers_ Aliens_ UFOs_ Angels_ Demons_ Tom Horn on PITN (1) UFOs_ Aliens_ Are Demonic Fallen Angels _ Hal Lindsey UFO's in the Bible - Old Ancient Aliens series UFO's Angels and the Bible I Alien Abductions Explained (new) HD [documentary] UFOs Angels and GOD III - The Hidden Truth - Aliens are Demons and the Fallen Angels ~ mirror UFOs Angels _ Gods -- Alien Abductions explained. TRUE IDENTITY Of The ALIENS REVEALED! ( Full Movie ) Illuminati Alien UFO Fallen Angels 2013 TINY ALIEN SKELETON IS HUMAN OR DEMON UFO SIGHTINGS ALIENS FALLEN ANGELS THE GREYS ARE DEMONS UFO SIGHTINGS FALLEN ANGELS GREY ALIEN ABDUCTIONS So Called Aliens_Ufos Are Extra-Dimensional Beings_Demons_Fallen Angels Ghosts_ Angels_ Demons and the Alien Connection - FREE MOVIE Deception Of The Fallen Angels (Demons) Posing As Aliens _ UFOs Angel_ Alien and UFO Encounters from Another Dimension - FREE MOVIE - Aliens and UFOs are Angel_ Alien and UFO Encounters from Another Dimension - FREE MOVIE - Aliens and UFOs are HERE! ALIENS_ UFOs _ DEMONS_ TRUTH on ALIENS_ UFOs _ DEMONS (30 minutes of Aliens _ Nephilim Aliens_ Fallen Angels_ _ Inner Earth AGE OF DECEIT (FULL) Aliens_ Fallen Angels and the New World Order The Nephilim of Genesis 6 are still being created by the fallen angels. UFOs, Aliens,proof of life on Mars, popular culture's obsession with Star Trek and more recently the Cydonia pyramid and sphinx --- these elements are all partof the rebel angels' plan to deceive even the Elect. This page hopes to clarify who is denoted by Elohim, and Benai Elohim, cherubim, seraphim, the rebel angel's hybrid creations the Nephilim, and the common notion that Ezekiel's encounter with the "wheels" and the "living creatures" was a UFO SIGHTING. While the extraterrestrial beings who pilot UFOs are indeed mentioned in the Bible, Ezekiel and the prophets did not confuse these"aliens"-- the rebel angels -- with God's own angelic messengers. Seraphim,Cherubim & Ezekiel's Wheels Aliens,Nephilim & the Days of Noah Do not rejoice O Philistia, all of you, for the rod of your striking is broken, because a viper (Antichrist) comes forth from the root of the snake (Satan) and his fruit is the fiery flying seraph.Isaiah 14:29 What is a "seraph"? The root form of "seraphim" in Hebrew connotes the members of the angelic host whose distinguishing characteristic is brilliance,or fire. According to Isaiah, these brilliant angels are the tools of Satan himself, the angelic host following him in his rebellion, and the forces behind Satan's End Times Deception... Ufo phenomena. For specifics on how the Antichrist will use the fiery flying seraphim, checkout UFOs and Antichrist: Cydonia Mars and End Time Deception The book of Revelation gives a description of demonic miracles manifested by the false prophet on behalf of the Antichrist for the world to see. The most prominent of these is the calling down of fire from heaven, as the prophets of Baal were unable to do in Elijah's day. God ALLOWS the Antichrist to counterfeit miracles on an unprecedented level during the Tribulation. Consequently, Israel and the world will believe the Antichrist, (ministered to by the rebel angels disguised as "aliens" bearing ET technology and wisdom) is the true god. Many believe the most blatant example of UFOs in the Bible is the account ofEzekiel and the Wheels. Although there are many accounts in the Bible thatdo indeed support the fact that ancient man was visited by the rebel B'naiElohim, fallen angels pretending to be "aliens mistaken for gods", thisreference to "wheels" and "creatures" in Ezekiel does not describe UFOs. "Now as I looked at the living creatures, I saw a wheel upon the earth beside the living creatures one for each of the four of them. As for the appearanceof the wheels and their construction ... the four had the same likeness being as it were a wheel within a wheel. The four wheels had rims and they had spokes, and their rims were full of eyes round about. And when the living creatures went, the wheels went beside them and when the living creatures went, the wheels went with them, for the living creature was in the wheel." Ezekiel 1 Ezekiel's Wheels with Living Creatures Refers to the Zodiac and the Gospel in the Heavens Far from being aliens in UFOs ... Ezekiel's living creatures refer to the four points of the zodiac, THEY ARE CHERUBIM. The zodiac alludes to the coming of Christ. Cherubim reflect the glory of God, the zodiac reflects the glory of God, they are all interconnected, according to God's plan. The "wheels within wheels" are the terrestrial planets going around in their orbits, "and when the living creatures went", that is, when the constellations of the zodiac went around in the heavens, "the wheels went with them," the planets in their orbits went around with them,"for the living creature was in the wheel", the constellations orbit along a "wheel" as do the planets. As for the "eyes all around", this refers to the Zophim, the Watchers (from the same root as eyes) - and their other celestial counterparts. End of the Age - Return of the Nephilim? The book of Jubilees remarks that Jared or Yeh-red, an Old Testament patriarch, was so called because in his days the angels descended upon the earth - Yaw-rad "descend". It is interesting to note that "Jordan" comes from that same root word denoting "descent, coming down or falling" - Yar-dane "the place of the descent". The source of the Jordan river is Mount Hermon - the point of descent of the Watchers. Mt. Hermon resides in the ancient land formally known as "Sidonia". The super-human angelic beings descended, created hybrid offspring with human women, the "nephilim" and mighty men of renknown preserved in ancient myths. The source for the dispersion of angelic "alien" technology, and the Hermetic knowledge that influenced human civilization since the days of Noah, was Sidonia / Cydonia. UFO sightings increase as 2012 approaches - significant? The symbolism surrounding the coming End of the Aion in 2012 suggests perhaps another "descent" is approaching. The time & location should not be a mystery as it has been looked for, advanced & ardently pursued by the Mystery Schools for centuries, from its earliest advocacy in the Edfu Texts to the current wizardry going on at NASA. At the very least, could there be a revelation that alien intelligences left evidence of their civilizations on Mars? Related Torrents
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