Preston Nichols The Music of Time (2000) subliminal mind controlseeders: 10
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Preston Nichols The Music of Time (2000) subliminal mind control (Size: 180 MB)
Preston Nichols The Music of Time (2000) subliminal mind control Warning: Do not listen to the music samples provided before having read the book or having listened to the audio-book in its entirety. For the first time, Preston reveals his employment at Brookhaven Labs and how his connections in the music industry were used for mind control and manipulation of the masses. Ultimately, Preston's real-life adventures lead to time travel, his own role in the future, and the efforts of his adversaries to arrest him and put him permanently out of commission. This includes the bone chilling story of John Ford, Preston's colleague, who is locked up without a trial for his own efforts to expose the truth. In a remarkable twist of fate, mysterious forces rescue Preston and begin a documented investigation and eventual conviction of the most politically powerful man on Long Island. This book reveals more layers of mystery in mankind's epic quest to understand the paradox of time and the imprisonment of consciousness. comment: Provided that he's not a fraud, Preston Nichols appears to be one of the world's premier experts in both mind control, music and in putting subliminals in music in order to control the mind of its listeners, especially when it comes to access esoteric scalar hyperspace functions in relation to state of the art audio recording and playback systems. Considering how extremely prevalent subliminals are in music these days, and considering how extremely dangerous the messages being used have become, it would certainly be an act of total irresponsibility, bordering on foolishness, not to study the methods being used for putting such subliminals in music, the kind of music you're listening to on a daily basis. Bear in mind that the very same principles also apply to soundtracks of modern movie productions and popular computer games. Let's face it: You are being owned. Did you know that Preston Nichols is able to detect time traveling functions of your soul while listening to music? Our body-mind system is based on wave-patterns, and therefore listening to music modifies our state of being in much deeper and spiritually significant ways than previously believed. Music may be used to tremendously accelerate your spiritual evolution towards enlightenment. Music may even be the foundational principle being used by GOD to bring forth the entire creation. Doesn't it make sense then that music may also be used to find your way back home to the divine source with the help of music? Sometimes hard work isn't needed to get ahead in life, sometimes it may be done with the pleasure of listening to music. As you can see, music is both a source of divine inspiration, and a tool being used by devils in human form to enslave our world. specs: computer voice Daniel UK Mac OS X, run time: 05 hours 01 minutes 27 seconds, 64 kbps, 22050 kHz ebooks: Nichols, Preston - The Music of Time (2000).pdf Peter Moon - The Montauk Book of the Dead, 2005.pdf Preston B Nichols - Encounter in the Pleiades, An Inside Look at UFOs, Montauk Project.pdf Preston B Nichols - Montauk Revisited, Adventures in Synchronicities.pdf Preston B Nichols - Pyramids of Montauk, 1995.pdf Preston B Nichols - Pyramids of Montauk.pdf Preston B Nichols - Rueckkehr nach Montauk (1995) German.pdf Preston B Nichols - The Montauk Project Experiments in Time, stealthskater.pdf Preston B Nichols - The Montauk Project Experiments in Time.pdf Preston B Nichols - The Music of Time (2000).pdf The Music of Time by Preston Nichols (2000).pdf audio: Jigsaw - Sky High, 1975, Disco Version.m4a Jigsaw - Sky High.m4a tags: audio, music, mind control, Montauk, subliminals, mkultra, scalar, hyperspace, recording, mkultra Sharing Widget |