psp hack 6.60 PRO B10(Fix No.1).rarseeders: 24
leechers: 0
psp hack 6.60 PRO B10(Fix No.1).rar (Size: 1.02 MB)
I just uploaded it for, coz the liniks on the youtube acct where it was originally posted were not working.
For PSP 1000 & 2000 with Non-V3 Module! Installation : 1.Run the PRO UPDATE first.. In the PRO-UPDATE, press (X) button to launch the installation.Now it will writing 10 files on your (X) button agains to finish the installation and start the CFW. 2.Run the CIPL_FLASHER and then Press (X) button. after it finish installing the files, it will restarting your PSP in 5 second. 3.Check your PSP system software, it should change into PRO-B9. so that is how you install the PRO permanent Update on your PSP with version 6.60 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For PSP 3000 & GO: 1.Run the PROUPDATE 2.Run the FAST RECOVERY. Only this two files that you need to run. Don't Use the CIPL_FLASHER on your PSP 3000 or GO, it will cause a bricked!! 3.Go to System Setting ,System Information ,it should be like this 6.60 PRO-B9 Notes: When you Reboot your PSP. The LCFW will disappear. Do the same thing that have you done just right now. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to Uninstall the LCFW: 1. Run the PRO-UPDATE. 2.In the PRO-UPDATER, press triangle to Uninstall all files from your flash0 files. 3.Check up your system software. It will return into official firmware 6.60. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to play ISO/Cso games on this LCFW? : Now, connect your psp usb cable to the cpu(computer). AutoPlay will Comes out. Then, click to open folder to view files. Okey, AFter you have click to open folder to view files, your root of your memory card or system storage(pspgo) will appear. So, for those you guys out there didn't know what the root is?, .the answer is up here. Okey, so now what you gonna do is create a new folder and rename it as ISO(capital letter). Copy and paste your ISO/CSO games to the ISO folder that you have create just right now. Done! Notes! [ISO GAMES SHOWN UP AS CORRUPT DATA]: If you have try to create the ISO folder but the games still show corrupted files. Try to format your memory card or system storage(pspgo). Then, try it again. It should work. by superGame4ever Sharing WidgetScreenshots![]() |
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