Pulldownit is a brand new dynamics solver which allows for the creation of fractures as well as massive rigid bodies simulations. By using its technology digital artists are able to simulate fast and easily the collapse of buildings, cracking surfaces or fracturing any kind of brittle material.New features in Thinkinetic's massive rigid body dynamics solver and fracturing plugin include:■New activation options for fracture bodies■Force fields can break fracture bodies■Added air damping UI params for fracture bodies■New ability to set fragments as static/dynamic■New cut material framehttp://www.pulldownit.com/productos.php?idcate=2Install Intruction :---Extract RAR File With Winrar Or 7-zip----After unrar the donwload file, open the folder which correspond to your Max version andCopy the .dlu file to your Max installation plugins folder, ussualy,C:Program FilesAutodesk3ds Max 20XXpluginsFor installing the Pdi tool bar:---------------------------------Copy the content of PDiIcons folder to your max installation Icons and IconsDark folders, both of them, ussually C:Program FilesAutodesk3ds Max 20XXUIIcons C:Program FilesAutodesk3ds Max 20XXUIIconsDarkNOTE:in Max 2013 UI folder have been replaced for UI_ln------------------------------------------------------------------------------For loading the plugin in Max:-------------------------------Open Max and select the utilities panel. Click on "configure button sets" icon.At the left of the window, under the category "Dynamics & fractures", select the "pull down it" plugin from the list, and drag it into the "set up utilities" panel.To see the sample scenes computing, just install the plugin, open it, click on simulation options tab and hit on start button.
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