| | trans.py | 544 bytes |
| | simpleplot3.py | 984 bytes |
| | plota.py | 18.27 KB |
| | stripchart.py | 18.8 KB |
| | 3DGRAPH.py | 5.71 KB |
| | Plot.py | 14.1 KB |
| | stripchart2.py | 30.22 KB |
| | plot3.py | 18.36 KB |
| | testData.py | 7.95 KB |
| | utils.py | 1.06 KB |
| | pyrun.bat | 178 bytes |
| | pilrun.bat | 268 bytes |
| | 6C110_PSU.gif | 12.87 KB |
| | 200V.gif | 13.7 KB |
| | 1000V.gif | 12.89 KB |
| | Multimeter.gif | 137.06 KB |
| | 2v.gif | 13.31 KB |
| | Freq.gif | 11.84 KB |
| | hfe.gif | 13.82 KB |
| | 20mA.gif | 14 KB |
| | 2MOhm.gif | 12.67 KB |
| | 200Ohm.gif | 12.95 KB |
| | Example_09_3.py | 5.75 KB |
| | Components_2.py | 16.79 KB |
| | Example_09_y.py | 3.28 KB |
| | Example_09_1.py | 8.01 KB |
| | Example_09_x.py | 5.81 KB |
| | frontpanel.py | 551 bytes |
| | components.py | 12.85 KB |
| | Serial.py | 18.23 KB |
| | FrontPanel_2.py | 562 bytes |
| | Example_09_1_data.py | 10.54 KB |
| | xfd_icon. | 1.85 KB |
| | cntr_ptr. | 346 bytes |
| | box6. | 111 bytes |
| | target. | 290 bytes |
| | xlogo32. | 893 bytes |
| | flipped_gray. | 120 bytes |
| | mailfullmsk. | 1.86 KB |
| | starMask. | 346 bytes |
| | DASHES. | 93 bytes |
| | pspbrwse.jbf | 1024 bytes |
| | b_canvas.py | 763 bytes |
| | button.py | 308 bytes |
| | MESSAGE.py | 571 bytes |
| | b_scrollbar.py | 604 bytes |
| | b_frame.py | 261 bytes |
| | altmenu.py | 3.55 KB |
| | frame3.py | 673 bytes |
| | b_entry.py | 253 bytes |
| | b_checkbutton.py | 235 bytes |
| | panel2.py | 910 bytes |
| | T21.py | 152 bytes |
| | T32.py | 250 bytes |
| | map.py | 192 bytes |
| | T22.py | 152 bytes |
| | T1.py | 182 bytes |
| | reduce.py | 154 bytes |
| | Example_17_1.py | 186 bytes |
| | Example_17_2.py | 193 bytes |
| | T33.py | 303 bytes |
| | t31.py | 183 bytes |
| | Example_16_7.py | 5.18 KB |
| | Example_16_1.py | 2.49 KB |
| | Example_16_5.py | 4.91 KB |
| | Example_16_6.py | 4.96 KB |
| | Example_16_3.py | 4.13 KB |
| | Example_16_4.py | 4.91 KB |
| | Example_16_8.py | 5.47 KB |
| | Example_16_2.py | 2.93 KB |
| | Example_16_9.py | 5.88 KB |
| | start.bat | 163 bytes |
| | start.pif | 967 bytes |
| | MyApplication.py | 702 bytes |
| | CLEANUP.bat | 71 bytes |
| | Common_7_1.py | 474 bytes |
| | GUICommon.pyc | 4 KB |
| | Example_7_1.py | 7.46 KB |
| | Example_7_5.py | 6.56 KB |
| | components.py | 12.11 KB |
| | Example_7_3.py | 596 bytes |
| | Example_7_7.py | 2.2 KB |
| | Example_7_2.py | 5.58 KB |
| | Common.py | 692 bytes |
| | Trace.py | 6.9 KB |
| | dbug.py | 11.96 KB |
| | DebugExample.py | 1.07 KB |
| | debug5.py | 1.22 KB |
| | debug3.py | 1.22 KB |
| | idle.bat | 166 bytes |
| | colors.py | 11.96 KB |
| | Buggy.py | 2.65 KB |
| | Trace.pyc | 6.96 KB |
| | dbgwindow.pyc | 7.44 KB |
| | GUICommon.pyc | 4.3 KB |
| | ProgressBar.py | 2.56 KB |
| | Common.py | 1007 bytes |
| | Common.pyc | 1.77 KB |
| | PanelComponents.py | 42.69 KB |
| | GUICommon.py | 2.35 KB |
| | appshell.py | 12.1 KB |
| | ProgressBar.pyc | 3.33 KB |
| | xfd_icon. | 1.85 KB |
| | cntr_ptr. | 346 bytes |
| | box6. | 111 bytes |
| | target. | 290 bytes |
| | xlogo32. | 893 bytes |
| | flipped_gray. | 120 bytes |
| | mailfullmsk. | 1.86 KB |
| | starMask. | 346 bytes |
| | DASHES. | 93 bytes |
| | pspbrwse.jbf | 1024 bytes |
| | pmw_counter.py | 1.22 KB |
| | pmw_scrolledlistbox.py | 839 bytes |
| | button.py | 308 bytes |
| | pmw_entryfield.py | 1018 bytes |
| | pmw_messagedialog.py | 497 bytes |
| | MESSAGE.py | 571 bytes |
| | pmw_selectiondialog.py | 813 bytes |
| | pmw_panedwidget.py | 687 bytes |
| | pmw_balloon.py | 850 bytes |
| | Lumber1.jpg | 25.5 KB |
| | Statistics.dsw | 545 bytes |
| | m2.bat | 162 bytes |
| | DICT.py | 543 bytes |
| | statisticsmodule2.c | 1.17 KB |
| | makefile_dyn. | 469 bytes |
| | Statistics.def | 23 bytes |
| | Statistics.mak | 8.71 KB |
| | Dictionary.obj | 2.47 KB |
| | DICT.exe | 28.5 KB |
| | Statistics.dsp | 4.18 KB |
| | Image.gif | 947 bytes |
| | OTHER.gif | 977 bytes |
| | base.gif | 832 bytes |
| | JPG.gif | 972 bytes |
| | openfolder.gif | 931 bytes |
| | plusnode.gif | 79 bytes |
| | minusnode.gif | 75 bytes |
| | folder.gif | 935 bytes |
| | GIF.gif | 972 bytes |
| | sunset.jpg | 5.92 KB |
| | BEACH.jpg | 5.45 KB |
| | Castle.gif | 33.35 KB |
| | ReadMore.gif | 2.05 KB |
| | s7.jpg | 4.5 KB |
| | kimura.jpg | 12.04 KB |
| | teapot.ppm | 192.01 KB |
| | s8.jpg | 2.95 KB |
| | python.gif | 7.21 KB |
| | LETTERS.bmp | 1.84 KB |
| | colormath.py | 1009 bytes |
| | pyrun.bat | 178 bytes |
| | Example_8_12.py | 3.47 KB |
| | Calculator.gif | 100.67 KB |
| | Image1.inp | 783 bytes |
| | ProgressBar.py | 2.56 KB |
| | install2.txt | 68 bytes |
| | Example_8_8.py | 11.86 KB |
| | WizardShell.py | 9.89 KB |
| | Example_8_5.py | 518 bytes |
| | gray50.bmp | 290 bytes |
| | gray12.bmp | 290 bytes |
| | linecolor.gif | 149 bytes |
| | pspbrwse.jbf | 5.6 KB |
| | smooth.gif | 173 bytes |
| | SEP.gif | 113 bytes |
| | tline5.gif | 127 bytes |
| | tline3.gif | 121 bytes |
| | TLINE1.gif | 116 bytes |
| | draw.gif | 165 bytes |
| | draw2.py | 4.48 KB |
| | slowfractal.py | 4.85 KB |
| | cursornames.py | 186 bytes |
| | draw4.py | 19.32 KB |
| | connect.py | 2.51 KB |
| | cscroll.py | 3.54 KB |
| | p_fractal.py | 4.15 KB |
| | Arrow.py | 7.47 KB |
| | draw.py | 4.22 KB |
| | Fractal.py | 4.08 KB |
| | Example_6_9.py | 2.28 KB |
| | Example_6_8.py | 2.54 KB |
| | Example_6_6.py | 844 bytes |
| | phone.py | 2.66 KB |
| | Example_6_7.py | 2.3 KB |
| | Example_6_5.py | 615 bytes |
| | Example_6_2.py | 2.06 KB |
| | validation.py | 1.59 KB |
| | Example_6_3.py | 885 bytes |
| | Example_6_4.py | 491 bytes |
| | Example_6_1.py | 232 bytes |
| | Example_12_1.py | 2.58 KB |
| | pmw_counter.py | 1.22 KB |
| | pmw_scrolledlistbox.py | 839 bytes |
| | pmw_entryfield.py | 1018 bytes |
| | pmw_messagedialog.py | 497 bytes |
| | pmw_selectiondialog.py | 813 bytes |
| | pmw_panedwidget.py | 687 bytes |
| | pmw_balloon.py | 850 bytes |
| | pmw_menu.py | 901 bytes |
| | pmw_promptdialog.py | 382 bytes |
| | pmw_comboboxdialog.py | 721 bytes |
| | thread1.py | 1.01 KB |
| | Thread3.py | 2.5 KB |
| | Thread2.py | 2.1 KB |
| | optionDB. | 26 bytes |
| | busy_cursor.py | 930 bytes |
| | thread4.py | 2.56 KB |
| | client_server.py | 1.66 KB |
| | optionDB2. | 57 bytes |
| | thread5.py | 2.5 KB |
| | sunset.jpg | 5.92 KB |
| | BEACH.jpg | 5.45 KB |
| | Castle.gif | 33.35 KB |
| | s7.jpg | 4.5 KB |
| | kimura.jpg | 12.04 KB |
| | s8.jpg | 2.95 KB |
| | chairs.jpg | 8.31 KB |
| | Dive.gif | 33.96 KB |
| | boat.jpg | 11.55 KB |
| | S6.jpg | 6.1 KB |
| | Example_5_5.py | 470 bytes |
| | Knob.tif | 177.54 KB |
| | Example_5_14.py | 1.17 KB |
| | scrapbook.py | 1.52 KB |
| | Example_5_12.py | 697 bytes |
| | Example_5_3.py | 410 bytes |
| | Example_5_13.py | 778 bytes |
| | Example_5_2a.py | 428 bytes |
| | Example_5_8.py | 528 bytes |
| | IMG.py | 3.73 KB |
| | CALC1.py | 1.59 KB |
| | CALC2.py | 7.58 KB |
| | AllTk.py | 4.69 KB |
| | AllTk.bpy | 4.43 KB |
| | guido.txt | 863 bytes |
| | cross.tif | 1.03 KB |
| | SailBoat.tif | 962 bytes |
| | umbrella.tif | 994 bytes |
| | bottom_tee.tif | 960 bytes |
| | center_ptr.tif | 1016 bytes |
| | based_arrow_down.tif | 918 bytes |
| | right_ptr.tif | 962 bytes |
| | top_left_arrow.tif | 1.12 KB |
| | sb_left_arrow.tif | 972 bytes |
| | Sizing.tif | 994 bytes |
| | Canvas_Oval.tif | 98.38 KB |
| | button.tif | 58.39 KB |
| | Canvas_Text.tif | 98.38 KB |
| | Canvas_Window.tif | 98.38 KB |
| | LISTBOX.tif | 170.35 KB |
| | toplevel.tif | 82.31 KB |
| | Canvas_Polygon.tif | 98.38 KB |
| | MESSAGE.tif | 127.37 KB |
| | Label.tif | 46.29 KB |
| | Menu.tif | 47.76 KB |
| | pspbrwse.jbf | 10.39 KB |
| | Figure_3_6.tif | 103.86 KB |
| | Figure_3_2.tif | 457.7 KB |
| | Figure_3_1.tif | 207.19 KB |
| | Figure_3_4.tif | 102.01 KB |
| | Figure_3_3.tif | 101.59 KB |
| | Figure_3_5.tif | 103.15 KB |
| | Figure_4_5.tif | 93.46 KB |
| | Figure_4_49.tif | 56.29 KB |
| | Figure_4_50.tif | 28.53 KB |
| | pspbrwse.jbf | 109.58 KB |
| | Figure_4_48.tif | 1.08 MB |
| | Figure_4_43.tif | 141.07 KB |
| | Figure_4_46.tif | 637.34 KB |
| | Figure_4_42.tif | 391.39 KB |
| | Figure_4_7.tif | 356.3 KB |
| | Figure_4_43a.tif | 141.07 KB |
| | pspbrwse.jbf | 14.58 KB |
| | Figure_2_1.tif | 19.62 KB |
| | Figure_2_4.tif | 1.18 MB |
| | Figure_2_3.tif | 214.85 KB |
| | Figure_2_2.tif | 466.12 KB |
| | MessageDialog.tif | 142.39 KB |
| | labeledwidget.tif | 452.03 KB |
| | PanedWidget.tif | 391.39 KB |
| | notebooks.tif | 456.18 KB |
| | ScrolledField.tif | 141.07 KB |
| | scrolledframe.tif | 310.28 KB |
| | promptdialog.tif | 105.44 KB |
| | CounterDialog.tif | 149.79 KB |
| | optionmenu.tif | 157.35 KB |
| | scrolledlistbox.tif | 151.8 KB |
| | mytank.mtl | 278 bytes |
| | opengltextiled.py | 2.84 KB |
| | Model3D.py | 5.53 KB |
| | sushitex.png | 385.36 KB |
| | booktex.png | 216.86 KB |
| | mytank.obj | 118.29 KB |
| | mytanktex.jpg | 199.51 KB |
| | opengltex.py | 2.69 KB |
| | BodyTex.jpg | 219.96 KB |
| | tankdemo.py | 2.15 KB |
| | firstopengl.py | 6.12 KB |
| | rotation3d.py | 5.82 KB |
| | map.png | 4.2 KB |
| | smallfugu.png | 10.09 KB |
| | antsstatemachine.py | 11.87 KB |
| | Ant.png | 4.16 KB |
| | Spider.png | 7.63 KB |
| | leaf.png | 3.74 KB |
| | ants.py | 4.13 KB |
| | vector3test.py | 837 bytes |
| | parallaxstars.py | 1.68 KB |
| | rotation3d.py | 5.82 KB |
| | BALL.png | 857 bytes |
| | simple3d.py | 4.61 KB |
| | vectordroid.py | 537 bytes |
| | please put some ogg files in the music folder.ogg | 46.3 KB |
| | next.png | 2.83 KB |
| | Bounce.wav | 431.93 KB |
| | Play.png | 2.5 KB |
| | pause.png | 1.66 KB |
| | prev.png | 2.95 KB |
| | bouncesound.py | 4.31 KB |
| | Bar.png | 1.18 KB |
| | BALL.png | 4.42 KB |
| | stop.png | 2.25 KB |
| | cross.png | 1.23 KB |
| | sushiplate.jpg | 47.05 KB |
| | keymovement.py | 1.25 KB |
| | joystickdemo.py | 3.43 KB |
| | mouserotatemovement.py | 2.09 KB |
| | simplekeyboardmovement.py | 1.25 KB |
| | hatscroll.py | 1.05 KB |
| | Fugu.png | 30.45 KB |
| | joystickevents.py | 1.09 KB |
| | cat.jpg | 307.06 KB |
| | keydemo.py | 823 bytes |
| | lt.png | 359.74 KB |
| | SkyBox.mtl | 522 bytes |
| | rt.png | 305.97 KB |
| | Up.png | 58.31 KB |
| | Dn.png | 458.85 KB |
| | FT.png | 308.37 KB |
| | BK.png | 326.33 KB |
| | SkyBox.obj | 1.54 KB |
| | mytank.mtl | 278 bytes |
| | fogdemo.py | 2.67 KB |
| | background.png | 483.84 KB |
| | Model3D.py | 5.41 KB |
| | SkyBox.py | 2.73 KB |
| | Fugu.png | 74.08 KB |
| | booktex.png | 216.86 KB |
| | mytank.obj | 118.29 KB |
| | blenddemo.py | 3.81 KB |
| | mytanktex.jpg | 199.51 KB |
| | Readme.txt | 21 bytes |
| | ArcTest.py | 533 bytes |
| | AllColors.py | 390 bytes |
| | ellipsetest.py | 479 bytes |
| | circletest.py | 594 bytes |
| | colrects.py | 723 bytes |
| | drawinglines.py | 765 bytes |
| | polytest.py | 628 bytes |
| | multiplelines.py | 749 bytes |
| | colortest.py | 1.75 KB |
| | Readme.txt | 22 bytes |
| | sushiplate.jpg | 47.05 KB |
| | vectormovement.py | 1.09 KB |
| | vecmagniture.py | 428 bytes |
| | Fugu.png | 30.45 KB |
| | gotest.py | 319 bytes |
| | simplevec.py | 1.21 KB |
| | frameratecompare.py | 1.18 KB |
| | simplemove.py | 733 bytes |
| | timebasedmovement.py | 986 bytes |
| | diagonalmovement.py | 1.26 KB |
| | sushiplate.jpg | 47.05 KB |
| | HelloWorld.py | 763 bytes |
| | resize.py | 868 bytes |
| | FullScreenTest.py | 749 bytes |
| | Fugu.png | 30.45 KB |
| | scrolly.py | 879 bytes |
| | events.py | 739 bytes |
| | Name.png | 7.4 KB |
| | tankgame.py | 914 bytes |
| | tank.py | 1022 bytes |
| | ants.iss | 384 bytes |
| | setup.py | 295 bytes |
| | antsstatemachine.py | 11.87 KB |
| | dist.bat | 29 bytes |
| | Ant.png | 4.16 KB |
| | Spider.png | 7.63 KB |
| | leaf.png | 3.74 KB |
| | Readme.txt | 294 bytes |
| | fixnames.out.txt | 6.3 KB |
| | pack.inet | 246 bytes |
| | visitor_collect_quiet1.py | 941 bytes |
| | mystring.py | 6.03 KB |
| | visitor_edit.out.txt | 679 bytes |
| | fixeoln_dir.py | 1.3 KB |
| | Renamer.py | 284 bytes |
| | visitor.py | 3.25 KB |
| | cleanall.log | 2.44 KB |
| | fixeoln_one.doc.txt | 2.26 KB |
| | backwrd3.py | 3.83 KB |
| | forward.py | 9.71 KB |
| | backwrd6.py | 2.67 KB |
| | backwrd4.py | 2.53 KB |
| | forward2.py | 2.56 KB |
| | Backward.py | 7.32 KB |
| | backwrd5.py | 5.65 KB |
| | holmes.doc.txt | 25.05 KB |
| | HOLMES.py | 6.62 KB |
| | index.py | 5.38 KB |
| | logb.txt | 4.43 KB |
| | logc.txt | 10.8 KB |
| | logd.txt | 5.81 KB |
| | loga.txt | 8.96 KB |
| | backwrd3.py | 5.67 KB |
| | forward.py | 9.77 KB |
| | backwrd6.py | 2.87 KB |
| | backwrd4.py | 3.7 KB |
| | forward2.py | 2.54 KB |
| | Backward.py | 9.01 KB |
| | backwrd5.py | 6.96 KB |
| | holmes.doc.txt | 20.12 KB |
| | HOLMES.py | 9.91 KB |
| | KBase.py | 6.06 KB |
| | eats2.kb | 965 bytes |
| | FixIt.kb | 4.77 KB |
| | t.kb | 69 bytes |
| | zoo.kb | 2.97 KB |
| | EATS.kb | 724 bytes |
| | forward.py | 9.57 KB |
| | forward2.py | 2.22 KB |
| | Backward.py | 6.76 KB |
| | backwrd5.py | 5.65 KB |
| | holmes.doc.txt | 4.37 KB |
| | HOLMES.py | 6.48 KB |
| | backwrd7.py | 3.25 KB |
| | Readme | 3.38 KB |
| | backwrd3.py | 5.67 KB |
| | forward.py | 9.77 KB |
| | backwrd6.py | 2.87 KB |
| | backwrd4.py | 3.7 KB |
| | forward2.py | 2.54 KB |
| | Backward.py | 9.01 KB |
| | backwrd5.py | 6.96 KB |
| | holmes.doc.txt | 20.12 KB |
| | HOLMES.py | 9.91 KB |
| | __init__.py | 12 bytes |
| | TODO.txt | 250 bytes |
| | VERIF.txt | 548 bytes |
| | HOLMES.tar | 300 KB |
| | tictactoe.py | 1.1 KB |
| | tictactoe_times.txt | 2.34 KB |
| | temp.out.txt | 706.07 KB |
| | __init__.py | 12 bytes |
| | tictactoe_loop.py | 9.98 KB |
| | tictactoe_lists.py | 19.39 KB |
| | tictactoe_slow.py | 18.29 KB |
| | tictactoe_lists_2.py | 19.14 KB |
| | temp.notes.txt | 33.93 KB |
| | tictactoe_dict.py | 19.31 KB |
| | tictactoe_grid.py | 10.55 KB |
| | Readme.txt | 4.16 KB |
| | parser1.py | 3.39 KB |
| | TestParser.py | 1.11 KB |
| | parser2.py | 6.97 KB |
| | __init__.py | 12 bytes |
| | scanner.py | 2.19 KB |
| | parse.tre | 186 bytes |
| | calculator_grid.py | 7.72 KB |
| | calcalt3.py | 1.64 KB |
| | old-calcgui2.py | 7.58 KB |
| | calcbutx.py | 1.97 KB |
| | calcalt2.py | 1.64 KB |
| | calcbut.py | 416 bytes |
| | calcalt1.py | 1.64 KB |
| | calctmp.py | 1.66 KB |
| | calculator_plus_emb.py | 1.56 KB |
| | calc0emb.py | 467 bytes |
| | calculator_test.py | 1.66 KB |
| | Calculator.py | 13.07 KB |
| | calculator_plus_ext.py | 1.42 KB |
| | __init__.py | 12 bytes |
| | calculator_plusplus.py | 523 bytes |
| | Calculator.out | 859 bytes |
| | temp.notes.txt | 4.91 KB |
| | calc0ext.py | 370 bytes |
| | calc0.py | 1.81 KB |
| | filter5. | 197 bytes |
| | FILTER1. | 306 bytes |
| | Patterns.py | 674 bytes |
| | cheader.py | 2.01 KB |
| | filter4. | 328 bytes |
| | pygrep1.py | 1.54 KB |
| | FILTER3. | 109 bytes |
| | input.txt | 19.18 KB |
| | filter.out | 23.99 KB |
| | Filter2. | 242 bytes |
| | test.h | 171 bytes |
| | REPLACE.py | 222 bytes |
| | summer.out | 465 bytes |
| | Finder1.py | 721 bytes |
| | REPLACE.out | 189 bytes |
| | cheader1.py | 1.1 KB |
| | test.out | 166 bytes |
| | summer.py | 554 bytes |
| | table1.txt | 121 bytes |
| | table2.txt | 144 bytes |
| | re-subst.py | 177 bytes |
| | test.h | 251 bytes |
| | re-basic.py | 1.06 KB |
| | cheader.py | 1.24 KB |
| | pygrep1.py | 1.36 KB |
| | __init__.py | 12 bytes |
| | finder2.py | 930 bytes |
| | filter6.py | 100 bytes |
| | finder2.txt | 4.79 KB |
| | rules.py | 977 bytes |
| | OUTPUT.prog1 | 1.18 KB |
| | main-table.c | 2.88 KB |
| | setup-class.csh | 713 bytes |
| | cinterfacemod.c | 6.28 KB |
| | Makefile. | 1.5 KB |
| | cinterface.py | 1.64 KB |
| | OUTPUT.prog1 | 1.16 KB |
| | main-table.c | 2.57 KB |
| | OUTPUT. | 15.05 KB |
| | runpy.c | 5.65 KB |
| | main-function.c | 2.9 KB |
| | cinterface.h | 1.61 KB |
| | cinterface.doc | 5.66 KB |
| | script1.py | 846 bytes |
| | runpy.h | 1.2 KB |
| | Script3.py | 1.28 KB |
| | Register.py | 867 bytes |
| | cregister.c | 2.04 KB |
| | OUTPUT.txt | 273 bytes |
| | Makefile.regist | 476 bytes |
| | Mixed.txt | 500 bytes |
| | OUTPUT. | 717 bytes |
| | Makefile. | 733 bytes |
| | hellolib.h | 374 bytes |
| | hellolib_wrapper.c | 1.66 KB |
| | Makefile. | 2.24 KB |
| | hellolib.c | 817 bytes |
| | OUTPUT. | 1.25 KB |
| | Environ.i | 411 bytes |
| | environ_wrap.doc | 135 bytes |
| | Makefile. | 378 bytes |
| | environ_wrap.c | 17.22 KB |
| | number.py | 1.17 KB |
| | number.cxx | 600 bytes |
| | main.cxx | 424 bytes |
| | OUTPUT. | 6.13 KB |
| | main.py | 619 bytes |
| | number.i | 424 bytes |
| | main_low.py | 442 bytes |
| | number_wrap.doc | 404 bytes |
| | main_subclass.py | 674 bytes |
| | number_wrap.c | 21.3 KB |
| | hellolib_wrap.c | 16.84 KB |
| | myswig. | 105 bytes |
| | Makefile. | 907 bytes |
| | setup-swig.csh | 254 bytes |
| | hellolib_wrap.doc | 188 bytes |
| | hellolib.i | 434 bytes |
| | OUTPUT.txt | 4.48 KB |
| | output-exttim. | 1.07 KB |
| | stacktyp.c | 13.32 KB |
| | Makefile.stack | 1.54 KB |
| | tmp-output.exttim | 5.15 KB |
| | OUTPUT.stub | 1.05 KB |
| | exttim.py | 1.73 KB |
| | substack.py | 604 bytes |
| | stackmod.c | 6.76 KB |
| | oopstack.py | 976 bytes |
| | OUTPUT.stacks | 7.03 KB |
| | Makefile.embed2 | 1.43 KB |
| | OUTPUT.embed | 1.75 KB |
| | Makefile.old | 447 bytes |
| | Embed.c | 1.09 KB |
| | Makefile.embed1 | 883 bytes |
| | envmap.py | 577 bytes |
| | OUTPUT.environ | 8.21 KB |
| | ENVMOD.py | 540 bytes |
| | envsub2.py | 702 bytes |
| | setup.min | 14.95 KB |
| | envsub.py | 789 bytes |
| | envsub2.out | 456 bytes |
| | cenviron.c | 2.24 KB |
| | Makefile.cenviron | 416 bytes |
| | envattr.py | 579 bytes |
| | setup.max | 14.94 KB |
| | csets.c | 6.74 KB |
| | Makefile.hello | 441 bytes |
| | HELLO.c | 1.48 KB |
| | hellouse.py | 148 bytes |
| | OUTPUT.txt | 3.79 KB |
| | mapping.txt | 2.04 KB |
| | integer.txt | 3 KB |
| | order-bytecode.out | 1.08 KB |
| | order-func-py.out | 1.38 KB |
| | order-string.out | 1.02 KB |
| | order-func.out | 1.16 KB |
| | order-string-py.out | 1.22 KB |
| | order-bytecode-py.out | 1.31 KB |
| | order-func-py.out | 4.42 KB |
| | order-func-c.out | 2.68 KB |
| | ordersfile2.data | 28 bytes |
| | ordersfile.data | 93 bytes |
| | dbinventory. | 12.05 KB |
| | Readme.txt | 141 bytes |
| | dbbuyers. | 53 bytes |
| | dbasetools.py | 594 bytes |
| | Makefile. | 683 bytes |
| | Readme.txt | 796 bytes |
| | order-func.py | 898 bytes |
| | order-func.c | 1.98 KB |
| | inventory.py | 2.51 KB |
| | order-bytecode.c | 2.35 KB |
| | ordersfile.py | 293 bytes |
| | Validate2.py | 1.07 KB |
| | ordersfile.h | 646 bytes |
| | order-func.py | 764 bytes |
| | Makefile.inv | 1.03 KB |
| | order-func.c | 1.36 KB |
| | inventory.py | 796 bytes |
| | order-string.py | 820 bytes |
| | order-bytecode.py | 1020 bytes |
| | ppembed-strings.c | 5.99 KB |
| | ppembed-globals.c | 3.22 KB |
| | ppembed-attributes.c | 2.54 KB |
| | ppembed-modules.c | 4.32 KB |
| | copyright.txt | 328 bytes |
| | Makefile.api | 739 bytes |
| | VARARGS.txt | 965 bytes |
| | Readme.txt | 224 bytes |
| | ppembed-errors.c | 3.58 KB |
| | ppembed-callables.c | 3.69 KB |
| | ppembed.h | 7.73 KB |
| | codestring-low.c | 1 KB |
| | Makefile.clients | 1.08 KB |
| | codestring-api.c | 497 bytes |
| | objects-api.c | 456 bytes |
| | objects-err-low.c | 1.65 KB |
| | objects-low.c | 1.01 KB |
| | module.py | 144 bytes |
| | OUTPUT.txt | 2.8 KB |
| | Basic3.c | 850 bytes |
| | OUTPUT. | 1003 bytes |
| | basic1.c | 348 bytes |
| | Readme.txt | 413 bytes |
| | basic2.c | 635 bytes |
| | basic4.c | 779 bytes |
| | basic5.c | 1.66 KB |
| | Makefile.basics | 573 bytes |
| | embed-object.c | 906 bytes |
| | usermod.py | 516 bytes |
| | embed-simple.c | 637 bytes |
| | embed-string.c | 702 bytes |
| | embed-bytecode.c | 1.72 KB |
| | embed-dict.c | 948 bytes |
| | OUTPUT.txt | 3.81 KB |
| | Makefile | 560 bytes |
| | testapi.py | 594 bytes |
| | __init__.py | 18 bytes |
| | OUTPUT. | 2.51 KB |
| | testapi_c_from.py | 523 bytes |
| | testapi.c | 5.07 KB |
| | output-misc. | 2.63 KB |
| | testapi_c.py | 374 bytes |
| | Makefile. | 1.12 KB |
| | testapi.py | 549 bytes |
| | OUTPUT. | 3.29 KB |
| | testapi.c | 7.83 KB |
| | Makefile.testapi | 2.71 KB |
| | testapi_c.py | 319 bytes |
| | coerce1.py | 1.04 KB |
| | coerce2.py | 1020 bytes |
| | __init__.py | 12 bytes |
| | setup-pp.csh | 2.39 KB |
| | setup-pp-embed.csh | 1.79 KB |
| | my_.cshrc | 986 bytes |
| | my_autoexec.bat | 413 bytes |
| | setup-pp.bat | 2.08 KB |
| | actions.py | 294 bytes |
| | rad0.py | 828 bytes |
| | Rad.py | 912 bytes |
| | big_gui-3.py | 2.23 KB |
| | big_gui-0.py | 5.59 KB |
| | find_demo_dir.py | 1.09 KB |
| | big_gui.py | 3.7 KB |
| | guiStreamsTools.py | 5.17 KB |
| | __init__.py | 12 bytes |
| | guimixin.py | 2.81 KB |
| | guimixin-old.py | 2.92 KB |
| | guiStreams.py | 4.47 KB |
| | guimaker.py | 6.55 KB |
| | guimaker_classes.py | 4.11 KB |
| | plotterText-alt.py | 1.24 KB |
| | plotterText.py | 841 bytes |
| | clockStyles.py | 1.65 KB |
| | clock.py | 9.65 KB |
| | __init__.py | 12 bytes |
| | Notes.txt | 7.03 KB |
| | plotterText.out | 10.9 KB |
| | plotterGui.py | 1.75 KB |
| | packed.all | 238 bytes |
| | HAM.txt | 5 bytes |
| | spam.txt | 12 bytes |
| | eggs.txt | 6 bytes |
| | packdlg0.py | 2.55 KB |
| | menugui0.py | 1.19 KB |
| | shellgui.py | 3.27 KB |
| | PackDlg.py | 2.69 KB |
| | packdlg-redirect.py | 435 bytes |
| | mytools.py | 1.22 KB |
| | __init__.py | 12 bytes |
| | unpkdlg.py | 1.8 KB |
| | simpleshell.py | 220 bytes |
| | texteditor.pyw | 697 bytes |
| | __init__.py | 12 bytes |
| | texteditor.py | 20.66 KB |
| | textEditor.doc.txt | 7.24 KB |
| | slideShowPlus_threads.py | 5.91 KB |
| | slideShow_threadsFast.py | 542 bytes |
| | slideShow_threads.py | 829 bytes |
| | slideshownotes.txt | 8.54 KB |
| | slideShow_framesFast.py | 464 bytes |
| | slideShow_frames.py | 397 bytes |
| | slideShowPlus.py | 4.52 KB |
| | __init__.py | 12 bytes |
| | slideShow_toplevels.py | 711 bytes |
| | slideshow1.py | 1.82 KB |
| | slideshow.py | 3.31 KB |
| | temp.py | 10.03 KB |
| | movingpics.py | 9.71 KB |
| | movingpics.notes.txt | 4.85 KB |
| | __init__.py | 12 bytes |
| | movingpics_after.py | 2 KB |
| | movingpics_threads.py | 2.1 KB |
| | grid5b.py | 1.26 KB |
| | grid2-works.py | 442 bytes |
| | grid2-same.py | 647 bytes |
| | grid2.py | 812 bytes |
| | grid4.py | 206 bytes |
| | Grid1.py | 273 bytes |
| | grid5-data1.txt | 93 bytes |
| | grid5-data2.txt | 156 bytes |
| | xxx.txt | 15 bytes |
| | grid5c.py | 3.16 KB |
| | HELLO.py | 495 bytes |
| | hello_basic.py | 169 bytes |
| | dialogList.py | 526 bytes |
| | dlg2.py | 1.06 KB |
| | pickDlg-basic.py | 480 bytes |
| | hellobye.py | 776 bytes |
| | pickDlg-alt.py | 696 bytes |
| | pickDlg.py | 668 bytes |
| | demoAll_frm.py | 1.26 KB |
| | toplevel0.py | 373 bytes |
| | QUITTER.py | 811 bytes |
| | imgCanvas2.py | 378 bytes |
| | menuDemo-new.py | 3.23 KB |
| | quitter-alt.py | 724 bytes |
| | ScrolledList.py | 1.62 KB |
| | temp.py | 133 bytes |
| | canvasDraw_tags_after.py | 1.16 KB |
| | MESSAGE.py | 156 bytes |
| | gui1.py | 293 bytes |
| | gui5.py | 538 bytes |
| | gui3b.py | 337 bytes |
| | gui1g.py | 186 bytes |
| | gui6b.py | 402 bytes |
| | gui6side.py | 559 bytes |
| | gui2-doc.txt | 1.6 KB |
| | gui1.pyw | 109 bytes |
| | gui3c.py | 366 bytes |
| | gui5d.py | 479 bytes |
| | hills.gif | 38.86 KB |
| | rmnp.note | 195 bytes |
| | training-nyc.gif | 79.78 KB |
| | LJsuppcover.note | 308 bytes |
| | guido_ddj.gif | 39.6 KB |
| | ousterhout.note | 137 bytes |
| | training-puertorico-2.note | 57 bytes |
| | training-alameda.gif | 92.77 KB |
| | ousterhout.gif | 1.84 KB |
| | training-uk-2.note | 79 bytes |
| | __init__.py | 12 bytes |
| | seealso.txt | 99 bytes |
| | formtable.py | 6.89 KB |
| | DBVIEW.py | 987 bytes |
| | formgui.py | 9.06 KB |
| | tests.out.txt | 3.58 KB |
| | viewsysmod.py | 357 bytes |
| | __init__.py | 12 bytes |
| | dbinit2.py | 824 bytes |
| | dbinit1.py | 1.23 KB |
| | GuiTools.py | 927 bytes |
| | guitools-alt.py | 745 bytes |
| | person.py | 630 bytes |
| | formtbl.py | 3.84 KB |
| | formtbl2.py | 4.46 KB |
| | browse.py | 192 bytes |
| | mydbase-class-152. | 2 KB |
| | dbm1-152. | 2 KB |
| | castfile-152. | 2 KB |
| | shelve1-152. | 3 KB |
| | Readme.txt | 501 bytes |
| | myfile-152. | 76 bytes |
| | mydbase-dict-152. | 3 KB |
| | session3.py | 671 bytes |
| | person.py | 428 bytes |
| | session2.py | 650 bytes |
| | Cast.dir | 4.73 KB |
| | anydbm1.out | 704 bytes |
| | Readme.txt | 237 bytes |
| | Cast.pag | 4.73 KB |
| | session1.py | 977 bytes |
| | PERSON2.py | 1021 bytes |
| | shelve.log | 826 bytes |
| | filepickle.py | 412 bytes |
| | person.py | 559 bytes |
| | castview.py | 222 bytes |
| | cast-152. | 2 KB |
| | testData.py | 1.21 KB |
| | __init__.py | 12 bytes |
| | PERSON2.py | 559 bytes |
| | castinit.py | 201 bytes |
| | Record2.py | 1016 bytes |
| | Record1.py | 1.3 KB |
| | index.html | 1.34 KB |
| | uploadflat-out3.txt | 1.19 KB |
| | getpython-urllib.py | 1.12 KB |
| | getfilegui.py | 3.3 KB |
| | putfile.py | 1.18 KB |
| | uploadflat-out.txt | 1.72 KB |
| | sousa.au | 250.09 KB |
| | mirrorflat.doc.txt | 1.22 KB |
| | mirrorflat-out2.txt | 1.79 KB |
| | uploadall-2.py | 2.06 KB |
| | sousa.py | 617 bytes |
| | pymail.py | 6.27 KB |
| | __init__.py | 18 bytes |
| | mailconfig.py | 1004 bytes |
| | Readme.txt | 603 bytes |
| | __init__.py | 18 bytes |
| | Readme.txt | 145 bytes |
| | test1.cgi | 217 bytes |
| | test5b.html | 1.52 KB |
| | languages.out.txt | 941 bytes |
| | test5_mockup.cgi | 1.25 KB |
| | languages2common.py | 961 bytes |
| | test3.cgi | 577 bytes |
| | ora-pp.gif | 7.32 KB |
| | test3.html | 286 bytes |
| | test0.html | 110 bytes |
| | ppsmall.gif | 5.98 KB |
| | test.log | 3.06 KB |
| | launch-mutex-simple.py | 419 bytes |
| | testwrite-mutex.py | 671 bytes |
| | mutex-fcntl.out.txt | 1.54 KB |
| | test.log.save | 781 bytes |
| | testread.py | 566 bytes |
| | launch-test.out | 844 bytes |
| | mutex-class.out.txt | 1.67 KB |
| | launch-test.py | 1.32 KB |
| | __init__.py | 368 bytes |
| | 937907956.159-5157.data | 430 bytes |
| | 937910827.389-5600.data | 430 bytes |
| | 939419503.524-10781.data | 401 bytes |
| | 937946732.881-11363.data | 435 bytes |
| | 937909103.065-5414.data | 540 bytes |
| | 937909033.248-5413.data | 415 bytes |
| | 938242439.425-19541.data | 462 bytes |
| | 939419481.95-10774.data | 401 bytes |
| | 937909222.474-5439.data | 478 bytes |
| | 937908811.012-5386.data | 331 bytes |
| | 937908668.109-5376.data | 324 bytes |
| | 937908442.86-5354.data | 324 bytes |
| | 937908410.203-5352.data | 256 bytes |
| | 937908463.835-5358.data | 259 bytes |
| | 937946599.068-11309.data | 293 bytes |
| | 937908622.283-5372.data | 292 bytes |
| | Readme. | 182 bytes |
| | indexes.lck | 0 bytes |
| | indexes.lck | 0 bytes |
| | DBCOMMON.txt | 4.94 KB |
| | browse-alt1.py | 1.75 KB |
| | browse.doc.txt | 1.04 KB |
| | dbshelve.doc.txt | 1.51 KB |
| | browse.temp | 1.92 KB |
| | tmp-dbshelve. | 2.1 KB |
| | verifyShelve.py | 985 bytes |
| | BackupFiles.py | 118 bytes |
| | verifyFiles.py | 1.31 KB |
| | verifyfiles.out.txt | 908 bytes |
| | DbaseFiles.tar.gz | 1.76 KB |
| | Readme.txt | 478 bytes |
| | dumpshelve.out.txt | 798 bytes |
| | backupShelve.py | 121 bytes |
| | dumpShelve.py | 341 bytes |
| | dumpFiles.py | 291 bytes |
| | Readme. | 387 bytes |
| | errataDB.lck | 64 bytes |
| | commentDB.log | 1.53 KB |
| | errataDB. | 13.04 KB |
| | commentDB.lck | 64 bytes |
| | commentDB. | 12.9 KB |
| | errataDB.log | 2.48 KB |
| | browseErrata.html | 1.19 KB |
| | browseComments.cgi | 217 bytes |
| | submitComment.html | 1.31 KB |
| | dbFiles.py | 1.67 KB |
| | ppsmall.gif | 5.98 KB |
| | submitErrata.cgi | 1.25 KB |
| | dbshelve.py | 2.24 KB |
| | submitErrata.html | 2.37 KB |
| | pyerrata.html | 1.77 KB |
| | Readme.txt | 705 bytes |
| | commonhtml.doc.txt | 861 bytes |
| | commonhtml.out.txt | 2.01 KB |
| | secret.doc.txt | 1.46 KB |
| | onSendSubmit.cgi | 1.61 KB |
| | onRootSendLink.cgi | 188 bytes |
| | pymailcgi.html | 2.42 KB |
| | pageflow.txt | 713 bytes |
| | commonhtml.py | 8.87 KB |
| | sendurl.py | 1.02 KB |
| | externs.py | 1.08 KB |
| | onViewSubmit.cgi | 1.95 KB |
| | onViewPswdSubmit.cgi | 1.32 KB |
| | onRootViewLink.cgi | 1.69 KB |
| | python_snake_ora.gif | 2.83 KB |
| | Readme.txt | 3.43 KB |
| | PyInternetDemos.html | 3.1 KB |
| | fixsitename.py | 3.17 KB |
| | fixcgi.py | 867 bytes |
| | index.html | 1.34 KB |
| | comserver-test-vbs.html | 549 bytes |
| | comserver-test.bas | 392 bytes |
| | pycom.doc | 19 KB |
| | activescript-py.html | 476 bytes |
| | comserver-test.py | 1.04 KB |
| | copy.doc | 19 KB |
| | comserver.out.txt | 869 bytes |
| | comserver.py | 2.05 KB |
| | comclient.py | 1.43 KB |
| | Question.py | 798 bytes |
| | readnews.py | 1.73 KB |
| | http-getfile.out.txt | 5.35 KB |
| | jpython.py | 1.59 KB |
| | about-pp.html | 2.37 KB |
| | restricted.out.txt | 2.92 KB |
| | http-getfile-urllib2.py | 1.35 KB |
| | Readme.txt | 348 bytes |
| | htmlgen101.py | 554 bytes |
| | activescript-py.html | 476 bytes |
| | output-all.txt | 1.26 KB |
| | Readme.txt | 32 bytes |
| | smtpmail.py | 1.63 KB |
| | pymail.out.txt | 9.06 KB |
| | pymail.py | 6.28 KB |
| | decode64_b.py | 523 bytes |
| | smtpmail.out.txt | 4.28 KB |
| | decodeAll.py | 1.84 KB |
| | PyMailGuiHelp.py | 2.6 KB |
| | smtpmail-noTo.py | 1.6 KB |
| | alpha-PyMailGui.py | 13.29 KB |
| | decodeAll.doc.txt | 1.02 KB |
| | python15.lib | 72 bytes |
| | textfile. | 26 bytes |
| | testecho.py | 425 bytes |
| | signal-demo.out.txt | 1.61 KB |
| | getfile-noeoln.py | 2.5 KB |
| | select-server.py | 2.73 KB |
| | echo-client.py | 1.62 KB |
| | getfilegui-1.py | 1.14 KB |
| | getfilegui.py | 1.29 KB |
| | echo-server.doc.txt | 1.31 KB |
| | echo.out.txt | 10.94 KB |
| | getfilegui.out.txt | 1.08 KB |
| | __init__.py | 12 bytes |
| | Internet.txt | 426 bytes |
| | Cgi-Web.tar.gz | 112.84 KB |
| | Pipes.py | 2.24 KB |
| | fork-count.py | 809 bytes |
| | SPAWNV.py | 720 bytes |
| | signal1.py | 901 bytes |
| | fork-exec.py | 431 bytes |
| | DOSSTART.py | 965 bytes |
| | Readme.txt | 267 bytes |
| | __init__.py | 12 bytes |
| | pipefifo.py | 1.19 KB |
| | output2.txt | 2 bytes |
| | hello-in-out.py | 28 bytes |
| | DATA.txt | 20 bytes |
| | Writer.py | 52 bytes |
| | Adder.py | 316 bytes |
| | Reader.py | 137 bytes |
| | redirect.py | 2.18 KB |
| | Writer2.py | 57 bytes |
| | hello-out.py | 27 bytes |
| | __init__.py | 12 bytes |
| | teststreams.py | 647 bytes |
| | __init__.py | 12 bytes |
| | APP.py | 4.66 KB |
| | fakefile.py | 1.99 KB |
| | redirect.py | 3.35 KB |
| | __init__.py | 12 bytes |
| | Internal.py | 1.48 KB |
| | INTERACT.py | 2.92 KB |
| | AppTest.py | 2.08 KB |
| | AppTest.out | 795 bytes |
| | HAM.txt | 5 bytes |
| | spam.txt | 12 bytes |
| | eggs.txt | 6 bytes |
| | HAM.txt | 5 bytes |
| | spam.txt | 12 bytes |
| | eggs.txt | 6 bytes |
| | packedapp.all | 109 bytes |
| | packed.all | 109 bytes |
| | HAM.txt | 5 bytes |
| | out1. | 109 bytes |
| | spam.txt | 12 bytes |
| | eggs.txt | 6 bytes |
| | MyApp.py | 1.45 KB |
| | mtoolapp.py | 5.37 KB |
| | TOOLS2.py | 2.5 KB |
| | myapp4.py | 1.52 KB |
| | mtool.py | 1.28 KB |
| | unpackapp3.py | 566 bytes |
| | textpack.py | 503 bytes |
| | Tools.py | 4.09 KB |
| | mtool3.py | 6.07 KB |
| | __init__.py | 5 bytes |
| | apptools.py | 5.92 KB |
| | __init__.py | 12 bytes |
| | environ.out.txt | 1.22 KB |
| | timefmt.py | 217 bytes |
| | echoenv.py | 69 bytes |
| | Readme.txt | 118 bytes |
| | SETENV.py | 465 bytes |
| | dirdiff.py | 2.11 KB |
| | dirdiff.py | 2.1 KB |
| | dirdiff.py | 2.1 KB |
| | dirdiff.py | 2.1 KB |
| | part0004. | 710.49 KB |
| | part0002. | 1.37 MB |
| | part0001. | 1.37 MB |
| | part0003. | 1.37 MB |
| | diff1. | 15.71 KB |
| | diff3. | 17.15 KB |
| | diff2. | 15.71 KB |
| | xferdiffs062900.how.txt | 759 bytes |
| | xferdiffs063000-website-cd2. | 3.16 KB |
| | xferdiffs063000. | 107.58 KB |
| | xferdiffs063000-cd2. | 107.58 KB |
| | xferdiffs063000-training-cd2. | 18.65 KB |
| | xferdiffs063000-website. | 3.16 KB |
| | xferdiffs063000-training. | 18.65 KB |
| | site-forward-glob.py | 1.3 KB |
| | pytemp. | 5 KB |
| | dirdiff5.py | 947 bytes |
| | cpall.py | 3.45 KB |
| | rmall.py | 1.29 KB |
| | dirdiff6.py | 1.18 KB |
| | lister_walk.py | 522 bytes |
| | dirdiff4.py | 876 bytes |
| | exdiffs091500. | 24.97 KB |
| | diffall.py | 2.22 KB |
| | thread-basics9.py | 1.21 KB |
| | thread-basics2.txt | 1.33 KB |
| | test6.winout.txt | 16.59 KB |
| | thread-basics8.py | 609 bytes |
| | thread-basics6.py | 1.45 KB |
| | thread-basics5.py | 664 bytes |
| | thread-basics4.py | 389 bytes |
| | thread-basics7.py | 657 bytes |
| | thread-basics.txt | 765 bytes |
| | thread-basics4.txt | 273 bytes |
| | thread-count-wait2.py | 628 bytes |
| | thread1.py | 256 bytes |
| | RACE3.py | 384 bytes |
| | temp2. | 322 bytes |
| | RACE2.py | 336 bytes |
| | Readme.txt | 181 bytes |
| | thread-classes.py | 1.2 KB |
| | thread-count-mutex.py | 555 bytes |
| | race.py | 447 bytes |
| | thread-count.py | 775 bytes |
| | testexit_sys.py | 140 bytes |
| | testexit_fork.py | 1.23 KB |
| | testexit_os.py | 144 bytes |
| | testexit_thread.py | 904 bytes |
| | testargv2.py | 565 bytes |
| | More.py | 633 bytes |
| | testargv.py | 28 bytes |
| | SYSTEM.txt | 277 bytes |
| | __init__.py | 12 bytes |
| | helloshell.py | 49 bytes |
| | whereami.py | 250 bytes |
| | moreplus.py | 2.24 KB |
| | guimgr.py | 209 bytes |
| | Menu1d.py | 3.37 KB |
| | Menu0.py | 1.44 KB |
| | Security.py | 59 bytes |
| | textpak7.py | 416 bytes |
| | menu1c.bad | 642 bytes |
| | textpk5m.py | 380 bytes |
| | Logger.py | 47 bytes |
| | menu0b3.py | 1.12 KB |
| | textpk7c.py | 625 bytes |
| | pack1c.py | 349 bytes |
| | textpak5.py | 1.6 KB |
| | ipc1.py | 637 bytes |
| | ipc2.py | 126 bytes |
| | textpak4.py | 1.17 KB |
| | unpack1b.py | 418 bytes |
| | INPUT1.txt | 44 bytes |
| | Keywords.py | 353 bytes |
| | pack2.py | 945 bytes |
| | Nest.py | 235 bytes |
| | __init__.py | 12 bytes |
| | t3.py | 13 bytes |
| | Func1.py | 512 bytes |
| | client2.py | 111 bytes |
| | table1.py | 116 bytes |
| | while3.py | 106 bytes |
| | Func3.py | 81 bytes |
| | except3.py | 210 bytes |
| | class3.py | 131 bytes |
| | TC.py | 11 bytes |
| | primes1.py | 237 bytes |
| | sockclie.py | 312 bytes |
| | OLE1.py | 678 bytes |
| | grail0.py | 932 bytes |
| | old-sousa.py | 1.55 KB |
| | grail0.htm | 148 bytes |
| | sockserv.py | 407 bytes |
| | ReloadAll.txt | 6.61 KB |
| | ReloadAll.py | 878 bytes |
| | privateattrs4.py | 545 bytes |
| | psh.py | 9.53 KB |
| | ilu2.py | 649 bytes |
| | privateattrs3.py | 541 bytes |
| | privateattrs2.py | 538 bytes |
| | cgimail.py | 3.54 KB |
| | CP3. | 126 bytes |
| | CP1. | 192 bytes |
| | graph.py | 2.02 KB |
| | gsearch2.py | 964 bytes |
| | gtest2.py | 1.05 KB |
| | graph2.py | 1.43 KB |
| | Readme.txt | 101 bytes |
| | gsearch1.py | 1002 bytes |
| | GTEST.py | 1.19 KB |
| | graph3.py | 1.27 KB |
| | genfunc.py | 609 bytes |
| | seqcon1.py | 1.13 KB |
| | TreeNode.py | 630 bytes |
| | sort2.py | 585 bytes |
| | btree2.py | 796 bytes |
| | seqcon2.py | 802 bytes |
| | gtestfunc.py | 566 bytes |
| | graph.py | 947 bytes |
| | rev3.py | 178 bytes |
| | gsearch2.py | 863 bytes |
| | rev1.py | 255 bytes |
| | gtestobj2.py | 302 bytes |
| | sort2.py | 615 bytes |
| | __init__.py | 12 bytes |
| | gtestobj1.py | 508 bytes |
| | gsearch1.py | 863 bytes |
| | Inter.py | 498 bytes |
| | FASTSET.py | 997 bytes |
| | graph.py | 922 bytes |
| | Stack3.py | 384 bytes |
| | Stack2.py | 371 bytes |
| | set.out | 759 bytes |
| | FASTSET.out | 602 bytes |
| | stack.out | 207 bytes |
| | vector2.py | 511 bytes |
| | VECTOR.py | 904 bytes |
| | Inter.py | 490 bytes |
| | FASTSET.py | 1.18 KB |
| | reltest.py | 1.63 KB |
| | timer2.py | 507 bytes |
| | Stack3.py | 1.3 KB |
| | Stack2.py | 1.72 KB |
| | __init__.py | 12 bytes |
| | fastset3.py | 394 bytes |
| | stacktime.py | 824 bytes |
| | settime2.py | 220 bytes |
| | treeview_wrappers.py | 6.91 KB |
| | Treeview.py | 7.5 KB |
| | treeview_subclass.py | 6.75 KB |
| | __init__.py | 12 bytes |
| | temp.notes.txt | 2.89 KB |
| | treeview_left.py | 2.64 KB |
| | __init__.py | 12 bytes |
| | LaunchBrowser.py | 3.41 KB |
| | readme-old-pp1E.txt | 3.33 KB |
| | package.csh | 595 bytes |
| | tounix.py | 1.28 KB |
| | launchmodes.py | 3.83 KB |
| | pyformData-1.5 | 3 KB |
| | PyGadgets_bar.pyw | 183 bytes |
| | Launch_PyDemos.pyw | 327 bytes |
| | cleanall.csh | 1.54 KB |
| | Launch_PyGadgets_bar.pyw | 345 bytes |
| | OReilly Programming Python 2nd.chm | 6.28 MB |
| | __init__.py | 3.07 KB |
| | README-root.txt | 2.93 KB |
| | 19FIG01.gif | 33.63 KB |
| | 19fig08.gif | 26.45 KB |
| | 11FIG01.gif | 15.75 KB |
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| | 16fig01.gif | 33.94 KB |
| | 18fig02.gif | 30.93 KB |
| | 06fig01.gif | 7.64 KB |
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| | 31.html | 11 KB |
| | 259.html | 6.34 KB |
| | 215.html | 17.62 KB |
| | 57.html | 4.99 KB |
| | client.py | 667 bytes |
| | Refresh.py | 252 bytes |
| | er.py | 4.99 KB |
| | __init__.py | 62 bytes |
| | flag.py | 363 bytes |
| | FIELD_TYPE.py | 446 bytes |
| | CR.py | 674 bytes |
| | TIMES.py | 1.01 KB |
| | stringtimes.py | 1.19 KB |
| | mxdatetimes.py | 1.34 KB |
| | converters.py | 4.07 KB |
| | __init__.py | 2.64 KB |
| | Sets.py | 3.61 KB |
| | pytimes.py | 1.76 KB |
| | connections.py | 6.39 KB |
| | CURSORS.py | 12.22 KB |
| | MySQLdb.constants.FIELD_TYPE-module.html | 40.26 KB |
| | MySQLdb.cursors.SSDictCursor-class.html | 16.95 KB |
| | MySQLdb.connections-module.html | 5.34 KB |
| | MySQLdb.constants-module.html | 3.8 KB |
| | MySQLdb.sets.DBAPISet-class.html | 10.55 KB |
| | Trees.html | 12.54 KB |
| | MySQLdb.cursors.SSCursor-class.html | 15.69 KB |
| | MySQLdb.cursors.CursorTupleRowsMixIn-class.html | 9.31 KB |
| | toc-MySQLdb.constants.FIELD_TYPE-module.html | 3.21 KB |
| | toc-MySQLdb.constants.ER-module.html | 22.11 KB |
| | Trees.html | 2.78 KB |
| | help.html | 9.56 KB |
| | frames.html | 367 bytes |
| | epydoc.css | 4.26 KB |
| | indices.html | 5.2 KB |
| | MySQLdb-module.html | 18.54 KB |
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| | TOC.html | 982 bytes |
| | index.html | 367 bytes |
| | Trees.html | 2.78 KB |
| | help.html | 9.56 KB |
| | frames.html | 367 bytes |
| | epydoc.css | 4.26 KB |
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| | MySQLdb-module.html | 15.9 KB |
| | toc-MySQLdb-module.html | 1.97 KB |
| | toc-everything.html | 1.94 KB |
| | TOC.html | 983 bytes |
| | index.html | 367 bytes |
| | epydoc.css | 4.26 KB |
| | index.html | 388 bytes |
| | MySQLdb.constants.FIELD_TYPE-module.html | 40.26 KB |
| | MySQLdb.cursors.SSDictCursor-class.html | 13.03 KB |
| | MySQLdb.connections-module.html | 5.34 KB |
| | MySQLdb.constants-module.html | 3.8 KB |
| | Trees.html | 8.57 KB |
| | MySQLdb.cursors.SSCursor-class.html | 11.77 KB |
| | MySQLdb.cursors.CursorTupleRowsMixIn-class.html | 7.34 KB |
| | toc-MySQLdb.constants.FIELD_TYPE-module.html | 3.21 KB |
| | toc-MySQLdb.constants.ER-module.html | 22.11 KB |
| | MySQLdb.cursors.CursorStoreResultMixIn-class.html | 11.23 KB |
| | pep-0249.txt | 39.52 KB |
| | epydoc.css | 4.26 KB |
| | MySQLdb.html | 35.79 KB |
| | pep-0249.html | 41.23 KB |
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| | epydoc.css | 4.26 KB |
| | index.html | 388 bytes |
| | Readme.html | 8.62 KB |
| | index.html | 388 bytes |
| | Readme. | 6.29 KB |
| | setup.cfg | 285 bytes |
| | dbapi20.py | 30.68 KB |
| | MANIFEST.in | 191 bytes |
| | _mysql.c | 69.49 KB |
| | ChangeLog. | 24.56 KB |
| | GPL. | 17.59 KB |
| | setup.py | 4.43 KB |
| | MANIFEST. | 6.11 KB |
| | test_MySQLdb_dbapi20.py | 400 bytes |
| | twrapme.py | 1.49 KB |
| | descr-with.py | 1.16 KB |
| | anyIter.py | 761 bytes |
| | moneyfmt.py | 1.67 KB |
| | metaIntro.py | 562 bytes |
| | descr.py | 1.55 KB |
| | descr-tef.py | 1.13 KB |
| | HOTEL.py | 800 bytes |
| | capOpen.py | 762 bytes |
| | twrapme.py | 1.02 KB |
| | descr0.py | 1.2 KB |
| | roundFloat2.py | 280 bytes |
| | anyIter.py | 502 bytes |
| | moneyfmt.py | 664 bytes |
| | descrPRE25.py | 1.22 KB |
| | numstr.py | 1.26 KB |
| | meta.py | 1.02 KB |
| | descrPRE25.diff | 839 bytes |
| | descr.diff | 1023 bytes |
| | idcheck2.py | 732 bytes |
| | insertVsColonZero.py | 442 bytes |
| | QUEUE.py | 1.95 KB |
| | stringTemplates.py | 240 bytes |
| | IDCHECK.py | 1.33 KB |
| | NoneIndex.py | 243 bytes |
| | stack.py | 1.9 KB |
| | reversedSorted.py | 1.12 KB |
| | QUEUE.py | 956 bytes |
| | IDCHECK.py | 586 bytes |
| | Buggy.py | 479 bytes |
| | unifile.py | 399 bytes |
| | stack.py | 958 bytes |
| | mtfacfib.py | 977 bytes |
| | onethr.py | 401 bytes |
| | myThread.py | 496 bytes |
| | mtsleep1.py | 482 bytes |
| | mtsleep5.py | 846 bytes |
| | mtsleep3.py | 679 bytes |
| | prodcons.py | 980 bytes |
| | mtfacfib.py | 964 bytes |
| | mtsleep2.py | 672 bytes |
| | mtsleep4.py | 900 bytes |
| | userpw.py | 2.6 KB |
| | userpw.py | 1.16 KB |
| | typechk.py | 354 bytes |
| | Scope.py | 939 bytes |
| | RANDGEN.py | 225 bytes |
| | simpleGen.py | 146 bytes |
| | Deco.py | 1.66 KB |
| | COUNTER.py | 566 bytes |
| | Scope.py | 312 bytes |
| | easymath.py | 1.01 KB |
| | funcLog.py | 846 bytes |
| | closureVars.py | 691 bytes |
| | testit.py | 719 bytes |
| | pfaGUI.py | 377 bytes |
| | grabWeb.py | 631 bytes |
| | Numconv.py | 255 bytes |
| | Deco.py | 301 bytes |
| | setup.py | 157 bytes |
| | Extest1.c | 852 bytes |
| | Extest2.c | 1.59 KB |
| | FRIENDS3.py | 3.21 KB |
| | friends2.py | 1.7 KB |
| | advcgi2.py | 8.34 KB |
| | friends1.py | 761 bytes |
| | cgihttpd2.py | 61 bytes |
| | advcgi.py | 8.02 KB |
| | cgihttpd.py | 244 bytes |
| | myhttpd.py | 1.25 KB |
| | FRIENDS3.py | 2.19 KB |
| | friends2.py | 1.37 KB |
| | uniCGI.py | 326 bytes |
| | friends1.py | 382 bytes |
| | urlopenAuth.py | 779 bytes |
| | Friends.htm | 556 bytes |
| | advcgi.py | 6.32 KB |
| | Crawl.py | 3.47 KB |
| | myhttpd.py | 857 bytes |
| | ospathex.py | 3.04 KB |
| | ospathex.py | 1.51 KB |
| | makeTextFile1.py | 652 bytes |
| | makeTextFile0.py | 610 bytes |
| | makeTextFile.py | 619 bytes |
| | readtextfile.py | 365 bytes |
| | makeTextFile.diff | 663 bytes |
| | cardrun.py | 1.92 KB |
| | myexc.py | 4.28 KB |
| | CardData.txt | 110 bytes |
| | cardrun.py | 851 bytes |
| | cardlog.txt | 419 bytes |
| | myexc.py | 2.43 KB |
| | xcount.py | 114 bytes |
| | loopmake.py | 4.65 KB |
| | funcAttrs.py | 652 bytes |
| | Args.py | 294 bytes |
| | loopmake.py | 1.42 KB |
| | rewho.py | 540 bytes |
| | GENDATA.py | 1.43 KB |
| | rewho.py | 163 bytes |
| | GENDATA.py | 711 bytes |
| | ushuffle_dbPRE25.py | 4.5 KB |
| | ushuffle_so.py | 3.06 KB |
| | ushuffle_sa.py | 3.09 KB |
| | ushuffle_db.py | 4.43 KB |
| | getLatestNNTP.py | 2.26 KB |
| | getLatestFTP.py | 1.05 KB |
| | MyMail.py | 831 bytes |
| | tkhello0.py | 351 bytes |
| | tkhello1.py | 543 bytes |
| | tkhello4.py | 924 bytes |
| | tkhello2.py | 457 bytes |
| | Listdir.py | 3.44 KB |
| | tkhello3.py | 260 bytes |
| | animalPmw.pyw | 648 bytes |
| | tkhello1.py | 138 bytes |
| | animalGtk.pyw | 1.35 KB |
| | tkhello4.py | 524 bytes |
| | pfaGUI2.py | 1.1 KB |
| | tkhello2.py | 159 bytes |
| | animalTix.pyw | 606 bytes |
| | animalWx.pyw | 1.21 KB |
| | Listdir.py | 3.22 KB |
| | win32demo.pyw | 1.04 KB |
| | word.py | 720 bytes |
| | swhello.py | 457 bytes |
| | EXCEL.pyc | 1.25 KB |
| | swhello.java | 1.07 KB |
| | Stock.py | 576 bytes |
| | EXCEL.py | 709 bytes |
| | ppoint.pyw | 828 bytes |
| | ppoint.py | 828 bytes |
| | EXCEL.pyw | 709 bytes |
| | olook.py | 920 bytes |
| | maxFact.py | 1.19 KB |
| | maxFact.py | 316 bytes |
| | tsTservSS.py | 483 bytes |
| | tsUserv.py | 528 bytes |
| | tsTservSSBRH.py | 480 bytes |
| | tsTservNew.py | 678 bytes |
| | ts.zip | 4.88 KB |
| | tsTserv.py | 654 bytes |
| | tsTclntNew.py | 386 bytes |
| | tsTclntSSBRH.py | 348 bytes |
| | tsTclntSS.py | 406 bytes |
| | tsTservSS.py | 448 bytes |
| | tsTclntTW.py | 739 bytes |
| | tsTclnt.py | 377 bytes |
| | tsUserv.py | 420 bytes |
| | tsUclnt.py | 369 bytes |
| | tsTserv.py | 546 bytes |
| | tsTservTW.py | 520 bytes |
| | Prentice Hall - Core Python Programming, 2nd Edition - From The O'Reilly Anthology.pdf | 5.39 MB |
| | Python.v1.3.13.S60.3rd.Edition.Docs.pdf | 560.77 KB |
| | Python.v1.3.13.S60.3rd.Edition.selfsigned.sis | 721.23 KB |
| | Python.Script.Shell.v1.3.13.S60.3rd.Edition.selfsigned.sis | 17.72 KB |
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| | Sect11.htm | 3.24 KB |
| | IndexXTOC.htm | 1.99 KB |
| | TIPyth07.gif | 3.64 KB |
| | TIPyth06.gif | 2.54 KB |
| | TIPyth01.gif | 6.5 KB |
| | intro.htm | 10.34 KB |
| | TIPyth05.gif | 3.16 KB |
| | Sect07.htm | 9.04 KB |
| | Observer.pyc | 3.11 KB |
| | synchronization.py | 1019 bytes |
| | TestSynchronization.py | 1.08 KB |
| | Observer.py | 1.65 KB |
| | tmp. | 0 bytes |
| | synchronization.pyc | 1.67 KB |
| | ShapeFactory1.py | 1.07 KB |
| | tmp. | 189 bytes |
| | ShapeFactory2.py | 1.36 KB |
| | tmp. | 189 bytes |
| | games.py | 1.36 KB |
| | Games2.py | 1.05 KB |
| | tmp. | 69 bytes |
| | PaperScissorsRock2.py | 1.92 KB |
| | PaperScissorsRock.py | 2.64 KB |
| | tmp. | 902 bytes |
| | FlowerVisitors.py | 2.29 KB |
| | differentReturns.py | 218 bytes |
| | SimpleClass.pyc | 1.03 KB |
| | SingletonDecorator.py | 512 bytes |
| | NewSingleton.py | 916 bytes |
| | SingletonMetaClass.py | 837 bytes |
| | Simple2.py | 1.13 KB |
| | SingletonPattern.py | 947 bytes |
| | SimpleClass.py | 514 bytes |
| | sum.py | 149 bytes |
| | strings.py | 420 bytes |
| | TemplateMethod.py | 761 bytes |
| | tmp. | 270 bytes |
| | MouseTrapTest.py | 2.46 KB |
| | tmp. | 765 bytes |
| | MouseAction.pyc | 1.25 KB |
| | MouseMoves.txt | 239 bytes |
| | tmp. | 0 bytes |
| | MouseAction.py | 762 bytes |
| | tmp. | 765 bytes |
| | MouseTrap2Test.py | 2.92 KB |
| | state.pyc | 679 bytes |
| | state.py | 254 bytes |
| | StateMachine.py | 422 bytes |
| | StateMachine.pyc | 814 bytes |
| | tmp. | 0 bytes |
| | ProxyDemo2.py | 537 bytes |
| | ProxyDemo.py | 625 bytes |
| | StateDemo.py | 1.11 KB |
| | tmp. | 230 bytes |
| | ObservedFlower.py | 3.66 KB |
| | BoxObserver.rsrc.py | 375 bytes |
| | tmp. | 0 bytes |
| | BoxObserver.py | 2.85 KB |
| | adapter.py | 1.3 KB |
| | tmp. | 0 bytes |
| | StrategyPattern.py | 1.11 KB |
| | ChainOfResponsibility.py | 2.73 KB |
| | CommandPattern.py | 779 bytes |
| | tmp. | 118 bytes |
| | Coffeeshop.py | 1.77 KB |
| | tmp. | 87 bytes |
| | Coffeeshop.py | 1.78 KB |
| | tmp. | 50 bytes |
| | Coffeeshop.py | 1.58 KB |
| | tmp. | 54 bytes |
| | SanityCheck.py | 986 bytes |
| | Thinking in Python (Bruce Eckel, Rev 0.1.2) - 2001.pdf | 831.45 KB |
| | image069.gif | 4.64 KB |
| | image056.gif | 19.41 KB |
| | image014.gif | 13.37 KB |
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| | 23.htm | 56.49 KB |
| | 3.htm | 38.94 KB |
| | 4.htm | 18.99 KB |
| | rightarrw.gif | 2.06 KB |
| | 27.htm | 18.05 KB |
| | Python Programming on Win32.pdf | 4.91 MB |
| | dtbrowse.py | 6.35 KB |
| | dtjournal.py | 2.39 KB |
| | Chart7.ico | 766 bytes |
| | dtedittrans.py | 7.93 KB |
| | tkDemo.py | 13.34 KB |
| | tkBrowser.py | 21.37 KB |
| | scribbleApp.py | 353 bytes |
| | scribble2.py | 4.12 KB |
| | scribble1.py | 1.3 KB |
| | CreateFileSemantics.py | 2.44 KB |
| | CreateProcess.py | 3.12 KB |
| | DumpPop.py | 1010 bytes |
| | DumpPop2.py | 1.25 KB |
| | BatchUserCreate.py | 3.76 KB |
| | UserData.txt | 49 bytes |
| | RebootServer.py | 1.61 KB |
| | spam.dsp | 4.22 KB |
| | spam.dsw | 531 bytes |
| | spammodule.c | 822 bytes |
| | compile.py | 21.07 KB |
| | ThreadEmbed.cpp | 2.38 KB |
| | SYSTEM.py | 1.29 KB |
| | setpath.py | 73 bytes |
| | EXTCTRLS.py | 6.51 KB |
| | STDCTRLS.py | 11.3 KB |
| | Menus.py | 1.93 KB |
| | controls.py | 7.41 KB |
| | GRAPHICS.py | 7.61 KB |
| | forms.py | 5.91 KB |
| | classes.py | 10.06 KB |
| | setpath.py | 100 bytes |
| | test1.py | 3.05 KB |
| | compile.py | 26.46 KB |
| | building.html | 14.04 KB |
| | frmScriptEditor.frx | 226 bytes |
| | frmLineDialog.frm | 4.78 KB |
| | frmConsole.frm | 6.11 KB |
| | vbdtbrowse.bas | 140 bytes |
| | frmMain.frm | 27.85 KB |
| | frmScriptEditor.frm | 4.1 KB |
| | frmUserView.frm | 1.72 KB |
| | frmAbout.frx | 778 bytes |
| | frmAccountChart.frm | 3.36 KB |
| | frmTranDialog.frm | 11.17 KB |
| | deldtbrowse.pas | 1.41 KB |
| | deldtbrowse.exe | 300 KB |
| | deldtbrowse.dfm | 810 bytes |
| | demodata2.dtj | 14.22 KB |
| | mainunit.dfm | 2.11 KB |
| | deldtbrowse.dpr | 203 bytes |
| | mainunit.pas | 7.09 KB |
| | mainunit.dcu | 9.17 KB |
| | deldtbrowse.res | 876 bytes |
| | deldtbrowse.dof | 932 bytes |
| | demodata1.dtj | 140.28 KB |
| | 00README.txt | 87 bytes |
| | SimpleCOMServer.py | 815 bytes |
| | PipeService2_install.h | 371 bytes |
| | SmallestService.py | 1.09 KB |
| | PipeService2.py | 6.12 KB |
| | PipeServiceClient.py | 394 bytes |
| | PipeService2_install.ini | 619 bytes |
| | PipeService1.py | 3.72 KB |
| | datastruct.py | 1.41 KB |
| | stdaccts.py | 2.29 KB |
| | makedata1.py | 1.24 KB |
| | fastbookset.py | 9.15 KB |
| | dictlist.py | 1.68 KB |
| | olap.py | 3.96 KB |
| | demodata1.log | 165.86 KB |
| | demodata2.dtj | 14.22 KB |
| | __init__.py | 35 bytes |
| | demodata1.py | 36.19 KB |
| | 00README.txt | 330 bytes |
| | speed.txt | 748 bytes |
| | pydbdemos.mdb | 198 KB |
| | ADOSession.py | 932 bytes |
| | fastinsert.py | 4.42 KB |
| | InvoiceManager.py | 814 bytes |
| | Laundry.py | 6.84 KB |
| | 00README.txt | 146 bytes |
| | calldllmodule.cpp | 11.44 KB |
| | makefile_nt.msc | 707 bytes |
| | ODBC.py | 27.3 KB |
| | odbc_jet.py | 1.74 KB |
| | Readme.txt | 5.09 KB |
| | dynwin.zip | 164.35 KB |
| | dynwin.txt | 335 bytes |
| | dynwin-demo.zip | 331.92 KB |
| | odbc_installer.py | 5.87 KB |
| | make_nt.in | 1.48 KB |
| | ACCESSES.grl | 351 bytes |
| | Likes.grl | 319 bytes |
| | empty.grl | 53 bytes |
| | work.grl | 248 bytes |
| | test.gfd | 2.94 KB |
| | FREQUENTS.grl | 399 bytes |
| | SERVES.grl | 358 bytes |
| | TESTLispG2.py | 7.41 KB |
| | testbind.py | 3.34 KB |
| | gftest.py | 20.82 KB |
| | kjParseBuild.py | 46.53 KB |
| | pygram.py | 32.11 KB |
| | kjbuckets0.py | 29.17 KB |
| | odbctest.py | 19.18 KB |
| | sqlsemold.py | 58.81 KB |
| | kjSet.py | 6.37 KB |
| | SERVER.html | 10.69 KB |
| | SampleServer.py | 3.64 KB |
| | LateAndEarly.py | 639 bytes |
| | ContrivedServer.py | 2.17 KB |
| | DumpStorage.py | 1.53 KB |
| | DynamicPolicy.py | 2.18 KB |
| | INVOICE_199904001_MEGAWAD.pdf | 6.6 KB |
| | INVOICE_199904004_NOSHCO.pdf | 6.6 KB |
| | INVOICE_199904003_MEGAWAD.pdf | 6.6 KB |
| | invoicing.dat | 907 bytes |
| | invoicing.py | 6.95 KB |
| | invoicing.mdb | 136 KB |
| | INVOICE_199904002_MEGAWAD.pdf | 6.79 KB |
| | wordchart.xls | 16 KB |
| | pythonics_mgt_accounts.doc | 29.5 KB |
| | easyword.py | 5.55 KB |
| | pythonics.dot | 39 KB |
| | python01.doc | 21.5 KB |
| | InsChartTest.doc | 31 KB |
| | pythonics_mgt.dot | 21.5 KB |
| | PyPrint1.ppr | 6 bytes |
| | drawview.py | 2.75 KB |
| | simpleprintdemo.py | 718 bytes |
| | INVOICES.xls | 30.5 KB |
| | INVOICES.dtj | 1.5 KB |
| | exceldemos.py | 7.52 KB |
| | example1.xls | 13.5 KB |
| | ActiveApp_VBScript.txt | 181 bytes |
| | ActiveApp.py | 1.71 KB |
| | DebugSample.html | 481 bytes |
| | ActiveApp_Python.txt | 147 bytes |
| | ClientSample.html | 969 bytes |
| | ServerSample.asp | 489 bytes |
| | WSH.pys | 341 bytes |
| | SimpleNewsViewer.py | 2.05 KB |
| | HTTPRedirector.py | 2.29 KB |
| | SingleThreadedApartment.py | 3.22 KB |
| | ThreadingModelsServer.py | 1.46 KB |
| | SimpleThreads.py | 568 bytes |
| | FreeThreadedApartment.py | 1.94 KB |
| | Readme.txt | 643 bytes |
| | Readme.txt | 643 bytes |
| | Listing_E4_Non-graphical_character_creation.py | 22.25 KB |
| | Listing_E3_Attribute_generator.py | 2.1 KB |
| | draft copy.pdf | 1.03 MB |
| | Listing_E1_Random_dice_roller.py | 2.7 KB |
| | Listing_E2_Fahrenheit_to_Celsius_converter.py | 526 bytes |
| | dice_roller.py | 2.7 KB |
| | Python_ebook.pdf | 1.03 MB |
| | Readme.rtf | 913 bytes |
| | Listing_E4_Python_3.py | 22.33 KB |
| | Listing_E3_Python_3.py | 2.17 KB |
| | Listing_E1_Python_3.py | 2.84 KB |
| | dice_roller_Python_2x.py | 2.7 KB |
| | dice_roller_Python_3.py | 2.84 KB |
| | Listing_E4_Python_2x.py | 22.26 KB |
| | Listing_E1_Python_2x.py | 2.7 KB |
| | Listing_E2_Python_3.py | 613 bytes |
| | Distributed by Mininova.txt | 291 bytes |
| | tutor.tgz | 469.25 KB |
| | BuildingSkillsinOODesign.pdf | 1.73 MB |
| | draft_v3.pdf | 1.03 MB |
| | Python_Programming.pdf | 758.27 KB |
| | diveintopython-pdf-5.4.zip | 763.72 KB |
| | Python Phrasebook - Essential Code & Commands.mobi | 1.01 MB |
| | Python Phrasebook - Essential Code & Commands.apnx | 1.63 KB |
| | Python.3rd.Edition.Aug.2006 - Unknown.mobi | 3.09 MB |
| | Python.in.a.Nutshell.2nd.Edition.Jul.2006 - Unknown.mobi | 1.67 MB |
| | Python.3rd.Edition.Aug.2006 - Unknown.apnx | 9.01 KB |
| | Python.in.a.Nutshell.2nd.Edition.Jul.2006 - Unknown.apnx | 8.19 KB |
| | Python Programming for Absolute Beginner - Desconocido.apnx | 2.75 KB |
| | Python Programming for Absolute Beginner - Desconocido.mobi | 6.97 MB |
| | Learning Python - Desconocido.apnx | 5.02 KB |
| | Programming Python OReilly - Desconocido.apnx | 11.46 KB |
| | Text processing in python - Desconocido.apnx | 3.41 KB |
| | Programming Python OReilly - Desconocido.mobi | 11.72 MB |
| | Python Cookbook OReilly - Desconocido.mobi | 2.95 MB |
| | Python Game Programming _ LUA and Ruby - Desconocido.mobi | 2.51 MB |
| | Python.in.a.Nutshell.2nd.Edition.Jul.2006 - Desconocido.apnx | 8.19 KB |
| | Python Standard Library - Desconocido.apnx | 3.66 KB |
| | Python Tutorial (2.7.1) - Python Software Foundation.mobi | 193.75 KB |
| | Python Tutorial (2.7.1) - Python Software Foundation.apnx | 693 bytes |
| | Readme. | 578 bytes |
| | PYTHON2.pdf | 494.75 KB |
| | garyd777python3.mpg | 62.35 MB |
| | garyd777python6.pdf | 280.41 KB |
| | Distributed by Mininova.txt | 291 bytes |
| | Garyd777_python6.pdf | 709.55 KB |
| | Distributed by Mininova.txt | 291 bytes |
| | garyd777-python6.mpg | 52.27 MB |
| | Pro IronPython (2009).pdf | 3.01 MB |
| | OReilly.Learning.Python.3rd.Edition.Oct.2007.pdf | 4.08 MB |
| | A Learner's Guide to Programming Using the Python Language (2009).pdf | 16.83 MB |
| | Tkinter 8.4 reference - a GUI for Python (2010).pdf | 1.4 MB |
| | Programming Python, 3rd Edition (2006).chm | 9.67 MB |
| | Python Scripting For Computational Science (2004).pdf | 4.88 MB |
| | Dive Into Python (2004).pdf | 1.14 MB |
| | O'reilly-Python_Pocket_Reference,_2Nd_Ed_(2001).chm | 175.44 KB |
| | Rapid Web Applications With TurboGears - Using Python To Create Ajax-Powered Sites (2006).chm | 6.22 MB |
| | Snake Wrangling for Kids - Learning to Program with Python 3, linux-v0.7.7 (2007).pdf | 1.32 MB |
| | Snake Wrangling for Kids - Learning to Program with Python 2, linux-v0.7.2 (2007).pdf | 1.22 MB |
| | Python Cookbook (2005).chm | 1.47 MB |
| | Snake Wrangling for Kids - Learning to Program with Python 2, win-v0.7.2 (2007).pdf | 1.25 MB |
| | Rapid.GUI.Programming.with.Python.and.Qt.Oct.2007.pdf | 6.95 MB |
| | Python Scripting for Computational Science, Third Edition (2008).pdf | 5.04 MB |
| | Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Python (2003).chm | 3.34 MB |
| | Numerical Methods in Engineering with Python (2005).pdf | 7.06 MB |
| | Next-Generation Web Frameworks in Python (2007).chm | 478.09 KB |
| | Python for Software Design - How to Think Like a Computer Scientist (2009).pdf | 783.89 KB |
| | Python - How to Program (2001).pdf | 24.96 MB |
| | IronPython in Action (2009).pdf | 14.19 MB |
| | Python Programming with the Java Class Libraries - A Tutorial for Building Web and Enterprise... | 1.77 MB |
| | GUI Programming with Python - QT Edition (2002).chm | 15.89 MB |
| | Thinking in Tkinter (2005).html | 115.9 KB |
| | Python 2.6 Quick Reference (Letter) (2009).pdf | 893.91 KB |
| | Snake Wrangling for Kids - Learning to Program with Python 2, mac-v0.7.2 (2007).pdf | 1.28 MB |
| | Programming in Python 3 - A Complete Introduction to the Python Language (2008).chm | 1.88 MB |
| | Python.3.Network.Programming.rar | 5.43 MB |
| | wxPython In Action (2006).pdf | 12.56 MB |
| | Beginning Game Development with Python and Pygame - From Novice to Professional (2007).pdf | 7.63 MB |