Quando c'era lui... caro lei [XviD - Ita Ac3][TNTVillage]

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Added on February 12, 2011 by ilfilmografoin Movies
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Quando c'era lui... caro lei [XviD - Ita Ac3][TNTVillage] (Size: 1001.5 MB)
 Quando c era lui caro lei.avi1001.5 MB


Quando c'era lui... caro lei [XviD - Ita Ac3][TNTVillage]



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Title: Quando c'era lui... caro lei
Country: Italy
Age: 1978
Runtime: 94 minutes
Genre: Comedy
Music: Alfredo Polacchi
Director: Giancarlo Santi

Il benzinaio Beretta, mentre fa il pieno a una vistosa macchina di rappresentanza scortata dalla polizia, riconosce i due personaggi che sono a bordo: Pavanati un alto questore, e Rossetti, un senatore appartenente a un partito di successo. Invitato dai due a salire sull'auto, il benzinaio ricorda con i due amici quando il primo era, come lui, un gerarca fascista in servizio accanto al Duce e quando il secondo era, viceversa, un fallimentare anarchico. Mentre il ricostituito terzetto percorre l'autostrada, i tre possono ricordare la figura di LUI e le sue smargiassate nella vita privata (le relazioni con varie donne, con l'amante Lauretta, le reazioni della moglie) o nella vita pubblica (la battaglia del grano, le rivalità con il Re, gli incontri con Hitler, l'udienza in Vaticano in occasione dei Patti Lateranensi, eccetera). Convinto di essere giunto a una felice svolta della propria vita, grazie all'incontro con gli ormai potenti ex amici, Beretta all'arrivo ha la sgradita sorpresa di venire ammanettato poiché i due erano alla ricerca di un sempliciotto da offrire come cavia agli intrallazzi della politica.


The Beretta gas station, while making full representation in a flashy car escorted by police, recognizes the two characters who are on board: Pavanati a senior superintendent, and Rossetti, a senator belonging to a successful party. Invited by two to get the car, the gas station with two friends when he recalls the first one was like him a fascist in service next to the Duce and the second was when, conversely, a failed anarchist. While the reconstituted trio along the highway, the three can remember the figure of him and his bravado in private life (relationships with various women, with her lover Lauretta, the reactions of his wife) or in public life (the battle of wheat, the rivalry with the King, his meetings with Hitler, the audience at the Vatican on the occasion of the Lateran Pacts, etc). Convinced that it reached a happy turning point in his life thanks to the encounter with the now powerful former friends, Beretta arrival has the unpleasant surprise of being handcuffed because the two were looking for a simpleton to offer as to the intrigues of the guinea pig policy.


Paolo Villaggio ... Berretta
Hugo Pratt ... Rossetti
Gianni Cavina ... Pavanati
Maria Grazia Buccella ... Lauretta - Lover of Lui
Mario Carotenuto ... Pope
Orietta Berti ... Rachele
Clara Algranti
Ennio Antonelli ... Fat Fascist
Marcello Bonini Olas ... Gabriele - the Poet (as Marcello Bonini)
Giuliana Calandra ... Queen of Italy
Eolo Capritti ... Mussolini (as Al Capri)
Franco Caracciolo
Dante Cleri ... Mayor of San Filippo di Romagna
Paolo de Manincor ... Melodia
Salvatore Funari ... Vittorio Emanuele III
Barbara Herrera ... Mother of Lauretta
Gianni Magni ... Sbrodaglio
Tiberio Murgia ... Driver
Memè Perlini ... Hitler
John Stacy ... Lord Chamberlain
Franco Volpi

[ About file ]

Name: Quando c era lui caro lei.avi
Date: 31/01/2011 14:48:44
Size: 1,050,144,216 bytes (1001.496 MB)

[ Generic infos ]

Play duration: 01:33:10 (5590 s)
Container type: AVI
Number of streams: 2
Type of stream nr. 0: video
Type of stream nr. 1: audio
Audio streams: 1

[ Relevant data ]

Resolution: VERY HIGH (720 x 400)
Width: multiple of 16 (GOOD)
Height: multiple of 16 (GOOD)
Average DRF quality: LOW (5.175592)
Standard deviation quality: LOW (1.610884)
Std. dev. weighted mean: LOW (1.610869)

[ Video track ]

FourCC: xvid/XVID
Resolution: 720 x 400
Frame aspect ratio: 9:5 = 1.8
Pixel aspect ratio: 1:1 = 1
Display aspect ratio: 9:5 = 1.8
Framerate: 25 fps
Number of frames: 139750 (0)
Stream size: 908,364,679 bytes
Bitrate: 1299.985229 kbps
Qf: 0.180553
Key frames: 1069 (0; 250; 306; 384; 442; ... 139615)
Null frames: 0
Min key int: 1
Max key int: 250
Avg key int: 130.729653
Delay: 0 ms

[ Audio track ]

Audio tag: 0x2000 (AC3)
Bitrate (container): 192 kbps CBR
Channels (container): 2
Sample rate (container): 48000 Hz
Chunks: 174689
Stream size: 134,161,152 bytes
Preload: 1280 ms
Max A/V diff: 2848 ms
AC-3 frames: 174689
Play duration: 01:33:10 (5590.048 s)
Chunk-aligned: Yes
Mode: stereo
Delay: 0 ms

[ About MPEG4 encoding ]

User data: XviD0046
Packed bitstream: No
QPel: No
Interlaced: No
Aspect ratio: Square pixels
Quant type: H.263
Number of frames: 139750
Drop/delay frames: 0
Corrupted frames: 0

I-VOPs: 1069 ( 0.765 %)
P-VOPs: 138681 ( 99.235 %) #########################
B-VOPs: 0 ( 0.000 %)
S-VOPs: 0 ( 0.000 %)
N-VOPs: 0 ( 0.000 %)

[ DRF analysis ]

Average DRF: 5.175592
Standard deviation: 1.610884
Max DRF: 27

DRF9: 1592 ( 1.139 %)

I-VOPs average DRF: 5.098222
I-VOPs std. deviation: 1.629558
I-VOPs max DRF: 24

P-VOPs average DRF: 5.176188
P-VOPs std. deviation: 1.610725
P-VOPs max DRF: 27

[ Profile compliancy ]

Profile to check: MTK PAL 6000
Resolution: Ok
Framerate: Ok
Min buffer fill: 77%


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1001.5 MB
Quando c'era lui... caro lei [XviD - Ita Ac3][TNTVillage]
