Registry Trash Keys Finder 9
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Registry Trash Keys Finder (Size: 813.41 KB)
Versiya programmy: Adres ofitsial'nogo sayta: ssylka YAzyk interfeysa: Russkiy, Angliyskiy i drugiye Lecheniye: ne trebuyetsya Sistemnyye trebovaniya: Opisaniye: Registry Trash Keys Finder - osobyy instrument dlya ochistki reyestra. Glavnoye prednaznacheniye programmy — eto udaleniye klyuchey reyestra Windows, stavshikh uzhe nenuzhnymi dlya vashey operatsionnoy sistemy. Mnogiye programmy ostavlyayut v reyestre sozdannyye imi klyuchi, prichem dazhe posle ispol'zovaniya spetsial'nykh deinstallyatorov, postavlyayemykh s etimi zhe programmami.
Software version: Official site: link Language: Russian, English and other Treatment: not required System requirements: Windows/7/8 Description: Registry Trash Keys Finder - a special tool to clean the registry. The main purpose of the program - the removal of registry keys Windows, which have become unnecessary for your operating system. Many programs leave registry keys created by them, even after using an uninstallation facility provided with the programs themselves. Related Torrents
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