Rubber Ninjas v1 0 cracked proper READ NFO-THETA

seeders: 14
leechers: 0
Added on September 6, 2009 by in Games
Torrent verified.

Rubber Ninjas v1 0 cracked proper READ NFO-THETA (Size: 25.44 MB)
 Rubber Ninjas.exe25.41 MB
 Theta.nfo22.41 KB




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? ???²²²²±° RELEASE INFO °±²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²??? °

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?? ? Rubber Ninjas v1.0 *proper* ?

? ? ?

? ? (c) by Rag Doll Software ?

? ? ?

? ? Date: 17-08-2009 Protection: Custom ?

? ? ?

? ? Release: Cracked Cracked by Ignite ?

? ? ?

? ? Now should work for Vista/7 users. ??

² ?²?

± ????²²²?

° ???²²²²±° ABOUT US / NEWS °±²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²??? °

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?²? ? ²

?? ? We are just another small non-scene group who started in ?

? 2007. Since then we became a bit more skilled, now we have ? ?

? ? done over 1500 quality releases, and we hope to bring you ?

? more of them. ? ?

? ? ?

? We are seeking for new talents: ? ?

? ? ?

? - Coders If you have any good experience and want ? ?

? ? - Crackers to join us - read CONTACTS section for ?

? - GFX artists details. ? ?

? ? - Keygenners ?

? - Suppliers There will be requirements. ? ?

? ? - Others? And there will be cookies as well. :) ?

? ? ?

? ? This June we had our second birthday, and we are glad to ?

? thank all our friends and fans for their support! All your ? ?

? ? kind words are always appreciated. ?

? ? ?

? ? Unfortunately we couldn't invite everyone to celebrate our ?

? birthday. A series of natural disasters occupied our young ? ?

? ? planet, and we were unable to continue our work during the ?

? whole month. Just after leaving bunkers the first thing we ? ?

? ? saw was an eclipse. Something was blocking the starlight, ?

? and it wasn't just a rock. Something bigger was captured, ? ?

? ? it is our first moon... Our boffins still can't gather all ?

? the data, but it's already clear that it won't leave our ? ?

? ? planet any time soon. At least it can't knock us off the ?

? orbit! We are planning to start a research, as it may turn ? ?

? ? out to be productive. Today it's just a little night star, ?

? who knows what will be found out tomorrow? If there will ? ?

? ? be a danger, we can just blow it up. Stay tuned for news. ??

² ?²?

± ????²²²?

° ???²²²²±° NOTES °±²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²??? °

?²²²???? ±

?²? ? ²

?? ? Our releases are always virus-free. If you think you found ?

? something suspicious, it's a problem of your security ? ?

? ? software. All those antivirus systems will never be too ?

? smart, so don't complain. And always remember that we are ? ?

? ? not responsible for modified releases. ?

? ? ?

? ? Windows 9x/ME support? Don't expect that, you know why. ?

? Windows Vista support? Yes, you can expect that. Most of ? ?

? ? our releases are tested on Windows XP and Windows Vista, ?

? but there may be exceptions. Sometimes original product ? ?

? ? doesn't support Windows Vista itself. ?

? ? ?

? ? We aren't stealing releases. We respect hard work of other ?

? people and always indicate original authors of releases. ? ?

? ? We have permissions to use their files. ?

? ? ?

? ? "OUTLAWS.Stop.Stealing.Our.Releases.READ.NFO-THETA" is a ?

? fake, which was released not by us. Although its contents ? ?

? ? are true, they are copied from our old releases, where you ?

? could find proofs. Everything we wanted to say, is already ? ?

? ? said (see releases from 13-04-2009:05-06-2009). ?

? In this fake you'll find: ? ?

? ? - No "NOTICE" label in the release name. ?

? - A copyright by a web-group. ? ?

? ? - Fresh date and outdated nfo template. ?

? - No protection and no author. ? ?

? ? - Fake file_id.diz with no template. ??

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° ???²²²²±° MEMBERS °±²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²??? °

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Rubber Ninjas v1 0 cracked proper READ NFO-THETA

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