Russ Meyer's - Mondo Topless [1966] ratDVDseeders: 3
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Russ Meyer's - Mondo Topless [1966] ratDVD (Size: 565.92 MB)
TITLE: Russ Meyer's - Mondo Topless
YEAR: 1966 SOURCE: Retail DVD > ratDVD SIZE: 565MB ALL THE EXTRA'S FROM THE ORIGINAL DVD KEPT!! DESCRIPTION: Russ Meyer followed the black-and-white triumph of 1966?s FASTERPUSSYCAT, KILL! KILL! with this much more basic exercise that existssimply to highlight the bare breasts of a succession of 15 well-endowedwomen. Shot in San Francisco, MONDO TOPLESS is a celebration of the newsexual freedom that was causing topless go-go clubs to spring up in themore liberal-thinking communities across the United States. The filmalso features Meyer foregoing any attempt at narrative and giving theaudience what his films are known for: plenty of large female breasts. Shot without synchronized sound (from an apparent lack of funding), thefilm merely places its uninhibited stars in a number of differentsettings and allows them to jump and shake for the camera while groovyinstrumental tracks unfold. All the while, a very excited narratorthrows words such as "buxotic" and "cantilevered" around like confetti,and the women explain why they like being topless. Many of the women inthe film are actual San Francisco strippers, while others, such as PatBarrington (Ed Wood?s ORGY OF THE DEAD) and Babette Bardot (Meyer?sCOMMON LAW CABIN), are featured in other films. Starring: Babette Bardot Pat Barrington Sin Lenee Darlene Grey Diane Young Darla Paris Donna X My release (Like all the other I've shared). Keep on ratDVDing Sharing WidgetTrailer |
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