Release by Ghazali
Al Mu'Allim
Sami Yusuf

Sami Yusuf
Al Mu'Allim
Track listing
1. "Al-Mu'allim" 05:45
2. "Who is the Loved One?" 05:09
3. "The Cave of Hira" 04:50
4. "Allahu" 06:28
5. "The Creator" 06:50
6. "Meditation" 03:03
7. "Ya Mustafa" 05:36
8. "Supplication" 04:05
Compilation album by Sami Yusuf
Released 2003
Recorded 2002
Genre Islamic, Nasheed
Length 41:45
Label Awakening Records
Producer Sami Yusuf
Professional reviews
Al-Mu'allim (المعلم) (the teacher) is a compilation of nasheeds by British singer-songwriter Sami Yusuf. Yusuf spent many hours in the studio programming, singing, playing the instruments and singing the main tracks as well as the harmonies and some of the backing vocals, and Barron, an experienced sound engineer, spent hundreds of hours recording, mixing, editing and mastering.
Sami Yusuf is a British singer-songwriter, composer, producer and multi-instrumentalist musician.
In 2003 Yusuf released his debut album "Al-Mu`allim" at the age of 23, selling over two million copies. Following the release of his second album "My Ummah" in 2005, Yusuf was heralded as "Islam's Biggest Rock Star" by Time magazine for his success in attracting a relatively young fan base from diverse regions across the world, many of whom were of Muslim backgrounds. Yusuf has sold over seven million albums. In October 2010, following a five-year hiatus, Yusuf’s third official album "Wherever You Are" was launched, manifesting his self-coined genre “Spiritique”. Yusuf is involved in humanitarian initiatives, supporting, among others, Islamic Relief and Save the Children.
An ethnic Azeri born in Tehran, Yusuf was raised in London from the age of three. He initially began composing simple melodies starting at the age of three, and performing on stage for the first time around the age of nine. His “defining moment” musically occurred when his father loaned him a book on the basics of the Tombak [Persian instrument]. Upon returning from a tea break, his father found that the young Yusuf had mastered the book that had taken months for his students to finish. As a teenager he was a devotee of classical music and classical icons like Chopin and Mozart, admitting that he listened to Classic FM radio station for hours in a day. He went on training professionally in several other instruments including the santoor, piano, violin, oud, setar, tar, and daf under the guidance of traditional teachers, as well as professional musicians. While producing and demo-recording for another singer, he became aware of his own singing abilities which were further developed by the encouragement of his family. Divided between pursuing a musical career or studying law at King’s College London, Yusuf opted for music while committed to “doing something dignified and respectable”. Though he claimed to having been always spiritual, he reconnected with his Islamic faith through a “religious awakening” at the age of nineteen. He then set out to share his experience with the other young British Muslims he felt were direly in search of an identity especially post 9/11. Yusuf self-produced and released his debut album “Al-mu’allim” at the age of 23, pioneering an innovative trend other Muslim artist would seek to emulate and promote, termed "Islamic pop".
Al-Mu'allim (المعلم) (Il Maestro) è una raccolta di nasheeds dal cantautore inglese Sami Yusuf. Yusuf ha trascorso molte ore nella programmazione studio, cantare, suonare gli strumenti e cantando i brani principali, nonché le armonie e alcuni dei cori, e Barron, un ingegnere del suono con esperienza, ha speso centinaia di ore di registrazione, missaggio, editing e mastering .
Sami Yusuf è un cantautore britannico, compositore, produttore e musicista polistrumentista.
Nel 2003 Yusuf ha pubblicato il suo album d'esordio "Al-Mu` allim "all'età di 23 anni, vendendo oltre due milioni di copie. Dopo l'uscita del suo secondo album "My Ummah"nel 2005, Yusuf è stato annunciato come la ''più grande Rock Star dell Islam" dalla rivista Time per il suo successo ad attirare una base di fan relativamente giovani provenienti da diverse regioni di tutto il mondo, molti dei quali erano dei musulmani sfondi. Yusuf ha venduto oltre sette milioni di album. Nel mese di ottobre 2010, a seguito di una pausa di cinque anni, terzo album ufficiale Yusuf "Wherever You Are" è stato lanciato, manifestando il suo genere di auto-coniato "Spiritique". Yusuf è coinvolta in iniziative umanitarie, di sostegno, tra gli altri, Islamic Relief e Save the Children.
Sami Yusuf (Teheran, luglio 1980) è un cantautore britannico di origine azera, descritto come "il Bono musulmano"
È nato a Teheran, in Iran, da genitori originari dell'Azerbaijan nel luglio 1980 ed è cresciuto in Regno Unito.
Firmato Awakening Records, il suo primo album Al-Mu'allim, autoprodotto, esce nel luglio 2003 ed ottiene presto un grande successo. Il secondo album My Ummah, uscito nel 2005, viene pubblicato in due versioni, una strumentale e l'altra con sole percussioni. La musica di Yusuf ha come principale tema l'Islam e l'essere musulmani al giorno d'oggi, ma tratta anche molte questioni sociali e umanitarie. Sami Yusuf sta conquistando sempre più fama nel mondo musulmano, anche grazie ai suoi videoclip molto apprezzati. È in programma anche un terzo album, che uscirà probabilmente a metà 2008, di cui Sami ha anticipato due tracce durante il suo concerto a Wembley il 21 ottobre 2007 e nel suo tour statunitense, organizzato da Islamic Relief.
[CITA=Dati Tecnici][youtube=TDvMbKq9op8][/CITA]

REST IN SEED....Thank You!!!