Year: July 14, 2014Genre: Arcade (Platform) / LogicDeveloper: Zeppelin Studio (CodeCube Brothers Partnership)Publisher: Zeppelin Studio (CodeCube Brothers Partnership)Platform: PCPublication Type: InformalLanguage: English, GermanLanguage: no / not requiredCrack: enclosing [TiNYiSO]System requirements:• Operating system: Windows Vista / 7/8• Processor: Intel Pentium 1.6 GHz• Memory: 1 GB• Video: 256 MB• Sound card: compatible with 9.0 DirectX®• Free space on hard disk: 1 GBDescription:The story begins when a young man's son is dead. His body was found on the edge of the forest, and the death occurred under mysterious circumstances. Hoping to raise her only child is our main character goes to a mysterious swamp, where according to legend, can revive every living creature. But there still should get an ordinary mortal can not achieve the ultimate goal. To help the main character comes mystical creature named Irrlicht. With the help of his ghostly light can be seen, what is hidden from ordinary eyes lyudey.Key Features:• 12 levels, 4 protected ferocious monsters, wait!• Game 4-8 hours, intense puzzle, jump'n'running gameplay!• Fully synchronized text and audio in English and German!• Atmospheric soundtrack brings to the mood and suspense of the game!Install Info :1 Mount image in Daemon Tools or Alcohol2 Install the game3 Play