Scientific Creationism - Dr. Henry M. Morrisseeders: 17
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Scientific Creationism - Dr. Henry M. Morris (Size: 12.19 MB)
DescriptionThe story of the origin of all things: Does the scientific evidence support special creation or atheistic evolution? Authoritative and thoroughly documented, Scientific Creationism is easily understood by readers with non-scientific backgrounds. Teachers, students, pastors, and other witnessing Christians can now be equipped with the convincing evidence for special creation. Updated and expanded, Scientific Creationism is a book that has changed the lives of people for Christ ? people who have been blinded by the current origin-myth, evolution. About the author: Henry Morris, Ph.D., (deceased) earned the title, "The Father of Modern Creationism," through with his numerous writings about the creation/evolution debate. Dr. Henry M. Morris truly was a man of science and a staunch man of God. He was even said to have set the terms of debate about evolution for the second half of the 20th century by one Pulitzer Prize-winning academician. Dr. Morris began his serious study of the Bible in the 1930s and authoring books in the 1940s, but it was his landmark work, co-authored with Dr. John Whitcomb, titled The Genesis Flood in 1961 that influenced generations to begin discovering the fallacies of evolution and the biblical truth of creation.He was the founder of the Institute for Creation Research in California. Buy: Sharing Widget |