Sex au Naturel: What It Is and Why It's Good for Your Marriage (EPUB, MOBI, PDF)seeders: 0
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Sex au Naturel: What It Is and Why It's Good for Your Marriage (EPUB, MOBI, PDF) (Size: 2.28 MB)
Description![]() Sex Au Naturel: What It Is and Why It's Good For Your Marriage by radio host Patrick Coffin is a bracing ride across the landscape of the Catholic sexual ethic. If you're looking for intellectual ammo with which to defend and explain the teaching of Humanae Vitae, or if you reject it altogether, you'll agree that Coffin approaches the topic from a wide array of new and persuasive angles. With humor and enthusiasm and a total absence of moralizing you'll learn:
"In Sex au Naturel, Patrick Coffin presents a clear and compelling case for the timeless teaching of the Church on contraception. Coffin demonstrates the beauty, power, and joy that is possible in marital sexual love when a couple does not separate what God has joined their union expressing life-giving love. Highly recommended." —KIMBERLY HAHN, author of Life-Giving Love: Embracing God s Beautiful Design for Marriage "Patrick Coffin argues the case against contraception from the Bible, tradition, and reason. This book is well researched and demonstrates a real desire to share the riches of the Church s teaching on the beauty and dignity of the sexual act. I hope Sex au Naturel will be well received and that many Catholics will find it useful." —CARDINAL GEORGE PELL, Archbishop of Sydney "Patrick Coffin makes a sane contribution to a conversation on a subject that has made our civilization insane. Kudos to him for bringing back some basic Catholic common sense to our culture s neuralgic obsession with getting sex almost entirely wrong instead of celebrating it as the rich gift of God that it is in the way God intended us to receive it." —MARK P. SHEA, author of Mary, Mother of the Son "Witty, provocative and informative, this vademecum for a new generation, proud to affirm allegiance to sound Catholic principles, will delight and challenge its readers. A book that is eminently readable, I am pleased to recommend it with enthusiasm." —TERRENCE PRENDERGAST, S.J., Archbishop of Ottawa "I firmly believe that Catholic teaching on contraception will one day be vindicated around the world. Patrick Coffin’s own journey from dissent to discovery will resonate with a whole generation who were really never invited to “come and see” this sublime vision of sexuality and Christian marriage." —CHRISTOPHER WEST, Theology of the Body Institute "Who knew that reading about the Catholic Church’s teachings on birth control could be this much fun? Or that there was more to know—much more—about relevant Scripture, tradition, and the current reception of Humanae Vitae? Patrick Coffin mixes a marvelous command of Scripture with a personal story many will relate to and very modern insights into the meaning and consequences of a contraceptive mentality. People who thought they knew why Humanae Vitae was right will find new reasons to love it. People who doubt the wisdom of Humanae Vitae will find new reasons to reconsider their position." —HELENM ALVARÉ, Consultor to the Pontifical Council for the Laity "Patrick Coffin’s Sex au Naturel gives invaluable help to everyone commissioned to spread the good word about the Church’s life-giving teaching on sex and marriage. Pastors, pastoral associates, marriage counselors, NFP teachers, marriage preparation volunteers, youth ministers, and parents worried about the next generation: Buy this book!" —JENNIFER ROBACK MORSE, PH.D., Founder and President of the Ruth Institute "Patrick Coffin is an excellent educator who has the rare gift of being engaging without lapsing into the loose colloquialisms and self-conscious hipness that often mars well-intended articulations of the Church’s sexual teachings. Faithful and solidly written, with ample historical background, Sex au Naturel provides a lucid and engaging defense of the Church’s teachings against contraception that should be helpful to couples as well as those wishing to sharpen their skills in defending the faith." —DAWN EDEN, Author of The Thrill of the Chaste: Finding Fulfillment while Keeping Your Clothes On "A necessary addition to any collection of Catholic or pro-life books, Sex au Naturel ultimately provides us with the key to building a culture of life: respect for the very act that brings about new life." —FR. FRANK PAVONE, National Director of Priests for Life "Patrick Coffin represents a new generation in rebellion against the rebels of my generation, standing against the 1960s battle cries, “Keep the Pope out of my bedroom!” (This was self-flattery: What made them think he wanted to be there?) Having once accepted the principles that separated procreation from union and love within sex, Coffin came to see the tragedy developing in his generation. Sex au Naturel describes the many intertwined but knotted and confused strands of thought about sexuality that are strangling the life out of society. By unraveling teachings on sexuality in the Church, Scripture and tradition, as well as in useful science, medicine and social trends, the knots come loose and the reader is surprised by one startled point of Christian sexual freedom after another." —FR. MITCH PACWA, S.J., Host of EWTN Live "Patrick Coffin presents the theological case against contraception in a manner both lively and clear. Anyone who would like to really grasp the meaning of Humanae Vitae could not find a better starting place than here." —FREDERICA MATHEWS-GREEN, Author of Facing East: A Pilgrim’s Journey into the Mysteries of Orthodoxy, Commentator for National Public Radio’s All Things Considered "Opinion surveys report that, while most Catholics believe most Catholic doctrines, they overwhelmingly reject the Church’s teaching on the immorality of contraception. Why? I think it is because no one ever explained it to them clearly and convincingly. (When did you last hear Catholic sexual teaching explained well from the pulpit—or at all?) In this book Patrick Coffin succeeds in doing what many have failed to do—or have not even tried to do. He makes old truths new and not just new but winsome and liberating. He takes up every challenge to the Church’s teaching, makes that teaching accessible to everyone, and shows that sex au naturel is best understood as sex au supernatural." —KARL KEATING, President of Catholic Answers "Patrick Coffin’s Sex au Naturel is a fantastic work that explains Church teaching on sex and marriage in a language accessible to the average reader. Particularly insightful is his chapter on birth control in the Bible, which gathers several Bible passages to show that children are a blessing from God." —PETE VERE, J.C.L., Coauthor of Surprised by Canon Law (volumes 1 and 2) "I have read with great satisfaction Patrick Coffin’s book, Sex au Naturel, and I endorse it unreservedly. His research has been plainly prodigious and the scope of his work is encyclopedic." —BERNARD N. NATHANSON, M.D, former abortionist About the Author Patrick Coffin is the host of Catholic Answers Live, the number-one rated Catholic radio show in America. He has published dozens of articles, essays, and interviews. Born in Nova Scotia, he is an alumnus of Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax, McGill University in Montreal, and Franciscan University of Steubenville in Ohio, where he obtained a master's degree in theology. Related torrents: Torrent: Holy Sex! A Catholic Guide t...ving (EPUB, MOBI, AZW3, PDF) Torrent: Seven Books on Natural Famil...pañol (EPUB, MOBI/AZW3, PDF) Torrent: Christopher West - Theology ...tion (EPUB, MOBI, AZW3, PDF) Torrent: Pope St. John Paul II - Theo...Sexuality) [EPUB, MOBI, PDF] Torrent: Jason Evert - Green Sex: The...lanning [audio presentation] Torrent: Christopher West - Introduct... [4-disc audio presentation] Torrent: Contraception is Not the Ans...Society [audio presentation] Torrent: Professor Janet E. Smith - C...entation + PDF study guides] Torrent: Professor Janet E. Smith - presentation + slideshow] Torrent: Patty Schneier - Prove it, G...eption) [audio presentation] Torrent: Fr. 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