Product Description
She's Yours For The Taking: A Man's Guide to the Seduction and Sexual Enchantment of Women goes beyond the juvenile notion of just "picking up women". It's a complete Dating & Mating Handbook that a man can refer to at every step along the way to seduction: from how to first engage a woman in a manner that makes an intriguing impression on her... to guiding her straight into his arms by feeding her the proper romantic signals that she craves at every step along the way. And it's all done with paint-by-numbers ease! To begin, SYFT presents a very low-pressure cold-meeting move called Pull Tabbing. This easy-going, casual socializing technique will equip you with a solid plan of social action that can be stored away in your head all ready to spring into action. It's especially effective for making hay with those sudden "gotcha" chances to meet women that happen when you least expect them... at the mall, in school or even out on the street. Pull Tabbing shows you how to flirt in an appropriate and friendly manner that can capture a woman's immediate interest -- and without having to hang your Ego out to dry in the process! Pulling a phone number will seem like a natural extension of the flirt, rather than an awkward intrusion into her life. Then you'll learn about the Three Date Master Seduction: Action, Connection and Romantic-style get togethers that appeal to her deepest romantic instincts like a lock-and-key. Understanding this correct approach to her heart can quickly forge that elusive bond of "chemistry" that is often lacking on first dates that fizzle. She's Yours then completes the journey in the bedroom with a galaxy of erotic moves that are designed to send her straight into orgasmic orbit... while turning YOU into her favorite new addiction! No matter what your current level of social or romantic skill, SYFT will show you how to take it to the next level and turn any girl that you've got your eye on into the girl of your dreams.
About the Author
Mike Pilinski is the author of two highly acclaimed books in the dating market - the first one is his masterful treatment of those most troublesome aspects of male inner game and confidence: 'Without Embarrassment'. The focus of that first book centered on helping guys to overcome their super-sized fear of being rejected by women while trying to hook up. We're talking about a paralyzing fear. Fear of rejection was the problem that Mike personally suffered from while growing up, which ultimately left him barren of any social life whatsoever by the age of 25. During those dark days he somehow found a way to turn things around... literally just boot-strapping himself up out of the social gutter. Step-by step he made small but vital breakthroughs... asking a girl out, going on a date, trying for a kiss. Fighting his way through the self-hatred and endless recriminations that followed every rejection, Mike finally made it beyond the prison of toxically-shamed affection needs to ultimately overcome an incredible case of rejection phobia. Repeatedly failing at the dating game can cause a man to develop bad social habits or odd public behaviors which make him unappealing and unattractive to women. This keeps him locked in a deadly, never-ending cycle of failure, rejection and withdrawal that can last for a lifetime if not challenged and interrupted. Mike understands this and his books lay out a plan for turning a guy's luck around women immediately. He shares the insights, solutions and work-arounds that he managed to develop to eliminate the types of typical problems that shy and introverted men everywhere have had to deal with in desperate silence for too long. Mr. Pilinski's careful comprehension and treatment of these deeply unsettling issues are what makes his work stand out among the sea of boring, repetitious, copy-cat writing in the dating field. You'll also enjoy Mike's humorous and irreverent writing style. You'll laugh, cry, pound the wall... but most of all thrill to a journey of self-discovery that you will never soon forget.
Paperback: 324 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace (April 1, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1451556241
ISBN-13: 978-1451556247

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