-Double placement issue fixed -Full Xbox 360 support (Anything we missed, please tell us) -Performance upgrades -Added build date and simplified version -Bot's will ignore outside meat, grill and planters while restocking -Planters all show proper placement colors -You are unable to imprint planters and grills -Dirt values modified -QA fixes -Item received notifications on the lower part of the screen -Item sold notifications moved to the lower left of the screen just over the phase time text -Splash screen has a clear shown button to start the Game -Personal house mirror correctly resembles "Reality" -Credits scrolling in the Main Menu -Gold Statue grants +10% to all gold Gains -Dragon Bone statue grants +20% to Champion Damage -19 Old Quests have been dropped -Quests now get refreshed depending on what skills you have unlocked. -Quests choices might duplicate on each refresh, because of the new quest choosing system -26 New quests -New wizard statue for completing wizard equipment set quest -Bot product placement choice logic update -No more double sales while talking to customers for quests -Open shop key switched to the Action key -Reward statue loading crashing loading fix -Controller Scheme added