[ADDITION]High with vSync Quality added to the Launcher [ADDITION]Xbox One Controller Support [ADDITION]Every item will now remember it's margin when picked up, ordered or took out/put in bot chest, personal chest and etc.. Values are bound to a shop save file, not the shopkeeper himself. [ADDITION]Shop stat panel displays all inventory including personal hand inventory and bot chests [ADDITION]Order scroll displays how many items you+your bots+personal chests+are already in the shop exist for any given item [ADDITION]Order scroll displays the last added item as the first item in the Order panel [ADDITION]Sir Poshington arrived near the cart, Buy upgrades to your objects! [ADDITION]Upload your own banner over the double shop doors [ADDITION]Clear current items in the cauldron button [ADDITION]Clouds? Bring back old? Leave new? Back to blackboard? [ADDITION]Move around full objects [FIX]Decoration percentage recounted [FIX]Faster transition between Splash – Main Menu screens [FIX]Mofidication to UI scale [FIX]Door opening collisions available from the side and back [FIX]Interest Fee changed into Entrance Fee [FIX]All items received new collisions for picking up, should be able to easily pick up any dropped item [FIX]Current gold is always floored to a round integer inside game code [FIX]New shop loading menu [FIX]Popular perk now warns about barbarians [FIX]Max customer slider increased to 60 for those machines that can handle it [FIX]Barbarians spawn after 150 customers, and range from 1 to 10 attackers [FIX]Openable door's have an exit symbol on it to make note that you can pass them [FIX]Customers get scared by you zapping a thief/innocent as well as while slashing him