Sid Meiers Starships-RELOADED
nERvSid Meier's Starships (c) 2K03/2015: RELEASE.DATE .. PROTECTION: Steam1: DISC(S) .. GAME.TYPE: StrategyTake command of a fleet of powerful starships in this adventure-drivenstrategy game from legendary designer Sid Meier. Travel to new worldscompleting missions to help save and protect the planets and their peoplefrom dangerous Space Pirates, to powerful Marauders and other hostilefactions. Build a planetary federation as you strengthen your fleet andsecure your homeworld as you attempt to preserve intergalactic peace andyour vision of humanity. Set in the universe of Civilization: Beyond Earthafter the age of the Seeding, Sid Meier s Starships offers sci-fi/strategyfans a full stand-alone game experience that also featurescross-connectivity with Beyond Earth, expanding the depth of both gamesSee if you have what it takes to rule the universe!Features:* Tactical Space Combat: Encounter unique tactical challenges in everymission, with dynamically generated maps, victory conditions, and foes* Fully Customizable Starships: Create an armada that fits your tacticalplan with modular spaceship design* Diplomacy, Strategy, and Exploration: Expand the influence of yourFederation and gain the trust of the citizens of new planets. Use theunique abilities of the each planet to enhance your fleet and Federationand keep your opponents in check. Build improvements on worlds toincrease the capabilities and resources of your Federation* A Galaxy Of Adventure: Explore the galaxy as you lead your fleet todistant worlds and complete missions to help the citizens of theseplanets. Fight pirates, protect colony ships, destroy rogue AI, and more* Multiple Paths To Victory: Will you win by conquering the greatest threatto the galaxy? Or will you unite a plurality of worlds in yourFederation? Perhaps you will lead your people to push the frontiers ofscience. Each choice you make carries consequences on your path tovictory1. Unrar2. Burn or mount the image3. Install the game4. Copy over the cracked content from the /Crack directory on the image toyour game install directory5. Play the game6. Support the software developers. If you like this game, BUY IT!

so probably we should not expect too good graphics