Siemens NX 9.0.2 MP01 x64 Update Only

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Added on August 1, 2014 by Cadmanowlin Applications > Windows
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Siemens NX 9.0.2 MP01 x64 Update Only (Size: 363.22 MB)
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CADCAM Siemens PLM Software announced the latest release of NX software, the company’s fully integrated computer-aided design, manufacturing and engineering analysis (CAD/CAM/CAE) solution.

NX 9 is a major release with significant new functionality in all areas of the product and we believe that the new and enhanced functions will help you become more productive.

Siemens PLM Software has a clear and consistent strategy: to provide Digital Product Development and Manufacturing solutions that help you transform your whole product development process. This release delivers enhancements that enable you to increase your levels of productivity in product development and manufacturing while working within a collaborative managed environment.


In the design environment we have invested in all aspects of modeling including significant enhancements to feature modeling, freeform modeling, and synchronous technology. Significant enhancements were also made to core functionality such as visualization and user interaction.

We have concentrated on improvements to your core workflows. Sketching has been improved by adding the power of Synchronous Technology to 2D Sketching. Now when you need to adapt sketches, you can more easily understand and apply constraints to ensure the changes meet your needs. Synchronous technology 2D removes the need to pre-create constraints to get logical changes, automatically recognizing relationships such as tangency, and using similar approaches to 3D conditions such as symmetry, parallelism. Using synchronous technology in 2D with commands such as Move, Delete, and Resize simplifies modifying sketch geometry.

Synchronous technology 2D also makes editing 2D drawings and imported profiles such as DXF quick and easy. This saves you time and money and increases your ability to reuse legacy data.

With NX 9 we have included a number of key projects that enhance performance. NX 9 utilizes your computer hardware to multi-thread display regeneration after an update, and also lets you modularize your design for faster update. For users with large feature trees containing many operations, Part Modules has been enhanced to allow you to easily structure your feature tree into manageable portions, allowing you to be in control of exactly what is updated and when.

Other enhancements to feature modeling include:

- A new Rib function that reduces the steps taken to create stiffening features in models by up to five times.
- New analyze and blend pocket capabilities that create the true blended shape based on manufacturing criteria such as tooling
- New corner blend tools to smooth transitions between blends in components such as castings.

In addition to introducing Synchronous Technology in 2D we continue to enhance the 3D capabilities giving you the ability to make changes to edges as well as faces. Moving an edge of a face will cause the relating faces to adapt to the new geometry.

For users who develop complex freeform geometry, NX 9.0.1 will introduce Realize Shape, a new approach to creating highly stylized models.

- Realize Shape uses the latest Sub-Division modeling approaches to generate complex shapes.
- Output is a NURBS body, fully integrated with the NX model.

To improve your ability to visualize your designs, NX 9 introduces new Real Time Ray Tracing capabilities. By taking advantage of multi-core and accelerated graphics processors, Ray Traced Studio can display realistic lighting and inter-part reflections to help you make design decisions earlier.

Numerous enhancements have been made to Sheet Metal design workflows including added functionality and configuration control of flat pattern views that will reduce drawing creation time and improve consistency of the information sent to manufacturing.


We believe that NX 9 includes the most comprehensive set of productivity enhancements in drafting and documentation of any release. NX 9 brings you:

- New streamlined annotation creation capabilities for both drafting and PMI, allowing you to quickly create and change dimension types as you document your design.
- Fast access to key annotation style parameters through interactive points on the annotation, streamlining the process of changing the layout of your annotation text.
- Completely redesigned access to drafting parameters making it much easier to document your design to match your company’s chosen style.

New Ribbon UI

To make NX easier for your company to deploy NX now uses the common Microsoft Ribbon approach for user interaction. This is customizable using roles that let you build a user experience that meets your company’s needs. To help in the transition process you can switch to the traditional NX user interface, but, after monitoring user reaction and experience during beta testing we have found users quickly become productive using the ribbon UI.


The latest release of NX also significantly enhances the NX Digital Lifecycle Simulation portfolio with increased modeling efficiency and an expanded range of integrated solutions. You can reduce the time you spend preparing and solving analysis models by up to 70%. Highlights of the NX 9 CAE release include:

Simulation modeling and results visualization

- Mesh Morphing – you can modify an existing mesh to conform to slight changes in geometry by moving node locations to conform to the new dimensions. Morphing is not a remesh, and NX tries to keep the overall mesh topology constant. Morphing provides an alternative to the mesh update that occurs within the FE Model Update command.
- Mesh controls - NX 9 includes new ways for you to control and manage meshing for tetrahedral and surface elements around cylinders, fillets, and holes.
- Improvements for surface meshing include new controls for fillets and mapped holes, the ability to suppress holes within the 2D free mesh command, and improved controls for target minimum element size.

In addition to these capabilities NX 9 Simulation includes:

- Improved XY graphing integration - NX 9 enables more interactive evaluation of simulation results, including extended selection capabilities, orbit style graphs and expanded complex results support.
- Rotor dynamics solution support - Beginning with NX 9, you can create a model for NX Nastran® rotor dynamic analysis to help you predict the dynamic behavior of rotating systems, such as aircraft engines or drive shafts.
- Laminate composite dynamic simulation - The new laminate composite dynamic solution process provides an accurate and efficient means for you to evaluate the performance of composite parts when they are subjected to base-driven random vibrations, which are prevalent in the aerospace and automotive industries.
- Thermal and flow analysis - New for the NX 9 release is the parallel thermal solver which helps speed solution time for large models and long transient solutions through parallel processing on multiple CPUs.
- Surface wrap local resolution constraint - You can apply the new local resolution constraint to surface wrapping recipes to refine or coarsen fluid bodies in selected regions, enabling you to preserve more detail in the fluid bodies generated by the surface wrapping tool or remove unnecessary details.

In the area of NX Motion, NX 9 delivers:

- New interactive articulation methods - Two new methods which are useful for interactively checking interference at critical parts of the motion envelope.
- Full journaling support - All NX Motion preprocessing, solution, and post-processing commands now provide full journaling support to enable the automation and customization of motion solutions using NX Open.
- Multiphysics Condition sequence manager – You can define and manage a model’s duty cycle across solution types. Condition sequences can include any combination of structural, thermal, or flow parameters.


NX Manufacturing has also been enhanced to improve productivity when generating manufacturing data.

NX 9 boosts part manufacturing productivity in the machinery, turbomachinery, aerospace, medical, and mold and die industries. Save time programming and machining parts with new machining operations, more tool path control, and easier ways to automate programming.

Mold & Die machining

- New Interactive Cut Region Management machining provides you with a new level of control in planning machining strategies when working with mold and die machining. You can preview, change, reorder, or accept the regions and the associated operations before generating tool paths. This capability is especially useful for more complex parts for which careful process planning is required and when you want to define exactly how a part will be machined, region-by-region.
- A new rest machining functions that offer hybrid machining strategies for greater efficiency in addressing uncut areas.
- High-speed noncutting moves with new techniques for engage, retract, and stepover motion maintain the fastest feed rates on high speed machines, while producing high-quality surface finish.

Prismatic part machining

- New multiple part programming provides faster development of tombstone and fixture configurations, intelligently distributing tool paths to multiple components in assemblies.
- You now have the speed and convenience of feature recognition in the ordinary hole drilling process. Holes are identified, filtered, and grouped automatically, which simplifies programming.
- New techniques for using T-cutters to create horizontal grooves mean that you can precisely address both top and bottom faces.
- The ability to avoid holder collisions via automatic conversion of 3-axis tool paths by tool tilting is greatly extended in NX 9.
- The enhanced 5-axis roughing and finishing in the Turbomachinery Milling module improves machining efficiency and surface finish. Flat and bullnose end mills are now included as roughing tools, increasing roughing performance in many cases.

Quality & Inspection

- You can now inspect more types of parts, including sheet metal components with the new capabilities in NX CMM. The results analysis module now offers new options and graphical display of measured features in NX.
- You can create inspection paths on multiple features, significantly reducing programming time.
- New advanced sensor definitions create additional options for measurement strategies.
- Automatic path sequencing further optimizes the inspection process on the machine.
- Additionally, NX 9 provides you with new inspection templates, postprocessors and machine models for simplified programming and quick machine deployment.
- CMM results can be read back as .mea or .dml files. Inspection results, including status and deviation, can be instantly reviewed using the operation navigator.


A key element of the product development process is the ability to make the right decisions at the right time, either product design decisions, fitness for purpose decisions based on performance analysis, or manufacturing decisions. To help your decision making processes with NX 9 we have enhanced the capabilities of HD3D, our powerful visual approach to working with PLM Data.

HD3D Visual Reports can now report on key geometric properties allowing you to quickly investigate a model and find important information such as face type, or minimum radius which could affect your manufacturing strategies.

HD3D provides a highly visual environment to navigate and work with your product information. In NX 9 we have integrated NX Issues Management into the Teamcenter Unified Architecture, making it easier to identify, record, and track issues and support your CAPA processes during the product development process..

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Siemens NX 9.0.2 MP01 x64 Update Only