leechers: 16
Time for a even ultra, greater, larger, cooler, massive, COLOSSAL PACK!!! Running out of synonyms... >>>>>>Skyrim - Visuals - Action - PerkusMaximus - <<<<<<<< First if you need me i'm at to answer any questions. And please vote. Also please read the Troubleshooting: bellow. I wasn't 100% happy with UltraPack, maybe i was 99%, so i went on and started to merge stuff(i merged ALOT) and changes a few Textures. Took me 3 weeks to make this work. It's not 100% but close to 99.9999.. 352 MODS in TOTAL!!! Yes, i could have merged more but it's risky since there is alot of mods that depend on each other and those are nasty and might not work. It's out of my league from my experience and i only started installing mods since september 2014 watching Gopher on youtube and reading guides. Using T3nd0s Perkus Maximus system(combat, perks, gameplay overhaul) again. Textures are 2K mostly and there isn't a can turn off category. If you need to turn off start with textures and visuals. If fps is your issue try changing the ini files and try different ENBs Check different ENBs here, they got 54 of them to choose with computer ranking:!enb/c5x uGridsToLoad are set to 7. The diference in perfomance is very low so no point in staying at 5. This is not an immersion pack cause i don't like that stuff too much. You want frostfall and so on, go download my TESGENERAL Pack on or change to your liking if you know what youre doing. If you want almost naked stuff download BeautificationProject Pack. Listed Mods are here This was updated to 15-12-2014. A few thing i didnt put inside but wanted: JK's cities - They are good looking, very, but they destroy my fps. From stable 45 to unstable 10-30. JK's river hood and dragonbridge(Ivarstead didn't try) is not compatible with expanded cities yet. Interesting NPC's - They aren't all that interesting. I was convinced they were wonders for a long time but they only bring immmersion and alot of talk and no action. I got tired of them. Open cities - I love them, i hate Loading screens, and dragons inside are amazing :D. Plus Civil war. But i add to cut it short. Looking at cities from outside and inside with this quantity of mods just shutters the game, huge fps drops, unstable gaming. Kinda sad really. It's like jkcities and opencities, they are awesome and they run good if you stay below 15mods and no ENB at one time. If you want to disable Skysight - Simply Bigger Trees you can safely, they look great inside the cities but they can clip other items like in solitude. Or do "disable" in console on items that clip. My RIG: (doing 25-60+ fps) i5-2500k(clocked 4.2) Asrock z77 extreme4 16GB 1600mhz Gigabyte G1 gtx970 4GB OCZ Vertex3 120gb SSD If you have a nvidia card follow these settings: If you have ATI card should be simmilar, sorry i can't help you more since i dont have one. You need to have Skyrim installed. This is not the game. This allows you to play with the mods. You need 7-Zip(freeware) to extract files. Get it here. This pack is 100% clean. Used Malwarebytes and Microsoft Security Essencials. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>>>>Read everything but pay special attention to step 2, 10, 14 and 17.<<<<<<<<<<< Instructions: 1.Make sure you have all 3DLCs Dragonborn, Dawnguard, Hearthfire. 2.DO NOT INSTALL OFFICIAL HIGH RESOLUTION Texture PACK. Remove the 3 .esm or .esp files if you have them. Not doing so will crash the game. 3.Extract the Skyrim.7z in your Skyrim directory and replace all files when it asks.(The ENB i placed it called PureVision with DoF). Am doing 25 - 60+ fps. 4.Extract anywhere you like, preferably to your SSD drive. Install your Skyrim in SSD aswell. It may take a while since there are alot of files depending on your SSD drive and CPU. 5.Start ModOrganizer.exe and select your Skyrim directory when it asks, if it is not there then click Browser and select your Skyrim directory. Click No for tutorial. Click yes for NXM link Associaton if you like. 6.Go to setting and sign in with your account. When you got the time ENDORSE those guys and I advise not to update MODs since some are merged. The Mods that say in front of them " - MERGED" should not definitely be updated. 7.Select SKSE from drop-down menu and click on Shortcut and select Desktop. 8.Now you will see a new shortcut on your desktop named SKSE which is the shortcut for your game. 9.Run SKSE, it may take a while to load specially on loadings. Create a new game. Do NOT continue your old save game! After creating you character let the scripts run before attemping to play, takes about 2 minutes. 10.There is only one profile. This includes your Skyrim.ini files. If you need access the save folder, it's on Mod Organizer>profiles>COLOSSALPACK-LAZyGUY>Saves 11. You don't have to sort MODs cause the load order is alread set but if you want you can click Sort on the right panel and it uses LOOT(aka BOSS) to do the load order. 12. i have placed, like in previous installations, some UTILITIES like textures optimizer and save cleaning(BETA), if you need them and know how to use them. TES5edit with Merge Plugins xEdit Script 1.75 is there if you know how to merge mods. 13. Go inside my extracted Skyrim folder, look for a file called enblocal.ini, and change "VideoMemorySizeMb=18432" to your pc setup. The correct values are the result of this - VRAM + RAM - 2048. In my case i have (4096 VRAM + 16384 RAM - 2048 = 18432) Values are multiplied by 1024. 16GB RAM * 1014 = 16384 RAM 14. DO NOT TOUCH THE TOP-RIGHT RED TRIANGLE ON MOD ORGANIZER. Fixing the order of the mods might ruin your game. 15.Didn't include any save files. So start a new game and get ready to configure more then 50 MCM options. 16.Tips for "Mod Configuration": Field of View can be changed in "Customizable Camera" under MCM options.(optimal is 75 and higher will have performance hit) If you weapon or torch drops on the ground when you change it, it's Equipping Overhaul activated under MCM options, just disable it. Activate Bloody Facials and DVA. 17.After creating the character and letting the scripts run but still inside the Abandoned Prison press "T" and wait 24hours in-game. It really helps with the scripting. Trust me! :D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALL screenshots HERE. Check this picture for more information. >>>>>>>><<<<<<<< >>>>>>>><<<<<<<< Here's some pictures in-game ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total space: ~58GB(only mod organizer) Preferably install Skyrim and Mod organizer on your SSD. I recommend it cause the Loadings sometimes are long. Yet another Mod Organizer compilation done. Sorry for my slow upload speeds btw. Happy Holidays everyone!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Troubleshooting: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you get slow loadings when you open Mod Organizer due to having several installations of it go to: Mod Organizer folder nxmhandlers.ini (open it) If you see 2 or 3 or more in Size= Change it to Size=1 and erase any extras. like this [handlers] size=1 1games=skyrim 1executable=C:\COLOSSALPACK-LAZyGUY\Mod Organizer\ModOrganizer.exe This is a cause that affects Mod organizer to process every installation making it extremely slow. You can also try and make nxmhandlers.ini a Read-only file after the fix. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>>> If you get "Skyrim not responding" like it happened to me, try and use steam Verify Integrity of game cache option. or Reinstall your skyrim game. <<<<<<<<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you happen to stumble onto a floating objects or something that you dont like somewhere else, maybe in solitude you going to find fish stuck in a tree :P due to the mod Bigger trees, save first, then just open the console, select the item with your mouse(try not to select anything else by mistake by not having anything behind the item), and do "disable", close the console. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If everything is too dark my advice make a Travel Lantern at the blacksmith under MISC or get a torch. Your might need it :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you want to play in Fullscreen window(which decreases brightness), go to Onetweak, rightclick "Information...", INI-Files tab, click on the ini file and change #Enable Borderless Window BorderlessWindow = true to false Save. and close ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Mods that say in front of them " - MERGED" should not definitely be updated unless you are advanced user. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENB is NOT compatible with 3rd party tools OSD, such as MSI afterburner, EVGA precision,etc... That's why you get immediate CTDs. Disable these tools OSD by creating a TESV.exe profile for them and disabling OSD for this app. Doing so, you can still run Afterburner for overclocking profiles, and run ENB at the same time. ENB has got its own integrated FPS counter, as stated by Quad2core. If you want to see the FPS use * on the numeric keyboard. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you crash issue is "quick saving" do this: 1. Load an older save (as long as it doesn't have CTD on save glitch, then load it) 2. Create a NEW save (through pause menu) 3. Type in console command player.kill --- during the death animation --- 4. Load your latest save (the one that had CTD glitch) 5. Type in console command player.kill --- let the game autoloads (it will load your save from #4 above --- 6. Try saving (I usually just use quicksave) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For advance players, clean your Save files with the Save cleaner utilities every 6 hours or so. This is a heavy modded skyrim so it's bound to have trash inside after a time. For others see this video to learn about it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ok 3 things i did wrong with this pack that i only found now and for that i am sorry ![]() First, the update on Sofia Follower 2.0 is abit bugged(and might cause instability on the game). she doesnt follow you sometimes when shes on the horse and your not. She can get stuck on the ground if she gets knocked down. Since you cant remove her from mod organizer or patchus maximus wont work, 2 options, one is not use her, and the other is downgrade. go and download the Sofia v1.05 (BSA) Fixed down in old files from nexus site and install it on MO by replacing the files. Replace the mod, not merge it. Second, Sofia body texture is wrong. i tried to minimize the grey faces and neck seams to a minimum and there are some. Reinstall the Sofia Customizer - UNP - 3.0.2 The body is UNPB, the rest is up to you. Replace the mod, not merge it. Third is the tricky part. I had installed Opencities once and when i removed i forgot to reinstall Atlas Map Markers for Skyrim Blackreach Dawnguard and Dragonborn without Opencities dependecy. It should be a problem to stay like that but if you want to see the extra markers on the map you should reinstall it. Atlas Map Markers v1-7 Complete during instalation select write in from of the name Atlas Map Markers for Skyrim Blackreach Dawnguard and Dragonborn to be like this Atlas Map Markers for Skyrim Blackreach Dawnguard and Dragonborn - MERGED page 1: Atlas Legendary Page 2: Modified SkyUI(dont install the others with colors cause they are not compatible with SkyUI) Compass Tweaks-YES World Encounters-YES Replace the mod, not merge it. after installing right click on Atlas mod and click Information Go to Optional ESPs, select only Atlas Compass Tweaks.esp and move it up with the arrow. then close. do not move the other one up. Then check on the right side on Plugins tab that everything is enabled and Click Sort. close LOOT and your done. ![]() Again sorry about this. ![]() ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Related Torrents
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You just need Skyrim and Mod organizer to play.
ill release it when im not lazy :P
just kiding..
ive been having some ctd due to autosave. if thats your issue turn auto save off in gameplay
and turn dynamic timescale off as aswell in game on mod configuration.
Dont disable it on Mod organizer cause its merged.
The update will be to remove it when i release it.
if you want to save use your quicksave F5 key and configure Save ArchMod for your other key to manual save.
and you have better cpu then me.
Music from ultrapack is from Conan the Barbarian (1982) movie
First, the update on Sofia Follower 2.0 is abit bugged(and might cause instability on the game). she doesnt follow you sometimes when shes on the horse and your not.
She can get stuck on the ground if she gets knocked down.
Since you cant remove her from mod organizer or patchus maximus wont work, 2 options, one is not use her, and the other is downgrade.
go and download the Sofia v1.05 (BSA) Fixed down in old files from nexus site and install it on MO by replacing the files.
this is supposed to be a full pack meant to run all mods together,
not half yours half mine :P.
This is not nexus mod manager where you stick the mods, overwrite, and cross fingers to make them work.
also this is not an update from Ultrapack. its a remake.
but i hope ppl will keep the seeding after they are done :)