Skyrim Revisited - Legendary Editionseeders: 1
leechers: 9
Skyrim Revisited - Legendary Edition (Size: 26.21 GB)
This is a custom mod list for Skyrim. It does not contain the Skyrim game files, only the mod pack. It was made using the online guide "Skyrim Revisited: Legendary Edition" plus a few extra mods I've added for personal taste. There are profiles for both the base SR:LE install and one with my extra mods.
SR:LE guide is found at: This Pack is up-to-date as of 5/20/15 Contents: Mod Organizer installer. Mod files to be placed in main Skyrim directory. Utilities folder that contains various programs for setting up mod packs. Custom Mod Organizer install with full SR:LE mod pack. To install: 1. Make sure you are using an unaltered copy of Skyrim with all DLCs installed. (Dawnguard, Dragaonborn, Hearthfires, High Res Texture Packs) 2. Follow link just below and make sure your Skyrim launcher settings are set up as suggested. 3. Navigate to where you have Skyrim installed. Create a folder inside the base Skyrim folder named Utilities. 4. Run installer for Mod Organizer and install it in the newly created Utilities folder.(/Skyrim/Utilities/Mod Organizer) In the installer, check "Handle NXM Links" 5. Unzip and place it in your Skyrim folder, overwriting when prompted. 6. Navigate to Utilities/Mod Organizer/Profiles. Inside each profile be sure to change the Skyrimprefs.ini setting for your video card. If you don't know it, check in documents/my games/skyrim/ for the game's default .ini and it should have the correct video card listed in skyrimprefs.ini 7. Inside the Mod Organizer folder, open ModOrganizer.ini. 8. Copy to clipboard the directory path to where you have Skyrim installed. Exp: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/SteamApps/common/Skyrim (Be sure to use back slashes ///) Paste your install location over all instances of C:/Games/Steam/SteamApps/common/Skyrim. Make sure you leave the rest of the path after! (There are about 10 of those and also one -jar argument that has double forward slashes \ between each location) Still inside ModOrganizer.ini, locate the Settings section and put your nexus account info in the proper places. Password goes between the quotes. 9. Place all files in "Main Directory Files" into your base Skyrim folder. Make sure to use a custom tailored enblocal.ini that fits your PC specs. 10. Open MO and select the profile of you choice on the left drop down. 11. At the bottom of the left modlist there are two options for each profile for dyndolod, High and Med. I'd suggest trying each of them on a new save before you start playing a real character. Once you choose one, it is very hard to change it without breaking your save. 12. Select SKSE in the right drop down. Play game. Adding Mods: 1. If you want to add your own mods, start by copying one of the profiles as a base to start with. Uncheck mod in left list, near the bottom, named"(profile name) Overwrite" 2. When done adding mods you will have to run BOSS,FNIS,Wrye Bash,and SUM.(in that order) SR:LE does not support LOOT. You must use BOSS to sort plugins. (If BOSS fails to recognize mods you add, you will have to figure out the best place to sort it and use BUM to manually tell BOSS where to sort them.) How to guide for using BUM: Follow the steps from the link provided just below for setting up the options for each program listed above. 3. After, right click on Overwrite at the bottom of the left list and select "create mod". Name it "(profile name) Overwrite". 4. Make a copy of the RSPatch.esp found in the "(profile name) Overwrite" mod that you copied your current profile from and place it in the mod folder you just created in step 3. 5. Rerun Boss and play game. Notes: The base install acutally has two mods that are not in the guide. 1. 360 walk and run Plus - to fix a bug I was having. 2. Isilmeriel LOTR Weapons Collection + Retexture - I wanted this mod in my load order and options for Dual Sheath Redux requires it as a master. I therefore did not want to install DSR two times. Special thanks to Neovalen for putting in years of work on making and maintaining the SR:LE guide. Sharing WidgetTrailerAll Comments |
Be sure to also check your screen resolution as well and make sure it is correct.
It is set to 2560x1440 by default.