Smart Home Automation with Linux by Steven Goodwin

Product Details
* Pub. Date: April 2010
* Publisher: Apress L. P.
* ISBN-13: 9781430227786
* ISBN: 1430227788
Linux users can now control their homes remotely! Are you a Linux user who has ever wanted to turn on the lights in your house, or open and close the curtains, while away on holiday? Want to be able to play the same music in every room, controlled from your laptop or mobile phone? Do you want to do these things without an expensive off-the-shelf kit?
In Beginning Linux Home Automation, Steven Goodwin will show you how a house can control and be controlled by its occupants, all using open source software. From appliances to kettles to curtains, control your home remotely!
What you’ll learn
* Control appliances like kettles and curtains both locally and remotely.
* Find and harness data sources to provide context-aware living.
* Hack/change existing hardware/software to better fit your needs.
* Integrate various technologies into a function greater than the whole.
* Set up a home network, for both network and audio/video traffic.
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