Sonic Riders - Zero Gravity by Sonuyos & TOMEK1166
General Information
Type.................: Game
Platform.............: Windows XP/Vista/7
Post Information
Posted by............: Sonuyos & TOMEK1166
Release Notes
The Story is split into two halves, the Heroes Story (Team Sonic), and Babylon
Story (Babylon Rogues). Although the stories start separately, they overlap each
other, telling the story as the main characters within that story see it.
Following the format of Sonic Riders, Babylon Story also includes an epilogue
that expands past the Heroes Story.
Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles are alerted to robots that are attacking a famous
city of the future. They set out to retrieve a legendary artifact that has the
ability to control gravity. Along the way they discover surprises, including the
Babylon Rogues, a group of avian thieves who are also after the artifact. This
sets off a war to decide who gets the artifact, leading them to settle their
dispute by having an Extreme Gear competition.
This game introduces many new abilities in addition to ones from the first game.
By gaining gravity points through tricks and technical challenges, players will
enter a zero-gravity zone and be able to perform new moves.
The first is the Gravity Dive, which sucks the player towards a black hole
further down the track, giving them a speed boost which tosses cars and other
objects off the track and into the air which characters are able to smash into
to gain more speed, and Gravity Control, which changes the gravity of the
course, allowing the player to use a different track, such as one of the walls.
Also in the game is a move called Gravity Drift. This move is similar to the
Grip move in Sonic Riders in which it can help characters turn on tight corners.
Items can offer help the player, such as an attack boost, or cause hardships,
such as a ball-and-chain that hooks on your gear and slows your speed down.

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OS: Microsoft XP, Vista, 7 sp1
* CPU: 2 Ghz
* RAM: 512 Mb
* Grafika: 128 Mb
* DirectX: 9.0c
Install Notes
As usual....
Generated with Cool NFO Creator - http://fly.to/coolbeans
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