STAR WARS - Spoofs and Bonus Features - ADigitalManseeders: 0
leechers: 0
STAR WARS - Spoofs and Bonus Features - ADigitalMan (Size: 4.36 GB)
The "ADigitalMan" Spoofs and Bonus Features [Collection 1]
Cover and label is in the dvd-rom folder, but here's a link to the cool cover: 1) TROOPS Remastered [with 3 audio options] 2) George Lucas in Love 3) Hardware Wars 4) The Muppet Show w/ Mark Hamill 5) That 70's Show: A New Hope 6) R2-D2: Beneath The Dome 7) Evan Mather's Short Films: * Quentin Tarantino's Star Wars * Godzilla vs. Disco Lando * Kung Fu Kenobi's Big Adventure * Les Pantless Menace 8) Crazy Watto 9) Episode III Teaser Trailer 10) All three 1997 SE Trailers 11) The Making of the SE Sharing Widget |