Thank you sabin1981 for the upload.Changelog:Focus On: The Hacker!The Hacker ability trees have been modified and completed based on feedback and suggestions. Sounds are still being worked on for most of the new abilities. Check them out and let us know what you think! Rootkit Virus: Overheat has been redesigned for on-demand CC that grows each turn. System Shock now also provides Hackuracy, increasing your accuracy with each shot fired or attack made with Shoot or Strike. Scramble has been redesigned as a fast interrupt and Confuse that doubles the effect of a Stun at max rank. Root Hack now has a chance to break each turn instead of being resisted outright and breaks immediately if the target has no allies to attack. NEW ABILITY : Cripple - convert Stun on a target into a powerful and long lasting Slow. NEW ABILITY : Exploit - target takes increased damage for every point of Slow. NEW ABILITY : Snowcrash - afflict all targets with Snowcrash, causing them to infect themselves with a new CC effect every turn.Malware Virus: Mindmelt now stacks damage and duration. Shareware has an increased chance to spread your viruses and adds a bonus virus (Memory Leak) when it spreads. Small increase to Corruption damage per turn and no longer improves crit chance on target but boosts all damage taken while Corruption is active. Small increase to Logic Bomb damage per turn. NEW ABILITY : Degrade - increases crit chance on target and critical hits apply a permanent crit chance boost to attacks against the target. NEW ABILITY : Black Ice - constructs a Black Ice out of stray nanites which casts Virus: Mindmelt on enemies. NEW ABILITY : Kill Switch - updates and then explodes all virus effects on all targets. Pixel fireworks!Optimization Rank 3 of most Optimization abilities provides a stacking buff to team damage. Virus: Hotlink now Slows enemies and Hastes allies for a normalized amount of Time Units. Overlock no longer Slows the affected ally but insteads buffs their speed for 1 turn. NEW ABILITY : Multi Core - boosts damage caused and reduces damage taken for every buff effect on each ally. NEW ABILITY : Overcharge - restores team shields and boosts shield absorb. NEW ABILITY : Ex Machina - attempts to activate all unlocked abilities from the Optimization tree on all allies. ALL OF THE BUFFS.Changes & ImprovementsAbility Point notification popup can now be clicked for a shortcut to the Ability menu. Many buttons (ex: tutorias) can be dismissed / accepted with ESC/Space/ Return. Save System - interface cleaned up with improved save management and unlimited saves. Legacy saves from previous versions are still supported. Save System - to avoid item collection exploits, quitting the game or exiting to title during a mission will no longer autosave. Aborting a mission continues to autosave and fail the mission. Autosave - no longer triggers periodically on a mission.FixesFixed an issue with sound effects on multishot weapons. Fixed an audio glitch with Hacker’s System Shock ability. Fixed issue with Smuggler’s Bounty ability preventing combat from continuing. Fixed issue with Hacker’s Logic Bomb ability sometimes preventing combat from continuing. Fixed issue with preventing mission progress on Good Housekeeping by getting locked down. Fixed an issue with pressure plates not showing their disarmed texture. Fixed a few typos. Fixed an issue with input fields in Unity offsetting their carets when selected. Fixed menu display issues at different resolutions. Fixed an issue where mousing over an enemy battle icon would fail to display their targeter.