General Information:
Year: 2013
Genre : Action / 3D / 3rd Person
Developer : Undead Labs
Publisher : Microsoft
Publication Type: Repack (Beta / Steam Early Access)
Language: Russian (ZoG) / English
Sound language : English
Crack: enclosing (ALI213)
Author : Heather
System requirements :
♦ Minimum:
♦ Operating system : - XP SP3
♦ Processor : - Core 2 Duo 2.4GHz (E6600) / Athlon X64 3400
♦ Memory: - 2 GB RAM
♦ Video : - Radeon HD 2600 XT / GeForce 9600 GSO / Intel HD 3000
♦ Sound system: - compatible with DirectX
♦ Hard disk space : - 3 GB available space
Apocalypse is coming. The world will never be the same again : the earth mother came all the zombies . There were only you and a handful of brave men . This third-person shooter , which the unfolding events in the open game world with a rapidly changing environment. To survive, you have to come together and build a new life. Break camp and make of it an impregnable fortress. Gather food and weapons, made a daring raid , rescue other survivors and enjoy the benefits of their unique talents.
Extras. Information: Features repack
- Do not cut / no recoded
- Sewn Update 6
- Sewn on crack Zone of Games v0.96
- RePack by Heather
Short Notes, 10/21/13
Just two right now:
- Fixed an issue where we were inadvertently flagging props (that still had resources in them) as "already searched."
- Fixed a bug where we were forcing all languages to English
Those were the easy ones to fix in the midst of chaos. We're still investigating mouse acceleration, weirdness with save games (and other loot issues), and more interface tuning. Stay tuned for more progress this week, barring the unforeseen.
Bonus Notes, 10/18/13
- Fixed an issue where save files wouldn't load (if you have enclaves who are trying to claim another enclaves building).
And while we were at it:
- Added in container mouse / keyboard support
Notes, 10/18/13
We are looking forward to your feedback, so we can patch again _next week_ with your comments in mind.
New features:
First pass mouse and keyboard UI interactions
o Keyboard mapping is the same. Primary difference is that you can now use the mouse to click on any elements you would have WASD'd and Spacebar or used the buttons for before. In practice, this means that you can control all UI except for containers using only the mouse. Container UI coming in the next patch.
Here is a personal note from Chris, one of the programmers working on the interface:
One of the nice things of the current setup is that you could swap between controller and mouse / keyboard on the fly - we chose to feature that.
To leverage existing resources to get results as fast as possible, we mapped mouse controls onto the UI we have today.
From there, we're going to pick off and attack the areas that could use mouse specific love and iterate. As such, this model is considered a rough first pass - we're already hard at work on the next revision - using hover more to streamline, for example. Once we land on keybinding and approach - we'll swap the buttons for their appropriate icons.
We'd love feedback!
For more information, please see the slideshow located here:
4:3 and 16:10 support.
o We had an option for 16:9 and 4:3; now an option for 16:10, 16:9, and 4:3
Support for more popular monitor resolution as per steam hardware survey
o Changed them to the most popular on steam hardware survey. There is no longer 2160p.
Bug fixes:
· Fixed a bug causing a player to lose their ammo on mg's with 100 round capacity.
· First pass on some UI alignment
· Sound volume balancing across the game
· Retuned loot distribution when starting a new game.
· Fixed an issue with the Leaderboards showing incorrect data
· Aligned aiming reticle UI
· Fixed an issue where mouse calls were being dropped
· Better mouse aiming (note from Sanya: Am nominating this for understatement of the year award)
· Addressed an issue that could occur with some SLI enabled machines
Known Issues
Display settings - Currently there is no way to preview the setting options without committing on selection change.
Gameplay - Still no binding to change firemodes on weapons where it should be available. Must use controller
On Foot
Movement: WASD
Camera: Mouse
Sprint: LShift
Defend / Stealth: LCtrl
Interact: E
Cycle Items: Mousewheel (need alt for no wheel - suggestion below)
Use Current Item: F
Reload Gun: R
Light: T
Melee Attack: LMB
Aim Gun: RMB
Shoot Gun: LMB
Zoom / Switch: Q
In Vehicle
Accelerate: W
Brake / Reverse: S
Steering: A / D
Camera: Mouse (not working)
Emergency Brake: Space
Door Attack: LMB
Headlights: T
Horn: Q
Get Out: E
Open Pause Menu: Esc
Open Journal: Tab
Open Radio: LAlt
Open World Map: M
Move: Mouse
Zoom: Mousewheel (need alt for no wheel)
Place Waypoint: LMB
UI Navigate: WASD
UI Select / Accept: Space
UI Back / Cancel: Esc
And for the UI:
A = space
B = escape
X = q
Y = e
rb = tab
lb = shift + tab
move = wasd
scroll = wheel
# # #
Okay, ladies and gentlemen, tear it up
Notes, 9/26
* Made the game less dark
* Fixed single core (and machines set to single core mode) game not working (aka "black screen")
* Fixed radio on left alt button
There are other black screen issues, but we're hammering away on them. Try reducing your resolution, playing in windowed mode, updating drivers, verifying files, and rebooting after a patch / fresh installation. All of these things have "solved" the black screen issue for your fellow players, so they could get into the game while we work on more permanent solutions.
The last note should not be taken as evidence that we're ready to take the controller-only label off the game. It SHOULD be taken as evidence that we are watching you all make the keyboard work in spite of itself, and we want to make the waiting for the real deal a little easier on you.
Note for 9/24/13
* Add a confirm dialog when deleting an existing save
* Fix achievements
Secret note to players: There was supposed to be more. Worked in testing. Did not work on live. Sorry to get your hopes up :/ We decided it was best to go ahead with this useful and oft-requested feature since it was done, even though a one-note patch is slightly embarrassing.
Second secret note written an hour after the first note: Fixing achievements was a matter of flipping a switch. However, there was a discrepancy between our tests and the live build, so we removed the note. Thanks to you, the discrepancy is now resolved and the note is back. There are no other changes, and I took out no other notes.
We wanted to hit some things before the weekend
* Fixed missing dialog
* Fixed leaderboard crashes
* Reduced motion blur
* Fixed waypoint arrows
* Fixed map labels clipping
* Fixed French localization

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