Steve G Stop Smoking (musical_daytime_pop)

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Steve G Stop Smoking (musical_daytime_pop) (Size: 2.98 MB)
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f you want to stop smoking,
Steve G. Jones can make the difference.
He did with me."
- Tom Mankiewicz,
Writer of "Superman the Movie"
(former smoker of 45 years)
How many of these smoking-related problems can you relate to?

Constant coughing

Shortness of Breath

Paying too much for cigarettes

Stinky hair, breath and clothes

Loved ones nagging you to stop smoking
If you can relate to even one of these smoking-related problems, you know what it's like to suffer from smoking. And, these are just the basic problems.
Did you know that these things can also result from smoking?

Loss of limbs due to decreased circulation

Heart attack

Lung Cancer


Birth defects in children of pregnant smokers


Stop Smoking with HYPNOSIS CD or MP3 !

The Science of Smoking Cessation:

Hypnosis has been shown to be effective for smoking cessation. A study conducted by the American Lung Association of Ohio showed positive results from a single hypnotherapy session. Over 2,800 smokers participated in this study. Participants were contacted one month after the hypnotherapy session and asked to report their progress. Over 20% of the participants reported not smoking at all in the month following the hypnotherapy session (Ahijevych, K., et al., 2008).

Ahijevych, K., Yerardl, R., & Nedilsky, N. (2000). Descriptive outcomes of the American Lung Association of Ohio hypnotherapy smoking cessation program. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 48(4), 374-387.

In a study conducted at the San Francisco Veterans Affairs Medical Center, hypnosis was found to be an effective therapy for smoking cessation. The subjects in this study participated in either hypnosis or behavioral counseling in order to quit smoking. The participants were then interviewed six and twelve months after their respective treatments. The study showed that the hypnosis participants experienced a significantly greater success rate than the behavioral counseling participants (Carmody, T., et al., 2007).

Carmody, T. P., Duncan, C., Simon, J. A., Solkowitz, S., Huggins, J., Lee, S., & Delucchi, K. (2008). Hypnosis for smoking cessation: a randomized trial. Nicotine & tobacco research, 10(5), 811-818.

Smoking is a killer:

My own father passed away from smoking. He died of emphysema to be exact. The only difference between him and you is that he didn’t want to stop.

My understanding is that you do want to stop otherwise you would not be reading this page. I commend you on your decision to stop smoking.

Having served on the board of directors for the American Lung Association in Los Angeles I have heard many horror stories from pulmonary physicians about the devastation which smoking causes to not only the lungs but the entire body.

Having spoken to a dentist friend recently, I was reminded of the severe damage which smoking does to the mouth. She informed me that in every case in which she is working with a smoker, they have damage to their mouths.

It is important to note that though damage probably has occurred to your body, much of it is reversible.

The cilia which line the lungs and are responsible for moving foreign objects out of the lungs can become worn and threadbare like a carpet with extensive smoking. However, the cilia actually re-grow.

The same is true for many parts of your body which you have undoubtedly damaged with your smoking habit.

I encourage you to stop smoking as soon as possible and I also know that hypnotherapy is one of the fastest ways to reach your goal of smoking sensation.

In working with clients, at my office, I have seen people who smoke for 40 years or more stop smoking.

I have seen people who didn’t believe they could stop actually stop smoking permanently.

Whatever your situation is in relation to smoking, I know that you can stop smoking permanently. So, I encourage you to use the smoking sensation recording I have produced for 21 nights in a row as you go to sleep and allow it to make the appropriate changes in your life which will allow you to be a non-smoker permanent.

On the recording, I deal with cravings so that you will have a post-hypnotic suggestion which will enable you to deal with cravings. I also use some aversion therapy equating the cigarette with a food that you do not like.

That food will be determined by your subconscious mind so that it will be appropriate for you causing the aversion necessary.

I also use about 8 other methods to cause you to be a permanent non-smoker. Among them are future pacing. This is a NLP technique.

NLP, short for neuro linguistic programming, is a school of thought developed by Richard Bandler and John Grinder and has been used successfully for smoking sensation and many other therapies.

In future pacing, I have you imagine yourself in the future as a non-smoker living the life which you have decided to live free from smoking whether it be cigarettes, pipes, cigars, or even marijuana. Whatever it is which you smoke now, which you do not want to smoke; this recording is designed to reach that goal of being a non-smoker.

It is important to note that you’re smoking certain things and wish to cease smoking them and wish to continue smoking certain other things that is possible using this recording. Your subconscious mind will have the ability to pick and choose what you want to stop smoking and what you want to continue smoking.

For example, if you smoke cigarettes and tobacco from a pipe, you can stop smoking cigarettes yet continue to smoke the pipe tobacco. Additionally, if you want to stop smoking bother the cigarettes and the pipe tobacco you will be able to do so. Both of these options are available with this one recording.

...It's easier than you think !!!

Steve G. Jones, Ed.D., Clinical Hypnotherapist, charges $1,500 for a custom recording and $25,000 for a one-hour private hypnotherapy session at his office. but you can get all the benefits for only this low price! Simply listen to the Stop Smoking with hypnosis recording every night as you go to bed for three weeks and feel the changes happening in your life. You will feel more empowered, more in touch with your true self, and you will truly know that your goals are within your reach.

This is the same Stop Smoking with hypnosis technique he uses with busy professionals, Hollywood actors, and people just like YOU who have tried to stop smoking in the past.

Steve G. Jones is on the Board of Directors of the Los Angeles Chapter of the American Lung Association because he achieves AMAZING and LASTING results! Hypnosis is the easiest way to affect change in your life because the positive messages go straight to your subconscious mind effortlessly so you can accomplish your goals and reach for the stars!! All you have to do is listen to the CD at night as you go to sleep!!! You'll hear soft music, the gentle sounds of the beach, and the soothing sound of Steve G. Jones' voice all working together to bring about positive changes in your life easily and naturally. Steve G. Jones has been helping people improve their lives with Stop Smoking with hypnosis for over 20 it's time for him to help YOU... don't wait, do it NOW !!! you'll be glad you did. See you at the top!

Here's what you can expect from this powerful Smoking Cessation Hypnosis CD or MP3...

Change your life NOW!
You Are Ready to Change

All natural self-hypnosis program.

The Hypnosis Quit Smoking Plan
You may feel like you are divided. Part of you wants to stop smoking but part of you says it just isn’t worth it. Maybe there’s a list of reasons and excuses, it’s too enjoyable, it’s too hard to stop, and you don’t care. Maybe you really want to stop, but every time you try, you can’t stay stopped. Whatever the reason, why not make it as easy as you possibly can, with hypnosis?

Like any drug, the first week of withdrawal is the hardest. Nicotine withdrawal is a hard thing to live with and Steve G. Jones self-hynosis CDs and MP3s can be with you during the process, giving you support every day, encouraging you that you can do it.

You are probably going to feel frustrated and irritated. You are going to want something to do with your hands, having a stress ball to squeeze may help.

Try to gather support from friends and family. Reach out and call them as often as you can, especially during the first month. Listening to the self-hypnosis CD or MP3, consistently, at least once a day for the first 21 days is highly recommended.

One reason people smoke is to get stress relief. Try the Stress Relief CD and the Meditation CD and see how much your life improves. The truth is, in our stressful world, the only time most people stop and take a deep breath is when they are inhaling deeply on a cigarette.

Do you want to stop smoking? Are you ready to stop smoking now? Oh, maybe not now. Monday? After Christmas, New Year’s, Easter? The truth is sometimes we are truly ready. Sometimes we wish we could stop but we’re not ready yet. Even if you are not ready, consider buying and listening to the CD or MP3 now as a way to begin to let your subconscious become willing to get ready. Our brains are complex and often have conflicting desires and emotions. Hypnosis brings those conflicts into synch.

We suggest that you make a list of all the reasons you want to stop smoking. Make a list that is personal to you. You may want to stop and look that list every hour, before the craving hits, because it is very likely that smoking cravings will hit you. Add new reasons every time you think of one. Use your list of reasons as an additional tool to your hypnotherapy CDs.

Your list might be centered on how smoking can be damaging to your health, your looks, and your wallet.

Heart diseases and cancer are the number one and two killers in the U.S. Smoking taxes the heart muscles incredibly. Smokers have three times the likelihood of having a heart attack as non-smokers. The risk of a heart attack drops by 50% one year after quitting. Lung cancer is almost exclusive to smokers (over 90% of lung cancer patients are smokers). All kinds of cancer are now directly linked to smoking including stomach cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, kidney, and pancreas, larynx, and cancer of the mouth. In addition to cancer, emphysema, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder (COPD)

The 2004 Surgeon General's report linked smoking to over fifty diseases and conditions as varied and wide ranging. They spanned the gamut from mildly annoying to deadly. Besides the more well known, back pain, neck pain, penis erectile dysfunction and low sperm count, immune system malfunctions, and hearing loss, were among some of the surprises.

The good news is that every day you stop smoking and stay stopped, the body begins to rebuild. Quitting cold turkey is hard. For some people that’s the best way. They need to pick a date and stick to it. Is it worth it to you to live longer and to stay healthier? How about just to make it through a day without coughing or clearing your throat?

Figure out how much a month of smoking costs you. A lot more than the price of a CD or MP3 to change your life. Then figure out what a year of smoking costs you monetarily.

In the 1940s and 50s, tobacco companies used to tout the virtues of smoking. It was cool the big companies bragged. They even tried to tell you it was healthy for you. We know better now, but science is uncovering more every day. How much of a toll is it taking that we don’t know about yet.

Maybe other things will motivate you to give up smoking. Because giving up smoking takes commitment and hypnosis will help but you have to know what your prime reasons are. Ask yourself how much older does my skin look because of your smoking? Does this inconvenience anyone I love? Will food and drink taste better if I stopped? Will my breath, hair and clothes smell better, will anyone notice that? What about the time it takes that you could be doing something else?

How will it feel to have had hypnotherapy help you no longer craving or be distracted by wanting cigarettes when you are not smoking or not able to smoke? What will it be like on long train rides, airplanes, or busses? What will it be like not to have to get up and go out of a restaurant to smoke? Will that matter to you?

Once you educate yourself on reasons to stop smoking, you’ve talked to your intellectual rational brain. But that’s not the part that’s craving the cigarette. So hypnosis will give you positive replacement suggestions to add the desire to stop smoking deep into your mind when you are open to having new patterns become a new way of life.

ORDER NOW and begin your NEW LIFE TODAY!!!

Power Your Mind with hypnosis to finally give up, quit and stop smoking
Compare the features of the GOLD and PLATINUM recordings at a quick glance >>
Compare the features of the GOLD and PLATINUM recordings at a quick glance >>
Buy GOLD Edition - the original Power Your Mind with hypnosis to Stop Smoking - quit for good smoking cessation Hypnotherapy CD by Steve G. Jones
Buy PLATINUM Edition - the re-recorded state-of-the-art Power Your Mind with hypnosis to Stop Smoking - quit for good smoking cessation Hypnotherapy CD by Steve G. Jones

Buy GOLD Edition - the original Power Your Mind with hypnosis to Stop Smoking - quit for good smoking cessation Hypnotherapy MP3 by Steve G. Jones
Buy PLATINUM Edition - the re-recorded state-of-the-art Power Your Mind with hypnosis to Stop Smoking - quit for good smoking cessation Hypnotherapy MP3 by Steve G. Jones

Take back the control and begin your lifetime of FREEDOM!
When you listen to this Stop Smoking hypnosis CD or Stop Smoking hypnosis MP3 your mind will very quickly get used to the idea that you don't smoke, and as the title says, you will free yourself from the smoking habit and remain a non smoker forever. This Stop Smoking hypnotherapy CD or Stop Smoking hypnotherapy MP3 also includes positive suggestions to prevent you starting any other negative patterns in place of the smoking habit you leave in the past. In fact when you stop smoking you will feel ever more determined to keep fit and remain healthy.
As a smoking cessation aid, hypnosis has one very important benefit that other quit smoking tools aren't able to offer. Because it uses the power of positive suggestion to help you stop smoking, it actually has the ability to help you develop and strengthen your will and determination to succeed.
Quitting smoking should not be difficult or unpleasant. Granted nicotine is a difficult substance to go without when giving up smoking, but after a few days it is out of your system and most smokers agree that quitting smoking for a few days is difficult but very achievable.
So that's it! A tricky few days and then a lifetime of freedom. So why hasn't it been that easy previously? Simple - you didn't deal with the psychological addiction of smoking. In fact, you probably put cigarettes up on some kind of a pedestal.
If you think that stopping smoking is depriving you of something, then it is just a matter of time until you start again.Using my Hypnotherapy Stop Smoking Cd or MP3 is ideal for this. Using hypnosis, you can deal with all of the emotional and psychological aspects of giving up smoking.
MYTH #1: I will gain weight.
Actually, many people who have used My Stop Smoking hypnosis CD or Stop Smoking Hypnosis MP3 to become non-smokers end up reducing their weight! In my experience, the people afraid of gaining weight are those who gain the weight. You see, here is the predicament that most smokers often find themselves in who have tried to quit "cold turkey" (i.e., without any help or preparation): it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. They hear repeatedly from others who have tried the cold turkey method that quitting smoking causes weight gain. So when they stop smoking their fear of weight gain causes them to continue skipping meals like a smoker or they substitute junkfood for cigarettes.
The hitch is this: skipping meals or eating fatty junk foods with too many refined carbohydrates in products made from white

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Steve G Stop Smoking (musical_daytime_pop)