Steve G Zodiac Pisces

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Added on November 2, 2013 by LadyFaein Music > Mp3
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The constellation you were born under has a lot to do with your personality. You might be interested in learning more about your zodiac sign because it can explain why you are the way you are. I encourage you to learn more about your zodiacal sign and learn how you can reach your true potential by using strengths.

Here is a sample of the script used in this recording:


And as you continue relaxing deeper, deeper, and more deeply relaxed, you realize just how powerful you are Pisces. You realize that you must show your individuality. You must stand up for yourself. Certainly you are a philanthropist. You want to help mankind, humankind, to give to the world. However, at the same time it is also possible to help yourself, to take care of yourself, to put yourself first. That way once you have helped yourself, you are better prepared to do what you want to do which is help other people. I want you to focus on being self reliant. You realize that you are most happy when you are self reliant, when you are able to take care of yourself. Also, let go of worry. Let go of overanalyzing situations. I understand that your Pisces mind is very analytical, looking at things from every angle. However, there comes a point when you can let go of analysis and just relax, that’s right. So from now on rather than overanalyzing situations, you simply come up with a proper analysis and that’s good enough. So at night, rather than having all those thoughts flowing through your head, you are relaxed, your mind is clear and you are able to sleep peacefully. I also want you to start utilizing your need for serving people, in a creative manner. In other words, I understand that you have a desire and a need to serve others. However, this should be done in a creative manner, this is how you will be most happy by serving people in a creative way because you are a very creative person Pisces. Your planetary significator is Neptune which rules the feet. Take care of your feet. You are reserved and mild mannered, I understand this and that’s okay. It’s okay to be who you are. This has no relevance to how powerful you are, the fact that you might be reserved and mild mannered. You are still a very powerful person. Trust your feelings, you are perhaps the most intuitive of all the zodiacal signs Pisces. Trust your feelings. You get impressions about people and situations. Trust those feelings Pisces. You are very intuitive therefore you must trust your first impressions about people. Whereas other might make a mistake by going with their first impressions, you are so intuitive that your first impressions are usually correct so trust them and go with them. Pisces I understand that you are a dreamer. of all the zodiacal signs, you are probably the most prone to dream. Einstein was a Pisces. I want you to make your dreams concrete Pisces. Take what you dream of and bring it into reality, whether it’s a building, a play you’re writing, a movie you’re writing, a book, a painting, a life that you are redesigning for yourself. Whatever it may be Pisces, take the things that you dream and make them concrete. Follow Einstein’s example, he had wonderful ideas, yet he wrote them down and shared them with others. He made them concrete. You are a very creative person Pisces. You are the power behind the throne. Rather than enjoying ruling directly, you enjoy being behind the scenes and that’s fine. You realize that you can do very well in film, tv, or the healing arts. Perhaps you want to be a doctor, a nurse, a therapist. Whatever it is that you want to do, realize that in the healing arts, you can do it easily. Perhaps you want to be an actor. You can do this easily as well because where TV and film are involved and you are in front of the camera, you do very well. Pisces, I want you to realize that being alone is not the same as being lonely. It is okay to have time alone when you are away from the world just dreaming up your beautiful, grand dreams, alone in silence and that’s okay. And you realize when you come back to the world and join us, you can make that dream concrete, but you must have your time alone without feeling lonely because your time alone is the time during which you gather your strength. Pisces if you are not near the water, I want to encourage you to somehow be near the water, whether it’s taking longer baths or getting a hot tub or building a pool or moving near the ocean, I want you to involve yourself more often and more directly with the water. You are associated with the fish, the double fish in fact. So you may have two distinct ways of thinking about things and that fine, but keep in mind that the fish needs to be in the water at least occasionally in order to feel complete, in order to feel whole again and recharged. So I want you to seek opportunities to be in and near the water. Now Pisces as you continue relaxing deeper, deeper and more deeply relaxed, I want you to imagine yourself as a fish, that’s right. And imagine that you are in the water on one side of a lake. And this side of the lake is a very sad side of the lake. Everything that happens here is somewhat sad. Your desire is to go to the other side of the lake where things are happy, vital, exciting, wonderful and all the other fish over there are living their lives to their fullest potential. Now Pisces, listen carefully, in order to get to the other side of the lake, to reach your true potential, to be the person that you understand you are capable of being, you must overcome the negative tendencies, the forces of failure and defeat within you. And Pisces, these tendencies are now being personified by certain elements in the lake for example very murky waters are in that lake. The water is swirling around so as to throw you off balance somewhat if you are not careful. And there are also fish in the lake and fisherman above the lake, but now Pisces using my voice to guide you, you are going to swim across that lake because that journey is exactly what you have been putting off your entire life. And once you have made that journey, that journey into confidence, self-esteem, being your true Pisces self, once you have made that journey successfully, which you will, you will realize that you can do anything. So now Pisces, begin swimming, that’s right. And notice that though the current works against you sometimes you are able to easily learn its ways and navigate with it, through it, and against it at times in order to get across the lake and though your path isn’t always straight overall you’re moving across the lake. There, up ahead, a fisherman’s hook with bait on it, you avoid that. You know better. You know better Pisces. And there over there is another one, another hook with bait on it just dangling. Look at it and laugh. Pisces, certainly in the past hooks with bait on them have drawn your attention. You have been side tracked by things, we all have. All humans, even those, especially those who are fish like have been drawn by bait, but now you know better. Swim past it, move on, continue moving toward the other shore. You are certain of your course because the closer you get to the other shore, the brighter things become, the more clear your thinking is. You are still creative but you are more in tune with your feelings, your thoughts. Up ahead a few feet in front of you is murky, push through it Pisces, push through the murkiness. You’ve been through this before. You’ve been through rough times, I know this. Go straight through it this time, straight through. Trust the direction in which you know you are headed. When you have entered the murkiness, you are headed toward the other shore. Keep moving in that direction, as you go through the murky cloudiness, that’s right. Now notice it is clearing up. Notice how easy that was when you believed in yourself Pisces. You believed intuitively in your internal navigation system, this is very important so listen carefully. You have an internal navigation system. Rather than depending on others for their advice, what they think of a situation, how they judge things, you use your intuition because Pisces, your intuition is better than anyone else’s because it is Piscean. You are naturally intuitive. Now you continue moving forward. Notice a boat has capsized in the past and it now acts as a barrier reef, potentially blocking you from the other side, it is in front of you. What to do? Here is what I want you to do Pisces. Each time you listen to this recording, choose a new way to get around it, under it, over it, or through it. Perhaps you will jump up out of the water and go over it. Perhaps you will just go around it. Maybe, with your tail, you will fan the sand underneath it, making a tunnel. Maybe you will get right up against it and use your swimming power and move it, believing in yourself you will move it, perhaps. The choice is yours Pisces. But each time you listen to this recording, choose a new way to get to the other side of that wreck. Certainly as a Pisces you’ve seen your share of what we can call shipwrecks. And even in a lake, even a small ship can seem like a huge obstacle. But from now on Pisces, you find a way to get to the other side, no excuses Pisces, you find a way. You make it happen, you persist, swim on now. Look how beautiful it is. You are now arriving on the other side of the lake. The sun is shining, other fish are swimming. Other animals of all sorts are on the shore. This is a happy event Pisces, a wonderful, happy event. Congratulations, you are powerful. Feel how good it feels to be powerful. Realize that if there are other fish or creatures on the other side of the lake which you want to help, you can show them the way or you can lead by example, sending word to them letting them know you made it, letting them know that they can make it in their own way. But because you made it, you can act as a powerful influence to help others. So relax Pisces and realize that you are wonderful and everything is going to be just fine.

Other information on Reach your True Pisces Potential Hypnosis CD/MP3:

Pisces, you were born between February 20-March 20. Being born between these dates means you were brought into this world with certain characteristics. Many of these characteristics have probably not yet been realized to there full potential. With this powerful self-hypnosis program, you can now reach your true potential. Here are a few examples of traits of the Pisces individual:

Good natured
Pisces, you want to feel appreciated. You enjoy freedom and stability in your life. This hypnosis program will help you realize your true potential. Ideal careers include medicine, religion, cooking, and acting.

You are sensitive, compassionate, intuitive, and sympathetic. This hypnosis recording will help you reach your true potential, Pisces. You will be able to get the most out of being a Pisces. This program will also help you diminish the negative aspects of your sign which include: being idealistic, secretive, and weak-willed. You can and will reach your full potential with this program.

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Steve G Zodiac Pisces

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Fast download! Thanks for sharing!