Fix for farmers not replanting after harvesting.Fix for full storage containers not being reconsidered when an item is taken out, which means the containers are never refilled after item is taken out.Get rid of free-standing columns when in xray mode.Fix bug where furniture could not be placed on upper levels of in-progress buildings.Fix hitching when starting and stopping the follow path mover consecutively. Also enable path visualization when chasing entities.Fix for a edge case where crop's harvestable flag was off from growing component's growth stage, making the crop appear harvestable but it actually was not.Prevent pathfinder renderer from generating a lot of garbage every time it updates the path. Fixes a huge memory leak when debug paths are turned on.Fix wait encounters (e.g. crypt spawn necromancer) being triggered again in a loaded game.Backwards compatibility for wall roofs.Roofs walls now do not fill holes in floors.Destroy orphaned bait traps.Fix get_contiguous_regions bug.Speed up camp placement by 10x.Fix inventory-related save/load issues.Improved logging for AI issues.Added resource counts to template screen and building summary screen.