Year: 2012
Genre : Strategy (Turn-based / Grand strategy), 3D
Developer / Publisher : Kerberos Productions / Paradox Interactive
Platform: PC
Version : 2.0.25092.5
Publication Type : Steam-Rip
Language: Russian , German, English , French
Language: English
Medicine: Present (SKIDROW)
System requirements :
> OS : Windows Vista / 7
> Processor : Core2 Duo or equivalent
> Memory: 2 Gb
> Video: 512 Mb VRAM / c support for DirectX 10
> Hard Drive: 10 Gb free space
> Sound card: compatible with any DirectX9.0c
Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition - a turn-based strategy of the studio Kerberos Productions. In Sword of the Stars 2 players collect space fleets , conquer star systems , are engaged in research and control of alien technology galactic empire. Enhanced Edition includes a variety of downloadable materials , Sword of the Stars II: The Lords of Winter and the addition of End of Flesh, the game adds a new faction , Loa. In addition , Enhanced Edition brings the game tree cybernetic technology , 10 guns and attacks, as well as new spaceships and star maps .
• version of the game
• additional content
- The liir & morrigi race pack
- Hiver & tarka race pack
- Zuul horde pack
- Human race pack
- soundtrack
gathered @ nonymous
1. run setup.exe and install the game
2 . Copy the contents of the folder Crack in a folder with a game , followed by the replacement of the original files
Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition ver 2.0.25092.5
- Bugfixes
Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition ver 2.0.25092.4
Critical Fixes
- Fixed fleet transfer CTD while in the mission select mode
- Fixed end combat CTD due to Suul'ka leaving player control
- Fixed end turn CTD
- Unused industrial output will now generate a revenue
Other Fixes
- Fixed wrong ETA display for reaction movements
- Fixed ETA not considering node lines
- Fixed 0 cost level 2 Hiver naval station
- Fixed morale clamping order issue
- Fixed applying morale losses for cruiser sized flag ships
- Fixed AI getting stuck in "Conquer" mode when no one around
- Fixed AI declaring war each turn
- Ensured AI has a default delay before activating a Node Maw
- Fixed node maw (and Loa accelerator gate) time delays for player
- Fixed reaction movement to be tested when target is within the player's sensor instead of just the reaction fleet's sensor
- Fixed heavy beam modules available on Morrigi dreadnoughts without tech being researched
- Improved Loa advancement AI
- Fixed Loa AI attacking with just cubes
- Fixed spawning fleets in odd locations in enemy systems that do not contain colonies
NOTE: station structure has increased so it may appear the stations are missing health.
Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition ver 2.0.25003.9
Critical Fixes
- FIxed end turn CTD from Suulka getting destroyed by encounter
- Fixed node line end turn CTD
- Fixed destroyed node line end turn CTD
- Fixed CTD when trying to build a bore ship for a fleet already on a mission
- Optimized LOA pathing to reduce turntimes
- Fixed lag entering empire manager
Other Fixes
- Fixed government actions stacking when changing tax rate
- Fixed missing Loa combat
- Fixed AI not filling fleets with ships from reserve
- Improve AI to prevent them from going into debt
- Fixed Loa not redesigning ships with remaining loa cubes
- Fixed modules not loading weapon battle riders (eg: boarding pods)
- Fixed Loa and Zuul AI slow boating
- Fixed paramilitary training
- Fixed Zuul devourer node speed
- Fixed missing event images
- Fix plagues not killing civilians
- Spawn Swarm Queen in asteroid belt closest to entry point, then spawn at regular desired location the next turn
- Fixed relocate mission not cancelling if the target system becomes unable to support incoming fleet(s) during transit
- AI now selects the best fleet for combat, as opposed to just picking the fleet with the most health

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