nERvTAKEN (c) Math Nerd Productions, LLC07/2015: RELEASE.DATE .. PROTECTION: Steam1: DISC(S) .. GAME.TYPE: Action, CasualIndieAbout This Game TAKEN is a suspenseful, horror survival game where you findyourself trapped in a mysterious hedge maze that changes shape, size, andcomplexity every time you play. Not only must you find your way out, youmust do it without being detected. Find the key and get the heck out ofthere! Lucy, the zombie orphan, has eaten all who dared enter the mazebefore youTAKEN provides a challenge for your mind along with the thrill of thedanger that waits around every cornerKey Features* A new maze is generated EVERY time you play* Three themed worlds to choose from: Thicket, Blizzard, and Giza* Three difficulty levels: Normal, Hard, and Brutal* Six original background tracks1. Unrar2. Burn or mount the image3. Install the game4. Copy over the cracked content from the /Crack directory on the image toyour game install directory5. Play the game6. Support the software developers. If you like this game, BUY IT!