The Amazing Spider-Man - Issue 630

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Added on May 14, 2010 by in Books > Comics
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The Amazing Spider-Man - Issue 630 (Size: 22.21 MB)
 The Amazing Spider-Man 630.cbr22.21 MB


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An Edit Release, due credit to the Original Scanners.
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[0-2[ - Eye-Melting Goodness
[2-4[ - Awful Piece of (...)
[4-6[ - Bad, J-Just...Bad...
[6-7[ - Read-able, as in 'Meh'
[7-7.5[ - Fair..I guess..
[7.5-8[ - Entertaining
[8-8.5[ - Good Stuff.
[8.5-9[ - Very Good Stuff!
[9-9.5[ - Extraordinary! (Stuff)
[9.5-10[ - Epic! (Stuff)
[10] - O.M.G!!(O.O)

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'If you've got the time to download, you've got the time to say Thanks!'

Rating: Reviewing

Publisher: Marvel Worldwide
Published: July 2010
Written by: Zeb Wells
Art By: Chris Bachalo
Covers by: Chris Bachalo/Joe Quinones

'Half-Man, Half-Reptile', the Lizard will take over all of Earth unless Spider-Man alone can stop him!' With these words, Dr. Curt Connors, the man who would be The Lizard, ushered a new kind of villainy into Spider-Man's life. Now a widower with a son in foster care, and working at the bottom of the pharmaceutical industry, Connors is a broken, shell of a man; how long will it be before a Lizard breaks that shell?! How will it affect Peter Parker's date with Carlie Cooper?! How is THE BLACK CAT involved?

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22.21 MB
The Amazing Spider-Man - Issue 630