The Arrivals
This Series Explores the Revelations in World Religions Regarding the Arrivals
of the Antichrist Dajjal, Imam Al-Mahdi, and The Second Coming of The Christ. A
Work Inspired by Hashemsfilms and of Course the Words of the Noble Qoran, The
Holy Bible, and The Torah, The Arrivals is a Joint Production by truthseekers
Noreagaaa, Mani Shah and Achernahr.
One God, One Original Msg. and that is the ultimate truth. a truth that does not
benefit those in power.
We expect to be attacked with discrediting campaigns from various parties who
are not in favor of The Arrivals or the Divine Book gaining such a wide
audience. We believe that the genuine viewers understood what our films
represented, & will be able to see through the lies, propaganda, & personal
attacks, to focus on the positive and uniting msg we worked hard to deliver.
If I have shed any light, or exposed any meaningful truth that has helped
improve this world in any way, then all the credit is due to Allah(God) the
absolute Creator, and only the mistakes have been mine.
The Arrivals Reloaded TV Version
The WUP has teamed up with the ARY Digital Network and Mani Shah media
entertainment to bring you the phenomenal TV Version of The Arrivals. The
Arrivals Reloaded will feature new information, interviews, original scores,
animation, and professional production while sticking to the spirit of the
online version you've all seen.
Type.................: Movie
More Info............: http://www.wakeupproject.com
Burn Tested..........: Yes
Video Format.........: DVD 5
Video Bitrate........: 192
Resolution...........: 720 x 576
Source...............: DVD 16x9
Original Format......: PAL
Genre................: Documentary
IMDb Rating..........: 10+
Post Information
Posted by............: Mani Shah (http://www.manishah.co.nr)
Posted on............: 7/28/2010

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