Added on September 18, 2010 by in Movies Torrent verified.
(aka The Barbarians, aka The Barbarian Brothers)
AUDIO: Italian

.: Movie Info :.
Titolo originale: The Barbarians & Co.
Nation: ITALY / USA
Year: 1987
Genre: Fantasy | Adventure
Director: Ruggero Deodato
Cast: David Paul, Peter Paul, Richard Lynch, Eva LaRue
Runtime: 87 min.
.: Trama :.
In un medioevo magico ed irreale, due gemelli erculei e la sorella, vergine guerriera, lottano contro un drago per impossessarsi di un rubino: il gioiello è indispensabile per liberare il loro popolo da un maleficio...
[ENG] The young orphans Kutchek and Gore have been adopted by a tribe of clowns, jugglers, and entertainers. The tribe is led by the queen Canary and its wealth stems from her magical belly stone. The evil ruler Kadar desires Canary and her stone, and attacks her clan's caravan to gain possession of them. Before the clan's defeat one of the clansmen sneak away to hide the stone...
.: Screenshots :.

.: Report Avinaptic :.
[ Info sul file ]
Nome: The Barbarians & Co.avi
Data: 6/09/2010 21:31:03
Dimensione: 769,462,272 bytes (733.816 MB)
[ Info generiche ]
Durata: 01:23:42 (5022 s)
Tipo di contenitore: AVI OpenDML
Streams totali: 2
Tipo stream n. 0: video
Tipo stream n. 1: audio
Audio streams: 1
ISFT: VirtualDubMod (build 2117/release)
JUNK: VirtualDubMod build 2117/release
[ Dati rilevanti ]
Risoluzione: ALTA (592 x 400)
Larghezza: multipla di 16 (BENE)
Altezza: multipla di 16 (BENE)
[ Traccia video ]
FourCC: divx/DX50
Risoluzione: 592 x 400
Frame aspect ratio: 37:25 = 1.48
Pixel aspect ratio: 1:1 = 1
Display aspect ratio: 37:25 = 1.48
Framerate: 25 fps
Frames totali: 125550
Stream size: 683,010,677 bytes
Bitrate: 1088.029752 kbps
Qf: 0.183788
Key frames: 2941 (0; 300; 600; 853; 1153; ... 125470)
Null frames: 0
Min key int: 1
Max key int: 300
Key int medio: 42.689561
Ritardo: 0 ms
[ Traccia audio ]
Audio tag: 0x55 (MP3)
Bitrate (contenitore): 128 kbps CBR
Canali (contenitore): 2
Frequenza (contenitore): 48000 Hz
Chunks: 125538
Stream size: 80,352,000 bytes
Preload: 504 ms
Max A/V diff: 520 ms
Tipo: MPEG-1 Layer III
Encoder: LAME3.95
Chunk-aligned: Sì
Emphasis: none
Mode: joint stereo
Ritardo: 0 ms
[ Info sulla codifica MPEG4 ]
User data: DivX503b1338
QPel: No
Interlaced: No
Aspect ratio: Square pixels
Quant type: H.263
[ Profile compliancy ]
Profilo da testare: MTK PAL 6000
Risoluzione: Ok
Framerate: Ok
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