The Battery Pro v2.12 by -=OzYrIs=-.apkseeders: 2
leechers: 0
The Battery Pro v2.12 by -=OzYrIs=-.apk (Size: 6.37 MB)
DescriptionThe Battery Pro ![]() Fully customizable widgets HD quality and stylish battery indicator for your android device!! Description: STATISTICS - get detailed information about battery, life/temperature/voltage for day/week/month , next charge prediction, average charge time for 1% , and much more information!! Application is optimized and uses very little battery, test with other application to check battery use in background. Features: - battery level indicator in notification bar with battery life and charge estimate, power source status - home screen widgets (1x1) HD quality (tablets supported) - displays level or temperature with level - widget (1x2) displaying estimates and battery level - widget 1x4 with battery level, life and charge remaining also displaying system toggles status - change orientation, frames, liquid, liquid color, opacity, orientation, background transparency - battery information - battery level graph (levels for last 15 changes) - system togglers (wifi, bluetooth, gps, data syncronization, data traffic, device orientation, airplane mode, brightness, sound) - custom brightness level (set your own values for toggle) - motorola 10% fix (use only on motorola devices if you have wrong battery level displayed) - android 4.2 JELLY BEAN FEATURE, ability to add all widgets to lock screen Whats new in the version: - PROCESSES - manage android processes , control your battery. Root mode(activate in settings) kill all processes. - STATISTICS - get detailed statistics about battery, day , week , month, temperature, voltage, life. Get estimations when is next charge - AM/PM - 24:00h mode - Root mode Screenshots: Sharing Widget |